up ti -1 - Weeblymckennad.weebly.com/uploads/2/0/6/0/20601652/_critical... · 2019. 9. 4. · Tc:1 5 --reurt ton -re 13,,41-tes old. -CI ames avj Zaj, wba 112.5 beryrne 1.deaRks-dirmA-3V1 - [PDF Document] (2024)

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Anchor Paper — Question 28 — Level 5 — A

In all as ?ects cf 1:ce ) one. rrtlkSt Vat.e. A5ect),,,e0. e,es W-t-tovi3CA

fi, o !As, — we. ya.. p'(‘C.,e,.-c.cy- c✓e.).-4 r, tvt.3

jer 02-4,- take. In 4-ii;s coo-rid 64-ate vierif 5L-(35estS 0 YteiS

aoJ. act;o b is altAraz.j.5 Lt d Je -resuits that Cart tOVY4. kaGic anJ aCced- flue

oate-PWie ef cogs ItTe, 11,14,s 6te3 is Supparie‘l in lke 1:terarj Werrrs 'Them.

NiarvtsaLe the 0_116;0_4s -akid -act o

aLkseJ .-11, ► evy, 3reat pain

piloritlornerd's wards tan i -603 -En4 t to F. &-ott Fitz e+raU, I

re .t la±s ) Sto-ri of avylasAl.s Lurfa ■ ((lo (eve_ -G-r- -a uarvian,

a.-h 6j a letJ DaiSi .- ‘,Lc-ii.avta.14 as IbLX.Ir'S Yee_o ()act a:4er Lo kat

Geyvls a ii.feb'yyte. Tc:1 ► 5 --reurt ton -re 13,,41 -tes old. -CI ames avj Zaj , wba 112.5

beryrne 1.deaRks-dirmA-3V1 l I e_yA -.means ) wins Da back ) des pfte.

Stele has tI ✓i to ' t Sr) c:te.ti j d ► v,1cs -thzt II.15kA u i i I

e-a‘ie It i-fe stile but 11e Is wrole15• uses C.A.larecter . tzr..4611

.t3D sliow ko,.0 D1:si 'is o 6 s c,2,_ssej uj Social sfatus weat-M.) -1-wo

thr_es -that are Orei rkip altatelt fltael 10 ve, EAJarclf (less)

lle_-r -6) clioose o✓e-r euenktalb fetes daims bps

Net- 10,13 af-te-r Da"isj CAooses ke2-r k (0 0/ 0 ve-r. Cats

6latS 17d s1,24.tdeaJ, )+e-r Cato tc and, 41,ie Ind orz 6.2.-fs 6,3)

`{lei acb-r e. e eineole:alat 81/4)e_r_l de..Ls( o v1 t -ias Lts cet4S'ecbueoCeS, DZ)._;s

loses slete lo ✓es a rccestIlt ± t,L3i ( sae) yveske. Ske_

nipa-s a pace, status avtA wet 1 F4 ) W4cre t6.vx Sane deserved,:

-bneve.. is also presevft Namesak.€ -3TA L.t,„i pa LakIt AN_

tc- 11 tells jcAvcnej CST an G3ot itV:Y-t3

PtiArr:c-a, LA-) itin -Paw: tj , )-KS 30wevNe.:i -cA\eA citscArtyvitAatio..yi

rava iso e_aust ► .ci c) ,,,c)i -ft) be_ s.s kerhci

ittaksite,his zft per c,L1-1-Lt.tre LolikTe. en up ti -1 sPlyyleircca,, uNIA.er

"61eSe Co rulc\- ■.• vIS -1/4"1-C t s Se-k-A- % +f-t SA-1603S LAYICA3yricev-tab (e

Comp. Eng. Rating Guide — Aug. '11


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Anchor Paper - Question 28 - Level 5 - A

arOceLls as t'f rc doesnvi - cs Oo b3 )

In) Lus avtA A-A-Is-k-ati\A- 40 ,,, lS -Cam y2J__ is

ciirly)c...-froats , TCILts ry ► ES as a --Eerri_ 6(e S(Ax- pri:Se. (A))-1En

out- iS •-Ca+tner 4s a -ires(A.(t ) (10,01

foVfloeitl erC 11.1-S Carvit at-IJ CU- 1 he

Loho lovert 11 I ;111 ct-ea l 2,v( will -tieve-y- 19 e✓ 2,6te,

40 flYCVY7 a Lre.tabonship , Locbn 4ciele

and -recyre_± -4-,c wt.shea In e knact aprectate-J,

Loti,rt.4 ) oyle_ vyLLAst 4d4E -resLifts of 6felet'r cilio (cies

ac*( -Tiqese errv...& ∎() how 1.06t1A Dals\-1

aDc.30 tine pr(c._ . ' 4; 'r r 4. 4, , 10St ✓13

,501neief)ne, -ate...3 Lotna_t ijiLe_ want 'crow(

-Hie weld. is ,S()ould be_ a_ -revy,' un deir acs cowese cf 1,2F, is atwais ) so -*tele. Pew p Ie._ anA '61

`(1,31 au r li ves mutt be. a. preLtate.J

(s -LL-D (ate,

Comp. Eng. Rating Guide — Aug. '11


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Anchor Paper - Question 28 - Level 5 - B

L • M. Morytcrev.(n 6'ca Ct , rat/ ot__. 0/1 <e Ppr ,t,,ut-evgh ,

"C. 4ckvi2._ -1'tnis vsiCv- Lot- I S nicaos cv1t DA-e- cc.c;h>xJ-

\iNctut uNISe9vtivte_e<5 , cuAd cE rx,ur atior,,s (rum.) r-pn

"Nis -M.1.1_ --1-WellY1.14/14 - I/az foeivt prrAicfri .-thrdzikrut or,s-af-14.fre (frI

locos Scc-bvCef Lt ,c-1?-2 curt,ct a Ace- akir.1 ktem .

lyt Sfetr(ef- 6,044; 4sy kaillemakt,( F1 41 orvic . a y 614441 ~WA

Yrtfil/tec t t- au, cc fervtiva .G6546,e444_ada./ TR.& cf

-la/UN piaci, ut a i 14:6-1/1 CO$1,2M-C-14,71, ,'ta( •friefitvzi- pu;/-(/71,14,e, t/rf- 1-4)

cv.eet,v- ot ,s-cow le it- k-t/(4, FiA r k-er ?- Mu/tAJ hictivtiJ Mloi cc

4244(1._ 'face- frt Pcke; feco cfrvomumir7 t4/1/ttot iapc90._ haeLe /14e

owe 6',weic-cf, "ivy a, ow-e-( pcw;Lr-tivvv-ii/r are aNt &cfr -iv 17-4-e

dect, 114ut- cvinn4 ,favidAl (A/V2M7 otcm•ty. ej wicuce7

u411 t/P--e /),ft,pn,finl- 4, u ,zwydketia"..-ef fka,74

S'Inz 14/k4V-ey 4k-L ri (--e- '144- #192)►7. a cfi?)]/L

rnk irAct/r, Pu4/111,(xJ A- Cc- otlf6 Iced(Ar f v fi fvk 7244

fi or- , 6,4 ra,viirkiktAL-ertt-,N44,,,,v A.i;s ric-e ; 14,

a diial--(A-60"-- Avy,,,nzjc(ay_e rJ ,o(4,11/-w Oieta.p. 111 vicalTy

1ln ft a 1 f - ,ceeir. .ffe feeis xe) faw,

pfrt,yikthri-‘iwr- da-", Pe-aoteriyf alh-e . Cc 11--( /nce-ril.f anOttr

(J-e a-e-tct VpLe Jan n't,t02a-(17 70 'QS

1/V7CW(1 aiAd kirMi AA-Ctay becaCti-e of- if,t ; r 1 shavcr Mt/

do pvy pri ce (ea-cc act/fIcivi•f /14e/ tAiineet c/EA 4/ (Cc_ /t/t_

ivazt_ niourGL yrproi-LeJditCr oltoc ✓zc rklaki`cy pay fA.IJ ,f((-1-,J; tar

f14-fil-f--- a-1(4 ke veer-Fe kca4.4-e, , Ce J cticu caetc_

KriA) S2-41 IA-o- petfie dC 711"-e LVAlketk `o NT-x--uPil^ ‘o.


)9Dt' 17.4c,-1J- 446C f- /retied kW/irk /WI q ti cc Ael aktd

by 2L4.e; licol Lurie. 71/14—S 1S f-vkA $ gecic avia tt,6

Comp. Eng. Rating Guide — Aug. '11


up ti -1 - Weeblymckennad.weebly.com/uploads/2/0/6/0/20601652/_critical...· 2019. 9. 4.· Tc:1 5 --reurt ton -re 13,,41-tes old. -CI ames avj Zaj, wba 112.5 beryrne 1.deaRks-dirmA-3V1 - [PDF Document] (4)

Anchor Paper - Question 28 - Level 5 - B


bi/v► ke.r r dice-awl tvf-owo

acilen /3" hAteget j iteriroice), 4r,44 Ger/ ,s w6v) .k(e(4-

care 69i GL frkt A4.4f f& 11,1,0 opt-f- o f rIveu-gt-- tatw' 6-417r y

wa4,494, et 11444 let Out 14.411A ete-e4;c11,0 6aiy 4x/-/

t-t/y1( hal?, Z9-64ei-f u/kfio cce4-7 7cl-g) 6,1w, P/te 11047

kiiet )fact darl dileteilV70-1 ( tfrtze.4/v WeLi

'tcu. vc c "AY -1-ati7A.Po7 Ift 17/,1 ic(ceity Slc caUreekvflic)1 At‘te/ty

OIRA7 7C-Le be-411- 1 1/114 a 1-f-,e pea 11(6,2e7t,

attl Effie_e_is z„ifccIA44,1. so clod- fi) a:Vat/it M(r.- eirmed/r.

a if:14_0A 0)-7,

f ett/e4- -Cet

fric-f POY 7 -14/71 Of 0,1 *4

/74 i \.r a ayt l,U 2 mali_c heti,

t,ata apt..ft Y cam` ett/td it OJ

17t4.-e- CeNci-el(e,cfr, <AI


prficAltiakt at cr ezefi

(A/e (apmet,ercalic


up ti -1 - Weeblymckennad.weebly.com/uploads/2/0/6/0/20601652/_critical...· 2019. 9. 4.· Tc:1 5 --reurt ton -re 13,,41-tes old. -CI ames avj Zaj, wba 112.5 beryrne 1.deaRks-dirmA-3V1 - [PDF Document] (5)

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IA 01 ■I N:6 \A f° • 0 r

a 11 0



Anchor Paper - Question 28 - Level 5 - B

V\f/ It t • IL A

A A as, •

[40] Comp. Eng. — June '11

( !•1

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up ti -1 - Weeblymckennad.weebly.com/uploads/2/0/6/0/20601652/_critical...· 2019. 9. 4.· Tc:1 5 --reurt ton -re 13,,41-tes old. -CI ames avj Zaj, wba 112.5 beryrne 1.deaRks-dirmA-3V1 - [PDF Document] (6)

LA CY' vl\r) d\Npf

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Anchor Paper — Question 28 — Level 5 — B


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Comp. Eng. — June '11 [4 1]

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Anchor Paper — Question 28 — Level 5 — B



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Comp. Eng. — June '11

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up ti -1 - Weeblymckennad.weebly.com/uploads/2/0/6/0/20601652/_critical...· 2019. 9. 4.· Tc:1 5 --reurt ton -re 13,,41-tes old. -CI ames avj Zaj, wba 112.5 beryrne 1.deaRks-dirmA-3V1 - [PDF Document] (8)



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Anchor Paper — Question 28 — Level 5 — B

4:515*- aa. • ‘r-rn 5 c ar-e,

a 06\ 1∎ • f of 0 C alMIERI larIMINIEL e


Anchor Level 5 — B Quality Commentary

The response: Meaning Provides a thoughtful interpretation of the critical lens by explaining how if conditions ... had been

different, then the outcomes faced by the individuals could've changed. The response uses the criteria to make a clear and reasoned analysis of The Crucible and Fahrenheit 451 (people like Montag and Proctor find themselves at the mercy of a law system and Neither of them chose to be born into 1600's America or a future where reading is forbidden).

Development Develops ideas clearly and consistently, with reference to relevant and specific evidence from both texts through a discussion of setting (the fictional future of "Fahrenheit 451" and the former's 1600's society of religious zealots), symbolism (any non-conformists they symbolize), and conflict (are up against another man, a society, or an entirely different force) to illustrate how people cannot avoid being steered in a certain direction.

Organization Maintains the focus on the idea that nonconformists can try, and do, but they will never avoid societal control. The response exhibits a logical sequence of ideas beginning with a generalized interpretation of the critical lens, then identifying the events that characters from each work are born into, and explaining how they are at the mercy of the laws and people that support these events. Appropriate transitions are used (One simple philosophy which answers this question and "Fahrenheit 451" has this as well).

Language Use Uses language that is fluent and original (Many literary works involve a conflict of a person against a larger body intolerant of nonconformity), although occasionally awkward (law system and each's), with evident awareness of audience and purpose (there has been debate on how our lives are taken in the direction they are). The response varies structure and length of sentences to control rhythm and pacing (This tells not why these events can control men or who is the cause of them; it only tells what it is that has made us do as we have always done as a species).

Conventions Demonstrates control of the conventions, exhibiting occasional errors in punctuation ("The Crucible," this and like Guy Montag have found) only when using sophisticated language.

Conclusion: Overall, the response best fits the criteria for Level 5 in all qualities.

OF- • •

, C

Comp. Eng. — June '11 [43]

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Li e e_ • 4- • p ALA

Ocou-id Vlo4" Q Qn 1-rz

w e re 3 11 kl y do OS

nles his tai i-ce is ko.ki r∎ r _

• ' • a.

is Are r ly u. ref- by tilic avid

e e_ o c 01.L e 441 6,1

I-1 e

Anchor Paper — Question 28 — Level 5 — C

od_c2 k .cbs.a.o.f.g. e f Q r k olds_ fe_ye h

lale._. A zEk

4- ex 1- s. f-he rro+ar/i &J-s. were cared wi4-1, eve 1-kej

-1-kry 4-k c,- bi I A-y oc,.-1-1-ro I Loilo+ e

CA recurf OC +11e eveyd-s a

rn Q1-Hell o 1-he Li01-kenots Cl eei o « n-, c.l•e l+

c ifitS Kitioclowi 1- n -1-k e. ry wck_s Mn I7e4.141 1e 6 e A ; o cre

-ra who was vi cc% ro.r4- 0C- i-1,e HQ'srewh 1 y .1- )-1 e wan--eel to

01-11 el lb . e rLd cc r set u- 0._ 1 4)

reork 111 order A, LI 0 . A oickan rico/vie A Co-ss i Laso.. set v,r1__61_ y.

T.clo 1-0.1eS 0 41 (00 1 S e hanke Cktec cinc1 i 4- 4- 0 Occ -111 6s 0- rest,...1i-

cC-c. I- 01 a 4-he h e

re eL e a i4- (.-"a.s ̀Desr her rle4Ls Cave t ► &-1-'e4 1-s 4-0 1- e-11 h 1-Ja e

Ytk .1+ ()P e-i 0 doet hcl-ek, and 1611( er , Al ckrt,Jes rcls he ci nc g o..J 1-1-7c+

s-e ihrvoceni-- d JC;11.c -I-00 V •Lk) lives e ecku..s e cc

00 14in ; Sc he eow-rot OA'


r reiAeA Ct. C4--e

eltg 0. 1- e- u ,, 01€

L 1-1 _3

_ 1

AL° kJie r zo ck_ 4-61 Shaws_ Leisie t-h e /011 iFti c1100 ,s_e

Comp. Eng. — June '11 [44]

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Anchor Paper — Question 28 — Level 5 — C

ell 1 ,s .rsi 0 C e ri f- 1-1,e

____q___5r01,10___gc7___kuip_ CkY1.51 n an

1-1 ow eu ext_ ; 0C

ia owld cio--4-ion (AA-, 1--; 1 Piety, d_clia-ces -I-key

- • A - h e

9 eel-e4 4-lie I ender cl.r-1- del-ersi e 4-11 e di Ccerefri-i- roles o.c

ecke-k c C w► e ti ers in it. Ir

ec,..)1,1 cormect "k2i IOE crec4-e_

y we re.

is land s e 14-

v;I ed socie- ,/ ey d,d (tort 6. 0 1 some asrecl- s of- -1-ke i

Sense 41,01.4- 4- hey-fried 10 Qom, , T a_vkd plc( +o sun.) ive

tuor r 4-t-^ e MOO- r CA_ r

\AN. 11e___jYIP YI tare ct4.- evle.yel nc 141e eue4444 1 ey •fxs .or1-1--ro I Soav e

_Qs_r_eci-& 6V 41e . People in4-elliocnoe and s wiati whie.k

(tA\ ow& 4ke wtoYe u r col' 41-le euebNi-s 1-1-1e7 no-l- Q04-ro/ ror example

eo phe can )1,)+- ort-i-ro a_ kur r i crtne 0 -10LJeue_e ; 'Hick/ I"( 4-0 df,yikol 4-1,e ac-i-ervmaA

11rouji, vat ioui Pc-CcAks hit 9 roars sLAc.1,, as 1-he Cross niid Q 1 leer cunct ra_Kerc

1-kei are came -o OnvIlrol S n P agrer "Ly. 01-14 el( o rkv,A or/ o f

a v.-2 e 6_ _coex_4-roi )-■ 64-'4" p_p_e_b_ed

1-1,1et4A -1-1-.e _a. r

_In_kA>li 41 ey SULIZALe_ct. ho

you_r 04 ayiA CA, j r cc-

19 ,2J-week ceoulo fke

t.uron y n I u d i IS 1-rtke

v) et,e fo+- plane 0-1-sa_sl,) and

rerr ie do s uSC- aro La o Lases

04. 6_12.11-e r cc,A- ■ tt.) nr a e CkSIN ^ tAe To 4A,e ■ cc e.

/ o c- s 14,4- proQe J-terocl,24-u,s ,s


kcia...1-e A e kv, Crorr.

Comp. Eng. — June '11 [45]

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A" a • sat ' " *ISM! at •O' se al 00i- COO iQl-Im't(

Question 28 — Practice Paper — C

onCe s(wk "...roeq otet-trf rner -oven-6 Orr) enn*- ontItT011

+WM, 1 ' I a Nee wwryrn6 +ernen+-1 'oeeauSe 14-nooo h mi1^oOn3 oeifi n -to no(-no

03- qce kn -Tr& Ikve c)/eAck-eltiil NfeeS ()cm knita(FetP . -MIS o0T, rneao9

Ni\NACIN SQ910014 -f-ntS VOW, C(Iniennett 14-'9 JrNi

illacitootk( and line (-421qt-rill-SW by F Scott- Folopald ace iAnio vnro ulnQ vvoctrs cX

In ar !..A ■ 1.

icU • , • cmed -1(YM 111 t' . 3Evsi c+\4\1 mned

-V If)11 41 ode() O..'" Ai ts. 1,s . till

II 1 _Ai& 11 . I ill ..o' 'A +AA,. w3/46 rex and ■novN4 coGecablc, 11Ce, S.

A I.'• ► r• 1.4 * is • as s4 .a .. • ti-Mmn91- seems -enough cps wool

1 11, 1"111 • a' Alum Ca.. as ! • 1; a • it' A.•• 11 SI " I I..

4" 1 1 ad ' AS it ii" 14 e • A." C.• •• A. • of as '

• I as • & 4 • AL t, • I ..4 _412_„tal zalsmilkei Tne_OLNA- 06 ht9 -Reiff., 61 it

AO to II" • 41 iv Ill ay a. • "As_ • • Le • 1 1 g S,

3. ai n l(Ne

0 .• 5.1 AO 411 • 1 I s • 414•1.6 • i• • • " .A

(UI R I e. I" ate as 1.1 • . 1 la " 6 1.,"•64 • " it' I' A -.Z41

[73] Comp. Eng. — June '11

:a *. 114. •A ►A • S $. LI Ate to a11

Seri -mrn by low money ITeatt c-AMkt. \Oen hP 9novc3 h6‘

F torn -men on eivt-5N, cinA 11115\4 VePA n Sen ► e-4- 1P104-ienhop plorni-tom _roe kia ■nt 50 Nose i-naLAL

ks4 y5 anomev propeckevn-+-- rythrtN-f• ft am 11,tc) oNPI ■40-10 carmak- ety\-1-0 IneX"

I it.,' • a eta 1 I 1. - at si' L ••• Ciao. • _

Pet 'ir1,C1511 ImN19€5 antA Cinue, 440 -h.xncNay korn -t-T° one 9ne lel". -Pm 11 5r\2r.OrnrS

Goasiatc(ft can:Lnetoetc-iSilneSS mr Jain U+4-ii- le.) vviroakek ‘ng\KK21 Oc- fOttetiling her

tottOvveci nef rranci• 4er Lrnalt*Weil itornnif,r trat-t9 QcwPt tier it) atTCRi iftArn

I 1 CO


411C14- ,q$(10Vsi ITY1+- Vat GC-if_1(

II' .1.1 ,A ,;nri..Li' • Pk. 1 k i(4 a•

°me', «mot - cowok.ts oontioi treAr fn+e, ow wad

9_)( • Sk.e, • A• t AI • -treAr II . I .11t1

n novet ‘c■ n Nti(14 6f-1019 \9 -t ani-ec 10Xtecu___ One

• 4.•^ etas. IP, t ti LI* * • ► I h d'(. A'..• • t.

Fait .

up ti -1 - Weeblymckennad.weebly.com/uploads/2/0/6/0/20601652/_critical...· 2019. 9. 4.· Tc:1 5 --reurt ton -re 13,,41-tes old. -CI ames avj Zaj, wba 112.5 beryrne 1.deaRks-dirmA-3V1 - [PDF Document] (12)

I. 1 yip

Question 28 — Practice Paper — C

■Ltylfa j5.413_51441 041C1 a 10 \IP 40.--rri)(1P

Anetref 6)(10. ,010,ify Arl -ti1\9161())4e.1 0(10 -me c9 Co cot‘t-vO1

Nt\ro-ke vu( .3 -rogitS matTesS and waS vet4 \)nl\r_P -rom. She iiethia Lan \lov e

ApmOrk• YAP \enti\i, vino, and eoniQtrn (on some-r\ . qhe .1 -reme%1 -1-1)

11 5 1.4 Al I 6. 0'6c'• • If :■ -• Ass A - . •A; se

til\tWe on c) qelkt enka\S of- rn\Skl (10(1‘11 i 10%- Torn bx-0'f Vex rserycw e -

a A AA • II, • .• ad.- :14 as" • it b. 0 801' Lt.■

4' A VI I al (AV • L e et CS. I Al s" 1 s' s ►► 16

• '40 1. A. till% I • &•il I. to at 44 ■ ill *A'

(x11,sidge, rn 10\!P S i • a • I. • WV ta 414

'6 6

fi 0. t•• ; a r a' ale ' as. I - k 0 1 ••10. '1 •

awoff,22cafjis2cilcinaLneA •Cids , pc0( kiPe, \ciNi h too \rokkiOrn vq(15Aeallqdeexied

e 10 • s• atilt as L.' La • ∎ 6 s a .6

noqP.1 WoreprAv-4- exPrnplicieS fiwthutilq si1Soemeo4 -- '041-1-11

onating -10 ecy\nomo\i, encl f-ntrettin CnOollPrioe wP 90vr\ cforn inoori -me

• tat pa -I I , Scat .1.14 it .4 ".• ' ■ 4: I • • •

9. I! fits all

di ft • d a. It • - 4 • a. t Itave 1•,1

remi ((Vol, Pivot( frox.too --rnis de(AISion Go4 l'APPIEInri ci) roe (A I El a n. Galore,

the few 0- goole-A-1 ‘eo.( ,3 ‘ortx PAPS 0\00 flOct-AA.e. Chl(i ifilYu eOcif

Ovoke ( coonkqe- tf\v-vACk\ Yt Pine) her Ale(\t S•t101-1(4e CirYi 0*-ere 1■ (101-5re_a14.3

COUnr. &•.e A is t ► La E. I I a a. &A L a I ' it

is and motes h9 annaT, t-t - (V- ons5t... ctojk 06f, drom It- ronenalvic ien)nrflog‘i

S. 111.&11* I 0. e I t• SSt SeN\teS as 0.S ∎trn1i01 ct 044 (5 Y11135t0

I'd a f a • a - s'' Le A t. L As as au - a.,

il iernryl\e her OM QiiimCt4e111 opevied, hOkAi vec 1111e,

(kw rael) d ?NW', or) rnPx1 m ► l(t\cri .\S oWicasei xr,rwini qQy nand

gce2rr-*-:exmP55 a'n \I. I co, pov. )y . sloe 9\xl

earnest so(' (de_ au lir -nne,hj aNt="600) q on

c" *PI g,1• .1 I.'

". at' 1 II a, I I At

Comp. Eng. — June '11 [74]

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Question 28 — Practice Paper — C

and oumc irk>. sioc;On WN ref (1(14 5r)e roc ' 10Mt tiPei . IV Sire CI-Iielrnpt5

Ao Find nPX own miej vc fennotoOki sOCke4-4 bt ■N5 ne,( men er-h and, P‘let■chrre.

rikmw-13 cine 5 Po-k- ekie (1 InCle ,0004-cot ovex Po-4111\e( 6-Velt\le3 0( dien• qft° -re3 So h1( 01-in

MA-e 6 rincked F)ooe44.

Gtki ,Nmoe Nous° 0 -trp nOvel x5 -10 SONP 300,0-4 exam The PAIS c).

-ter.MoCg\t onk()0(cgt-K(. 41 ■e5 Alp do -raS ■rnt xeadln9 and ci0Ang tikegoi

-mqgs fir, vd eaN'ommi • t ►t -ra c) .ko cCi`te-seq\, 1/4fAkk) hYra-k-- C.1 'co c) bOOr--

8 4-0 t\t• •

orve clown enotiOn 0\1 cynci c nx)C■ROW de94-1O45 P‘IfAkt O1 •

• t it 0.1" as •

t' s V'

• A I tq'

eypieSSeco -rx\1$ PrtizrntaM-e6 tc) me nouol were ca-Ntieri otA9tde coxce'S

and caiCtot-I- eoni-foi wral Voopeneci 4,0 -mem. The - Qot=S mr,P, iv meal •m-1- peoOte.

0-\ \.\(4, c•oi3O 0.\\K1a S Nntrcal v-ArICIA- Y.10, vae,ns, no rcatto 1ne Ni•I 'cc d. TreA trk(

' • • to • :Ad • lk " • ilk • • t' Il• s

Comp. Eng. — June '11 [75]

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Anchor Paper — Question 28 — Level 5 — A

Ma_aticusti:ThLtALa_pe.A. Axpit

Acunru W "


ir) me. rimod9 it /316 ffuLuson, Cola tilt_ Artitila 8aA1121(

nktlib Uzi alx."4 tbOtie_4 ye athz Cfri OA adtAA



d_I 'Eh 'to avet arrus (124-1/Lumt, ute,6 thiLtAr- a. ii trl U0 Lo 1) ChaAattut -UAL Pill ' / • ifittWeLet ■ -VI that

nwoixt ' A*

fAL A a IA) b CREW1_, s lA

(icW eii ut IR() Cl u Aux Jadli moffl ()I town u Ci fan AICCuti afraittut, IA (Itt_

ti y dt one . C21(id AD 64.64.1%1 LaEdi obi k a 6 tilt d.06 cditay C61,6) 1 ,Oht (Au utit 1 WU, tite:A btCadad-e_

A04;602 d, I oil Ofici AhipicLph

„AL A & 11-11 it A I L! ! . A .411 f1. AC...2


442. • • ..A 04 . I. V



Otha a,cit nn/LP at( A a kulo taw -to acifiquii'

whit( CW tuA 43 much thed- Atu Coia o ORd.oit to Le2cLv „MI Lz oh?) ► aid ace

Ply ea Pudaa di oC ta a 9, Aku Could to Crylthtic (J dm Pi Olec A'ke Wrzi fj

[37] Comp. Eng. Rating Guide — Jan. '12

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NeArrm ha Om peapeatve. 1,0 VlirbiaLCAEIAWaLt—‘ bite aftelA hat id, had 07coep to her

b 4 A ha I a di an /7 b)

Kt:m.91,th U)t, rd. YV;a.Iulile. fo

t• A ipiptit,

Lituo to6vd

Anchor Paper - Question 28 - Level 5 - A

A A .Af AA 0 ■ .1 •

0 Li 6 Uy...u) tit" (AAA, L op /31,4e ..412 t ! -4

A L. A • bit itiginWilargararlanli4 .A1: A

/ 4

ii Cutchunetomcm p oA bboyul /D and

ieu..IA 4

A es ou,vaftot. and Ore Itad

Ihupdt13- oxiet ETICe.wed 4 ad Wife) AO ice


[38] Comp. Eng. Rating Guide — Jan. '12

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Anchor Paper — Question 28 — Level 5 — C

J.W . von CioufhL onoz, said iha,-1- "No two pQr(sonks ni_9ard thQ, vvoH d in uac -Hy -thQ sorn(Ld raoplk, come, from a varwk/ of dif-PLictn+ back ► culfurts, valvu and efLin9 if is nor irr)poLsibUL for any -Hy° pLopa, +o ViZN --Fht world ju(s-f on anolher.

Thisi bihaviord• arid chctrasc-turOto of h umans can noi any ■Nifnus6u)

rik,a,1 ii -ft but in I iiurci -fUlli as vvui I . whin &oz,ihks wrote -that "No iwo

pqxLcoN rz3ord iht world in uacflv thi Sarni, wc\A/..." hk1_, was ck,-tiumpf nq to (sin.,“thy, fact fhcv wg_ry both/ is di ffurtni. Every pixson hoicks biluLfS and vaJuus -+ anu importanf to him or hn.rSc.if pir6onaily. nq d f-Ft rtn r S of 11 -ft will then hold moru or Le,s(c ► n-Tor -liana, -to on ► ndividvol ckptncilng on oha, -I- bkAi,Q.Nt Throughou+ 1 ii(tYnivrcu cIncl noVt v\lk, ailotuio Suz, Gm.-f-hu) s quoii


t mid uarnplz& 100 nag

_11)thc. EvLs wary, INMchin9 God by Zorck, WC) R. Hurs -fon and 10/by DI cK by Wtairitn

Thu r Ev were, nq Goa! Scary ck, woman nattui rani e,


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GM who ) 0.,-r-hur mach 6fa -Hon and hu.dri-brta,1( fins htrAlf ft-turning fa

(n hey homtioNn. hs ,grit-fut \N1 -1- h 6\1 rnpa-fhc,--fic, Qxp ► aVons a^Sd the hk.a,-1-ctd qocs6iP concurninc What shy, has buz.h -Through. eia-fhu i than ft,t -Hnoi woad hurt hir)" hov\iktvu, LShk, instuad con+1 h\A,s II -ft with hit' held high. Six Known -for huc love, of ncki-furtu and a,' I god's cruai ions so She imply 90u6 on novin9 kiNhciut Gh ho.,Lc alwoyo loved. Shy,chorncitri ze,d c),Ls o., pa,s(sionai-K, and carp,-free, human lo(uincL which blcrianfly her ouilool: on 1

mob 01 ci; Is a novel much dif-furcni from zorck, taA) Hurd -ton) J. t20,1- hur) fhiJ (S+0S( V is abOUi a mcin norrud Cap-fain Ahab who Lsklacc rivin9L on thy, monS-+(trovS crud urk, -that cod -I- him

Itug. -ch.r-forz, ) he, COW ouf on o•/ ovQr The) cSuptnii(sion of hiLS

ship rno■,-i- U and craw Trey (sail the, &ciads in on uf-farf io find Moby

3r2,a7f vvhi -1- (Li vdrxiCz. that hsa,PruiS to b0.. Capiain Ahab ) htord-f z.nzrny. -The, c+ bz:fv\te_zn the, fwo ts Ahab oi6hu -to cap -tur and kill the, who I tL, but hL, always <skLItrd to i9if civvay.

[ 44, Comp. Eng. Rating Guide — Jan. '12

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Anchor Paper — Question 28 — Level 5 — C

Ahab ZA -tirna I con-f h the, ohoit clan oft-th his ► n-firnai con-ilicf within hi M3Lif, as +rt'iLs to oVivcomi in 1,s ► nAcurtiLus by sta,in9 itVue)(9u on Mobv Di c K .

VOW compaitd did, by sick, -filusi novul prow, -firm/ conioin characters

+ho.d- hold strong vans what ihur views and ort)

hoy\lz,vLr) is +hfu true, di ffLitim, buhvykkn them. Janis, is cL 9111 ho Rrivv up loving ard apprtcra) -ti nq Ahab is & man Who (staKs cit6froy i-+. Thy, conirodic -Hon of Values we, su.) tA, -H,Nan the, -too chparci (Airs

provstLc thpLnding upon \low pursonoJ tv ) d --1--RPLn+ vaspuct J of

v\iiH be, of more, or (31-(s,1 importance. Tho Shows that no to two pktopUi can pocsdibly vatAi fire, World to f.ac,-.11v the, Jam tniny.

Valves ctrl , in-frodooLd to w very \joun Oifftrurt -Eorni (LIU

and cu urk, s mad (s -fri6J imporianoz.., of -1- hing Lc di Hurinily ot►eet Iock,kud on V\thoul- bulavt. it 1 3 a,CCurai -tu to conc ► udu pur(sons regard

wov cd in unc-Hv thy, csarnt v\IGtv..."J

in oil:01v


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Question 28 — Practice Paper — B

.)Uto„, , ,vh( _Le/LcrAili dOCurrio, • A AL ./LO A, • It


A 4,/ ,02 j A /a •A'4 !AAA .0.4a

.■ .1 •

I' 0.0 .A" I

,O; t /i A A 4! 41 4111

A A A A • • . vs (116cAl- Lot,47 toff

1 A_02 AA-* e, Cp.4.-1 AO A A

A,kAms..a I • 44 • 411 /,„ /11 /

! As e ././. AILA /A A A

t f_AIA A .A. AA A ■ 11- 4/




(tif,411/ti/rti oVut,unr 0

`Po d

Pi/ At. .1_ it AIL! LA ' e / •

/ ■ A LoI. .•/ I lika. A

[GS] Comp. Eng. Rating Guide — Jan. '12

• AA A A : .12. a. 1 JAI. ALA A l.,(1.40! • • • II A • IA .s • . t MI ! 016 A.

1,!. &l .1.1. I / 111.1. .4111.111. At Al AA! \ • M Aft. •().t



4/1 usle- • n( mi

/1/1 t, jOCUlne. ✓61.14 I e A


,k0,464() Dcwo,? am,di ck(ii ittcyrici.",?

,,Zglzimuz4.16-(x io-eo /UK) 10( aeltue41) &XI°

,W,e/U i?

$. At / IAA !.• Ca eel. a.'

.AL 1 f4t0.4,4A, f/.; /

n;M-6P1t6 6aa& Nn e A 19•&(1 Ar•


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[69] Comp. Eng. Rating Guide — Jan. '12

Question 28 — Practice Paper — B

rACilIttil6-(e49 ' , 111, (111,4,CLO YJ 'Lc

li-e,662.1"°)G 24A, ztke, ,e/keAt




J4e , tka+ r) / •

14,1 DAZ (v4-10/111- Jaw) R.1)1) OHIAZU

an, ,ez.e, eithw 441.44A ,-&tc p.e.006o oGint

/Ad .e/it ü AI)

AA „2.4A Co A L. • A 142

I 6 • I /

ffikiww-Acttb 0 10

Iroktv, •

ceA4)22.Lactzcztia20, a/rt./Ix/00p. • linfA)0L,n(ykk-uut,u)outin, eacam)4z

,difL)) OLRIPan kul/v) 0011 /01V) (VIMIN

/A 0111

ZA0_, bei)A.0

lAf • •A

A/114 vix_e JA/C(AL

J41 422 o InA '1'(ifii101-iI4W44,ip

.{,?_AV) if ere/ ,,ete.(1,64/Lail ieu a, (inairviLezz2__


A 1 /1.4 A I LAIlL, .1_///. 14 LL. L AA .•

;Gt Atta rth it AA, if■U

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• OA LiALA / /

L-4A4 41 Ao

I, 21851 \if- * If A

a k 1.0 1


A • et AI& d 411 ..1


1_,A 4 114

Question 28 — Practice Paper — B

*& à& !L .0AiL, Atif.4 1 /AA !% 4 ) .4, Li CI! /

. . 11.11 'I Ad .'L ,IA Add A04 ! ' A A'id 1 ,_. IA . 1 • 16 ' r

0 . A41 . . . , LILt I eAt A/ Z_L# ' I / J1 ' j O 1 . ..44•


A IL .0.° A 1.&/. - 4 .1.401 • & Ai .11,1 Lit ._ "At 4 ad,- i 1 1 A

. 14 IAL/ ALti. Wit! It A .1

A ./ ILO A d IA 4!A A

6 .AL 14L) AAA-Ail/ ALA!) ILA.4/1., f CAA.*

*.a A -/ " 1.0.4 ALA _A I t I /I

11_11 rr AA' ...IAA La ',hi. i! A. • I /

At Ad !A A .4 AdA 0 1 .44.0 &A ?f grA A: A

• al Ail AC.1,

ti4.4! A*


-a A .49■11/1./A &:#4

it ■A,AL'Ailei 7 4%/4'

[70] Comp. Eng. Rating Guide — Jan. '12

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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.