12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 - [PDF Document] (2024) 12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 - [PDF Document] (1)


(l9 Aug 69) FOR ar UT 692094AGDA (M) a Septemter 1969

SUBJECT: Operational Report - Lessons Learned, Headquarters, 1st Cavalry Division, Period Ending 30 April 1969 (U)


1. Subject report is forwarded for review and evaluation in accordance with paragraph 5b, AR 525-15. Evaluations and corrective actions should be reported to ACSFOR OT liT, Operational Reports Branch, within 90 days of receipt of covering letter.

2. Information contained in this report is provided to insure appropriate benefits in the future from lessons learned during current operations and may be adapted for use in developing training material.


ROBERT E. L1 Incl as Colonel, C

Acting The Adjutant General Dr STRI BUTI ON : Commanding Generals .

US Continental Army Command US Army Combat Developments Command

Commandants US Army War College US Army Command and General Staff College US Army Adjutant General School US Army Air Defense School US Army Armor School US Army Aviation School US Army Chaplain School US Army Chemical School US Army Civil Affairs School US Army Combat Surveillance School US Army Engineer School US Army Field Artillery School US Army Infantry School US Army Intelligence School Regraded unclassified when separated

from classified inclosure.

ICASRO LOG 12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 - [PDF Document] (2)


DISTRIBUTION (Contfd) uS Army Medical Field Service School US Army Military Police School US Army Missile and Munitions School US Army Ordnance School US Army Quartermaster School US Army Security Agency School US Army Signal School US Army Southeastern Signal School US Army Special Warfare School US Army Transportation School US Army CBR Weapons Orientation Course

Copies furnished: Office, Chief of Staff, US Army Deputy Chiefs of Staff Chief of Research and Development Assistant Chiefs of Staff Chief of Engineers The Surgeon General Chief of Military History The Provost Marshal General OSD(SA) Assistant for Southeast Asia Forces Commander In Chief, US Strike Command Commanding Generals

US Army Materiel Command US Army STRATCOM US Army Weapons Command US Army Flight Training Center 1st Cavalry Division

Commander, US Army Forces Southern Command Deputy Chief of Staff, Air Force, Plans & Operations Commandant of the Marine Corps National Aeronautics & Space Administration Senior Army Representative, Marine Corps Development & Education Command Project Manager, Naval Inshore Warfare Project Office USAF Air Ground Operations School The Air University Library Joint Action Control Office Director, Weapons Systems Evaluation Group Defense Documentation Center Security Officer, Hudson Institute Documents Control Officer, Bell Aero Systems Co. Commanding Officers

US Army Limited War Laboratory US Army Logistics, Doctrine Systems & Readiness Agency US Army Aviation Test Activity US Army Mobility Equipment Research & Development Center 12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 - [PDF Document] (3)

T)W :.TITI~"~ C'F ')'1·r, !J/J.r.v: Fm:.D0U.h:1T'SttS, 1ST C "TlJ,RY T)IVI.'3JCN (AIR"'13IT..11:)

!J (; San Francis co 96490

::'JDiJIH 15 !.pril 1969

sun,r,CT: C{Jera.tional Report for ()umer1'r Ferioo. Ending 30 1.pril 1969 RCS CC5Fffi-65 (RI) (U)

TIlRU: Channels

TO: .:,ssistant Chief of Staff for Force Deve1q;ment Department of the f:J:T1J.Y

Washington, D.C. 20310

1. (C) OFERi.TICi./-rS a. G~TE11JJ.,

(1) The reporting pcricd covers the inithtLm of the fl')llowin~ oper­ations:

(a) cpcraticn CrrrrTI:I1l'\,:": S;~'1n;<; (ccro.mcncing 4 Feb 1969) (b) (1Jeration '1'O:;N '['I{'.NG III (cO"1mencing 17 Feb 1969) (c) Cpcrc:ticn ','::'LI.S loG1)G:: (connencing lS~~l"r 1q69) (d) l:peration ;rCNT!.Ni. SCCUT (cQ!U1lencing 29 ~·!ar 1969) (e) cperaticn ~~cr"J'l""f. J.:~I'JSR (cC1T'Mencing 13 :,pr 1969)

(2) The fo11owin~ !"?Grr>.ti':ms 1-JOre f:0nc1uded r1urinR; the rep'Jrting pericil.: (a) cperation TOW TI-L'}lG II (ter1"1inating 16 Feb 1969) (b) (1Jerdion !']".'!i",JC' T,,:.:tHCR5'5 (term:inating 29 Vl'r 1969) (0) Operpt,ion .'T'L 5 "r~"')r:-; (ternmp1ing 2 1969) (d) Operdion SEfnm;:' 'L"::il"G (tormineting 2 Apr 1"69) (e) Operation I'ell''' '1':. )Ceur (temin,~,ting 12 :.pril 1969)

(3) DlE'ing the reportin-s perioi, tl-te 1 LCD ccnpleted the extrenely successful cperation TOll! TII:;I-'G II. Initietei.on 12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 rerluce the enerrv threat in the Ti~OR by setting out to crush 4 tNt. divisions ani elements "f a fifth oper:l.ting along tho more than 10C-mile section of the lo.Ter GC'ffibcd.ian borr~er. Pinal emulative result,s of the cperatian were:

(a) US: 279 KIA, 1,711 11JIJ. (b) Enemy (NV'/VC): '3y US: 2, ~6/207 KII., 37/9 PIll, 4!J1/0, detain­

ees, 9/6 returneos, 20 defendants, 596 inc',ividuill weapons, 1S7 crew-serV00- . wci:'-r,.6ns, 1,287 nines 2nd baob,r tr::rps, 4,873 gron!1.dos, 751,401 Sl'lal1 =rns rounds, 9,5th l"rgc cdiher roonds, pnd 333.24 t0IlS of rice.

(4) Ch 1 February 1969, tho Division I s 1st ilie Heaiicu"rtcf'S was 1oci'.tec1. <:.t T,S l~IJ-TH (Xl' 158513), 211d controlled l/B C v, 2/12 Ce.v,· 2/8 Cav, ~~oreting in the ,...estern Sherll:an 5abrGr.iC,~rth T,l.). t.!)!'T!'! Task f"l'ce0 C1"Y.

. "t A'·"'l"'I,''';;,)t) --'..1._ I~ ___,~~A-"':"'~-<'.,..J.r ........., .... '~'J ...

FOR oT UTS,,},'iFI"j' ") ( .... ,', ..,:;"., r.-'SCl,ASS:"'lCATIOK

09 ;;CI;:;j~I~LE;•C:':~ ~ .. :~'~J:~?:~ ~:~'0~:;; ,~;;:~G2",~'f' 'I [cLJTOi'lATiCAc..".l .c~:(~\CrtAD"D .'1.. -' "U LAR ­

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,otijliJllii. P I rd' ! '.Y ;\'r' j~. . t",. fl .• L"

1 12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 - [PDF Document] (4)

'; ~ .-,eT: Cperptional Report for r,uarterlyrerial 'R;nrl:Ulg 30 I:prH 1969 ,-. , ..



Duke, 2. two compc.ny force, continued 0per~fj.;;ns in 1,0 Havajo lllarhorse. Second Bie, .dth headquarters at QUi.!" LOI, Ci",:rploved the 2/5 Cav, 5/7 CIW, Mrl 2/? 1·foch

(crcm), west of 1J} LeG vicinit" of the FI.'3BQCC1<:- (XT 6090). Headqu2rlors, yl File at QUIJJ LeI cJQ3rcising cq'J"1anrl OV8r 1/5 Cav, '?./7 C;=tv, 1/12 C,w, enrl 1/505 Bn (;'-.BN), stretched frr:n nWJT I,CI to block enel'J." infiltrati0n vicinity of SergeI s Jungle Trail. The follow:1.n,'?; Free '\[0rln Yilite.ry !,rT"J:ld FarCdS sorver'l 1-lith the Division during thG :c8~."Jrting :lerior'!.: lith AC~; 1/505 lin (!liN); 2/505' En (; 3d .'2..V~·! Abn Bn; 3d /3~rv N'cu'ine Sn; 34th, 35th f} 36th'RTIF Ranger Enl s. Durin: the fir st p2rt of Februnr-r eleBent 3 of the Divis ion in it iatorJ oper::ttions in icC Cheyem18 S::-:bre, northeast;' of Bien Hoa, clos:L'1g out thi'.t portirn of " .5heri,lpxl ,Sabre 8'lst of CU;',I1T Len:. TJy $ f'cbruc.l'-v the 3d Bri!sa.~e was situ-Jted in the new LO anC. oper"ting to inhibit suspect8d cne1'1Y f10Vel1J.(mt towa:rn Bien Roa. During the middla of I:;n,rch a najar 9.djustment Clf forces to:)k place R.S the Div­i3im b';L;an moving fran. the Navajo '-'Tnrhorse LO; 2rl Br:Lsp.dc Headquprtars navcd to the south noar thr.::" C·:-Gscent and :rvr.ichelin plantation <,rea. Ch 18 I f erch OF:-::IL~TIQE 11TL:'3 \'{'SOG~~, a cr:mbined e:f.'fort vlith 1st Inf "nd 25th Inf Divisions viP.S initii1ted vicinity of the }~ichel:i.n nub'~,er flant,:>.tian. By the enrl of ~I8rch, 1st B:ie haer turnEd over the l{evajo 1,rfarhorse LC tG u..nits of the 25th L"'1.fC1Jltr~T Divisicn.. Tho 11th ;'J'Tlore~l CavolI"'lJ Reg:irnent, ph.cod ('pC(]-l t,0 the' Division on 12 L,.-,ril, granted the Division 2.clcl*tional fire power, Ii1.Clbility, ,encl. rei'et:Lon cap~bilitY5 and signalerl tho st8rl of cr'SRL'l-'Iot,T PC'J'!f'j'JT;"~ Rt.IDlli. TheJ C2.velry Regiment oper2.ted in the Crescent ;;rea ''1c,st 0f t1,e l~ichelin rlan­tiltion initinlly, and thon 0poratorl southwest, of LZ J;J<E at T;WN LE CHC1'J. c.t)erations in the Sheridan ;3abre ;/J term:1.l1'1ted in TIid-:~rril .<>nrl by 19 Lpril t),8 3d BrigadE: had bGgilll opQt'i3tions in f1n /~O srYLTth ()f the FIST·P-TOCK. LJ" the ''':;1'~ uf the reporting perterl t~(; bri'5ades 'Jf the Divis;on wcre-leploye" fro., t:--1C COJ-nbuian border On the 1tnst. to tho vicinity of i'Y LCC on the oast, L'1 thc" Sherid2J1 Sabre i.O. The lit.h ."!.CR continuerl cr~IVTIOF HCF'J'fJT..\ '1...'..ID1i2 in ::1TO'lS "r'. t:lO Division IS e:::.stern br'!l.mdar'J' The 1st Belc at T!.Y nrn:r 101;>,S c'Jr1.prisert of 2/5 Cay, 2/8 Cav, awl the 2/1.~ Ca'v; Ll.1 K1-:~ was the Hear'lauarters ()f' th\:) 2(1 '?r1.GD::la with 1/5 C,w pnd 5/7 (jev crcer; the 3d Brig~:le at 0U!JT LOI c intr011c/t 1/7 CaY, 1/12 C.'1.V awl tl-)e 36trJ 'JI.Vr Ranger Bn; the 11th :~CR IJPoreteci. 1'iitl-) t''1oir 1st :',nd 2d Squanrons "md 2/7 C'::.v crCCI'·'.

b. 1st Bri,'72iL: Cperati,In: (1) !.t the be'?,innin~ o~ the rep')rting peri0"l tho 1st 1::1.e W1S 0]"cr?tin,q;

in the: w8stern po:t'ti0n of the ')hnridi'n Sabre :"C, ",rith 1."':' s T\1l-Ur::; (XT h556?,J), GJ.fJ;T (XT 3S66~3), <'md ST B::"Llf. (:cr 27l;.600}. ,'. reduced .' C' in t 11C J-TavAj':'> Pcrhorse area c'Jntc>,iner'!. L~ r.L~1CD (XI' 3398Lc6), 0ccupier-L b:' Task Force Duke. Duke ,-vas cQ1.prisGd. of a jump cr 2Jlrl tv?O cJrlpimios of 1/'6 COY. On the 8th of '":'obr1..l:,ry the 1/5 Cav conpleted: their nove frrr, L~ "";1:'I;.'J

T C'1 to the nOvl LZ n:LIX UT 523588). This DelVe extenrler'!. the influence 'Jf the livision eastward 2iJ.d bljckQ,:I e~1eM.Y infiltratLm routes nortl.1 of the r'icl-)elin ~ubber flentation. C;'::1.:":C'! r;ori-Ia L0'L'L, ;\ contingency l'dssion, was 2ctivcd:.or1. in response to tl-)e ro;r'Jl1Tl"l .~tt<.'ck on Di.U TL';PG- during the lJeTl" morning hours of 23 Febrwcry. I:lun..::nts Jf the 1/5 CC''v. deployed in the Forth"lestern }"'ichelin t,') block en8rlY r--')1).to'3 of c,;ress. en 24 FebruRr'r the 1/8 Cav (-) m0ved to all exp.qJKled /.0 i"r],Va:1) ii71''[ opene(l LZ T':.G'T (lIT 4/+0072). en the 25th tl-)e 2/5 Cav """OS relo2.sor1. by t'lu 2,~ :}je to be comnitted to T.-rc:rhorse C'J1d O]:,en LZ TERJ.'1.I (X'1' 421168). Bv t.hG ~6th <)1' FobruClry the nrig,::d.8 "12.S disposed with thre'3 np.ttali--ms in tho ,i ,·"thQrn tier Jf Sherid-on S::>bro Mel two battali·::>ns positionej, in F~W'1jo r<T2]'harsc. 12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 - [PDF Document] (5)

STJDJ":CT: CperationPl Rep'"l!'t f~T ,..UC').'terh rorirxl. 'bding '3IJ lipril 1969

During the I'liddle of H8l'ch the 1/505 Bn (AM) repl" 1/8 C:w on LZ 'T'ilACY, ann by the end of the month Ne:v.:;.jo 11{[1rhorse w:>.s under conT,rnl of the 25th Inf Division, and the brig::v:le1s two b,~tta1i'ms, '2/5 Cr:v Met 2/3 Cav, occupied LZI S J!;SS Ocr 1387l7) md .gr B.'Rn:nA (XI' 274600). The 1/5 C(1.V, 1/3 Cav, and 2/12 Cav, hul been placecl crCON to the ':d Bete to consolidate the e!'stern p:->,:rt of the Division .\C. en 2 April, the 2/12 Cav was returned aoCON to 1st Bie. For the of the month the battalions continood oper"tions with the 2/5 Cll'" c~d 2/C Cav redirecting' efforts north'to occupy fire bE'ses :IKE (Xl' 33S7l9), c;nd C;'2CLYN (XT 278788), respectively.

(2) .The 1st Brigade participated in OFJ1:R!,TICN Tem TJ.f!,NG II and T0m THiJ:G III in AO I S Navajo TITarhorse I and II loc~ted along the Ci'.m.baUan border :in H;,U EG!{I;. Province, Rnd j{) SheridilIl. SBbre (now called }fontana Scout) lOcated to the north of TA~( NlNT-f cm. In Fobrui'..F'J, the 1st Bd.gads capturcd:wer 190 tons of rice clong with 3.5 tons of salt. The I'lonth of Harch netted m.muniti0l1. caches totalling 20 tons end was highliGhted by tw,j gr0md attCl.cks on LZ r;Rfj,NT, with a cost to the ener.Jy of 217 KIA's and 2 rw s. The Brignde Ilt,-c'.e very light contC'.ct in l.pril as the eneJ"ly atterlrted to regroup his forces f0r " suspected sU!Ilrler offensive. D'lU":ing the Month severp~ le.rge bu:1ker c('nplexes were destr:Jyed alon~ with e, regiment-sizod hospit:>l. The Bri'S;o,.de dso ce.ptured or destroyed aver 77 tons of rice and 2.5 tons of SAlt. Cun.ula:­tive results for the 1st 3r:i"r; during the reporting periorl included; enem.y (FiVi.jVC) 962/27 KIA, 27/2 nv; 354 weapons cllptureCl., 8B,895 SI'lell arms a1':[1".O soizoc., 2250 grenades, and 70 pOilllds of documents.

c. 2nd Brigano Operi'tions: (1) Tho 2d Bde occupied L2's J:J{E (XT 625813), DCI:' (xr 56285~.), anr't

rnn (XI' 499004) in the ?.re,:" of the FT3!-mC~ at the beginning of the report:ing poried. The 2/2 Inf (Hech) w,,-s crCCI,r 2"nri rroviderl ro:yl. security':mr1 a strong reconnaissance-in-force cappbility withjn the rU<.'Jber plrmti'.tions. The 3r1 DVN fbn enpl"Yed south ,..,f the PISHHC::X, W2S replaccrt on 5 Fobruery by the 3d :nVIJ Harines. During the second \-leok of Februllry, the brir;",de ass1F'.ed contre,l of the }i Me port ion of Sheric.a.n S"'lbre i.0, an(1. re ceived rrca' of the 2/505 En at L~ CD::1SSf;. (Y'l' 063754). The 3n Mrnred frcn C'DJ:'3S:, to ,T~ on II Fobruery to pravir'te c blockin" f,~ce for the !J.VIJ 1~<1l'ines "lon'2; the Sdgonniv[~r. Cn 14 February, the 27505 returned to it r s parent mit ~m'i closed LZ JGi:. The 35th Ranger 13n ClX'riven. at QUiJi L,"I on 12 Febru81'Y, waS erlplaye<'l. north of SONG 13:": for [1. one df',y operation to exrloit a 1/9 Cav contu,ct, and t"en on ll~ Fobru,:1,~r rerll1.ced the 34th RGtl1gers on L2 DOT. On the 16th, the 3d Harines were extractof't frQ11 the field .'md ",ir-lifted to L('C }!]}H{ with 0ne \IS ertillerv b:o.ttory to thw.Jrt q suspected eno:"lY throat in that area. .'3everE~ days later ~he HDrines left LCC ~'In[ end returned to interdict the'3aieon River infiltra­ti,)n routes. en 8 Harch the unit air-lifted to sr BtJ1B'Rl~, ?.J1r1 was pli"ced' OrCeIl to the 1st Bde. :,5 a reacti'Jn to the enell\Y offensive of 23 Febrwry, t:1G 5/7 C'lV WC'.S deployed to LZ BUTTCNS (YU 140070) to protect the rrav:incie~

, C",pit:-l at SONG B<:. The next 0.a.Y, LZ's RITL C'nt''' Dor were c10sed, 1"nd. the 2/5 Cav, 35th l,RVN Rangers were placed OPCCN to the 1st Bde anrt 3d Bie respectively. Ch 12 March thebrigi'd.e headquarters s:JVed to LtI KBE, relep.sin~ the 5/7 Cav to control of DIV:RTY as a [huoc Vitth defense bn, and 2/2 Inf (Mach) to parent unit contral, en the 15th, 1/5 Cav, 2/8 Cav end 2/12 CEW in southern Sheridan S"brc i.e were plC'ced orCON to the 2d Me. The 1/8 Cav returned fron N"w"'.j° "!orhorsc on 17 If,,,.rch and reoccupied L~ lAlHrr'E (Xl' 455624). The 5/7 CC\V joined tho 2cl Dde an 30 Harch and rO'Jpened LZ JOF. (XT 629&)3). en the seconrl. of 12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 - [PDF Document] (6)

~U;:;JECT: Cper,:tionnl Report for (Ju"r",erly reriorl :":;.1.clin~ 30 "',nril 1969

April, LZ GRJJIT ond 2/12 C~W returnerl'OPCCN to the 1st Bde, l.'nd fr'Y'1 thF't tine lmtil the enn of the report:in~ perior'l, the brip,,,.ne oper"tC-:0 I:r'Tl L7,' s :\rr-:ITJ~,

DCLLY, 2,11d JOE to the n'Jrth of the lB..chclin Rubb8r rlclllt?tion. (2) The results of tl1e 2<1 Bri:-; ,de lS pi'rticip~.tion in ;TEr/."'ICN '1'C1fN •

T:cLm II fran 1 Febr'll"I'V throuc,;h 16 ]i'e~'Jru.-"1'Y 1969 saw 574 ~!V.', KY, 39 VC KIf".• 477 sr1811 nrrn.S weap0I1S Elll<11U crew-server "e".pons cp.ptured, 4l3,6?~ w.:>ll C\r,'1S rounds Md 3045 large ceJ..lber rounds seized, 2nd 51.4 tans of rice destr0'r ­eel. The 2d Brigade's :involvenent :in CrERl;:rI::~t Tef,N TYJJl0,- III frm 17 Febrw:,ry through 30 f..pril 1969 saw 573 IN!, KIf" 73 VC KIf" 104 sTnRll"rms weapons end 41 crow-served w2opons c"ptured, 69,599 sn<Ull.'IT1s rouids C'nd 551S l"Tge cECliber rounds Seized, :,nd 19.8 tons of rice c.estroyed.

d. 3rd Brigade Cperilt ions: (1) The 3d Brigade weB disposed along a line of in the

southern tier of Sheridan Sabre lie occupying ELR'JTCR (XI' 016736),' JJLL (XT 955­90S) ~. CiRC1. (YT 058888), CiES% (YT 063754), and June (YT 137788). On 3 Feb­rU~7, brigade jUI:lP Crmd 1/12' C3.V mov8d to Bien HOEC to prepAre for rl.eplOY­ment mto the Cheyenne Scbre l,C,. !'love ·w,.s desi~ned to th1'·I?"rt. suspected ene::1IJ movemont t oW'.rd p0pulation centers. By 5 Febru."ry the Bril':8de CI" 1'Jc'.s firE'J..y est::-blishec. c>t Bien Hoa" 1/12 Cav occupied LZ CINDY (Y'T' 139313), r'n-l. 2/7 Cav oper",ted fran LZ LIZ (YT 241345). The Brigade c0ntinued opor."tions with t"o· b11tt,~lions in pJrt ions of the Cheyenne Sabre f~O esbolishing LZ LeIS (YT 129229) and occupying LIL (YT 212128) on 22 Fobru,qr:7 pnQ 5 ti8rch respe~tively. The 35th Ranger Bn began opereti'JI1s in the southern part of Cheyenne Sabre on 25 Febru'C!'Y. en 12 He,rch the 1/7 joined the 3ct 'Jril.;,~cle and initiated oper'l.tions frc:m LZ LC'IS. The 3d r:lobile strike forco be came' heavily eng2.·,;e~~ with a lilrgo cmemy force of the brigade I s fie on 23 P C'rch. C-.n the 25th~ the force waS p12.ced crCG: to the 3d Bri,~ado to f,'>,cilibte support­in:s enG. 2.ssist inZ the unit; en 26 Februvr.T t ~e 5/7 Cav W"'S !'loved to 1,2 lL~TB (:~ 306255) to reinforce the 3d mobile strike f0rco. On 30 i,reich the 5/7 ,lisc Jntinued operetions CJ1d waS rlpce,~ creel' to the 2d Srig'l,'le.· The follo..ring day the 3d mobile strike force W':?S rele".8od ITCCN to the 3~, Bie. Frcm 15 to . 19 !.pril the Bri<; moved fr C!'l Cheyeme Sabre to an LC s r)uth of the FIS1-!l-{('rJC, "8;' 22 l,pril the Hee.dquarters ct. CU.: T r~I controlled the 1/7 Cav~ 1,7; ~HYl.I,IS

(':;:T 537806); 1/12 Cow, LZ <-";',K:8 (XT 625:513); .'1Jlr1. the 36th Ranger Tlpttali0n~ LZ renr (XT 570763). A throe CQ1pNlY force vmS sent to LX FllJB to reopen LZ K~LY (;m 734031) on 29 .~pril. This ['ct-ion wns in response to sllspected enem,Y :"ctivity. /~t the termin,:,tion of the reportinG pori'Jr1 the brh"r1e oper­",ted with two US batt".1ions and one ;.Rlnl TI."n.r;er bRttp_lion. Che 3 ccmpeny forC'3 with on f3 non-orgenic mech c<npeny ITCm was disposec:l near LZ KSLLY.

(2) Total onen; losses C'cc')lmted for bJ the 3d BriCSprie in ('fBIl.f'J:'ICN CHr::l'3NNE SlJ3Il.B as of 31 ~':iU'ch were 532 NVi\. KIf" 26 VC Kg, 7 PT,'93 inriiv:irl'l1<U vleapons~ 12 cre1,-sorvcd'weapons, 12~900 pounds of rice, 33 nines, 2 booby' tr;:,ps, 281 zrenr'.des~ 46,373 rounds of LC;. Md 1~281 rounrls of l'[C:. c"1Jtured~ .2I1d 18 rletainees :interrogated.

c. lith trmored Cwalry Reg:iment: (1) Ch 12 Ap:t;'U the 11th J.rmored Cav!Jlry Regiment wn.s pllJ.ced cr CC1IT to

the Di'"ision mvi begen '4.eployr.J.ent frqn Bien HOi1. to D!;Y '1'JEFG. :n the 13th the l/S Cav (-,) became CI'C(Jr, Md crrn./.TIGJ l·fQ;1TIJ.Tl" RI;lD"T, "18.8 initiated 0).5

the ~e6iment thrust into the crescent are". northwest of Dj..U TIENG. This portion of NCflT.h..f\A IL',JD:F;R lAsted untU 19 J~ril at which time the unit retvrnerl 12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 - [PDF Document] (7)

to n;.u TlEHG for a maintenance standdown. Ch the 2211d of April', the 11th AGfl moved frClll D}"U TIEt'iG to fJ{ LCC, 8nd on the 24th initiated oper8:tions in t.he northeiJ.stem portion of the Division J1C approxim"tely 15 kilcmeters south of the FISEHC.:K. en 26 .'pril the 2/7 CiW we.s pl.?ced crCctJ, end At tho end of the rcport­in:; pericd the Regiment was operating \.dth 2 Clr'ganic squadrons Mel an c.:i:cm·)~)Ue kttalion. .

f. 1st Squadron, 9th Cl'v2,lry (;perations: (1) The 1/9 Cav continued to provide r:enerE11 supDon to the Division conducted operations for the brig?c1es on 8. nission bl"'sis. The Sque.:lron W<,-S orEsrnized. primerilv with ond' tr')~ sllj'porting each or;Lgllde j f, Troop with 1&1:. Brig;'.')o, B Troop with 3d Brigade, MQ C Troop with 2ct Brigl"tle. Due to fpst l'lovin3 and fluid situations. L wns necessary at times .for the units to I'UCCl'l8nt

other troops or 21ter the norT'!.iL aligrun2nts. Screening fW'!. reconnaissC'.TIce L1issions, bomb ctrunage assessment, securing "!.owned aircr;:d't, enri econo.nv of fClr'ce TIEasures continue tn be the routine ntissions perf0I'med b" the 1/9 Cav. During the reporting rer:i.C)~ p, Troop W<lS locf'.terl at T.'.Y· Nnm; 13 Troop at f"1lTD'J 1('1 throu;,:;', 17 }~arch, at L1JJG '1TI',m throug:] 19 f.pril, end at oUiJT L0I; C Troop at FHUfC VINH; and D Troop (firound) E'J, ('Fi)I LOI thr8UgtJ 12 ~r,arch, ancJ. at rHU"'C Vn·TJI.

(2) Cumulative tatpls for 1st Squ;:vtron, 9th CwplT" Oper"tions for the 3-nonth pGricd S2.W 722 wn KIA, 3 HI, 6B inrlividu81 we",.pons and 13 cIs weapons c1.'.ptured or destr8"lTed, nnd 32.8 tons of rice cternolished.

g. Division Cunul?t ive Result s: (1) Results of operations frem 1 Februl1.I'¥ to 30 J'"pril 1969:

EneT:\'l: Killed - 2,78B; Frisoncrs of 1'!!"I' - 61; IndivHurJ. 5mcl1 .'.rl'lS ani Crew Served ~;e<'l.pons c>'.ptuNcl or destroyed - 1,117; Friendly: Killed - ]01; ','loundecl - 1,785.

h. Cc:mbat SUPI'ort ZLernents (JJer.>tions: (1) Division Jrtillery: Subnitted sep2Xntely ~ 2) 11th Aviation Grotrp:

P; I:c.j"'r cper!itbns (1) TQ1J}TH2 TGII (2) TOm TH,;:U III

b. General: The 11th Aviation Group continued to provide general, tactical, and logistical suppClr't for divisional ani n<:n-divisi<:nal units in ITI C'l'Z. B Canpany of the 227th AHB relreated on 16 Mar 69 to Di fin prov­iding better support to units :in the southern portion of the Division area of operations. All majClr' installations in the Divisicn area of Operations receiv­ed numerous indirect fire attacks during the reporting pericxl..

c. Tactical C1:'crations (1) TOliN TH;J~G II 7 Nov 6S - 16 Feb 69: The 11th Aviation

GroUp continued to suppClr't this III Corps operation during the per­ied. The 227th and 229th ABBt s provided c-:mpany-size CQ!1bat assaults daily. ether foms of support frem 11th Group included logislical reSupply, cQ11!l1enrl. ani control, psyops, medevac, and Night Hawk/Blue recon J'1issions. The 228th 1'.'3ID3 was responsible fClr' successfully relocating 1st Brigade'fire be,ses during this Opere.tion.

(2) TOm TH1.NG III 17 Feb 69 - Fresent: TOW THJ"NG III began during arrl continued through ·the reporting periai. This !:peration en­compflssed the annual Tet Offensive. The 227th and 229th AH"l's gave aviation support to large reaction forces daily. Increased night support was given with emphasis placed on interdiction of enemy r-Jovement. Night cClnbat assaults -were cortlucted in southern pClr'tions of the Division area of operations. All facets

\,tFr"~H:jj .. ~lfw,,; L !j'J . ~~! I"j~; '\ 1~ jt.~.~,.' 12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 - [PDF Document] (8)

lED SUBJT~CT ~ Operatimal TIeport fnr 0uarterly Feria:! F.hding 30 ,~pril 1969

of 11th h:viation Group support- increc:.sed under T0:JT 'I''-fl,NG ill during the Tet Offensive. hf'ter Tet subsidecl, 11th Group support e:l 3rd ille relocation frQTl Bien HOa to Quan Loi.

d. Air Traffic control elements of 11th i~viation Group reported the ,following air traffic at Division Base airfield for the mmths of FebruarvJ l-:arch, and AprU 1969:

(1) VFR R!1rf Day 'R/W Night F(lrJ Day FN Night

7999'K 12631 B32B 90B (2) GCA: 1871 (3) During the reporting period J both GCll and NDB approaches

were flight checked and certified.

Statistics for Reportin~ .eried 1 Feb - 30 Apr 1969

Sorties Fax HoursCa¥o AH~1G/UH-1B/C 7169 N, II N!A 4356 00-·1 H 941-1-14 4D25 10861B 2729(1 CH-47 17785 24919 51243 6913 CH-6:, 6837 32 2356 2332

(1) Hits Fly: 42; (2) Hits No Fly: g., Destroyed: 4

(3) 13th Signal Battalion: Operations: Si~nificant l..ctivities: a. Operation S~ID;.N S:BRE: CQllJIluniclltions installed in support

of this Operation were reported in the CRLL ending 31 Janu.'1ry 1969. b. NAVAJO l'ltnHmS:S I, II: :.dditional conmunications installecl

in support of this Operation were: (1) (he 12 ch8nnel tnmk group WaS provHed fran. ihuoc Vinh

to Tay Ninh. (2) AN,MRC-112 four ch:mneI systems were inst alleri frQIl Tay

limh to L2 1 s TTI:'1RI and TRt.CY in support of 1st Brigar1.e operations. c.. CH1i;YENI.!E SABRE: This cp,eratim was conducted. in its entirety

'::1.uring the repCTting period. Ccr.munications to support tactical. oper·~tionS'

in the C~eyenne Sabre AO were estpblishod as follows: (1) Cbe 12 che.nnel systeM" fr()n'[ Camp Gorvad to Bien Boa in

support of the .3l:'d Brigade. (2) FM radio retransn.ission facility proviried P'_t Fhuoc Vinh

to link 3rd Brigade Forwat'd at Bien Hoa with re8.r eleMents remaining at QulID

Loi. 3rd T<rigade 1'11 nets, B-1 anG B-2 were relayed tf1rougn Phuoc Vinh until all eleMents of the 3rd Brigarie were relocated to Bien Hoa.

(3) FM radio personnel and equipMent were provi~ed at Bien Hoa to augment the 3rd Bri<:!1ide '5 organic capnbility in or'ier that they ~ould operate si1:!ultaneously in the Cheyenne Sabre and ,sheridan Sabre !~Ol s.

(4) Che i'J'1/MRC-112 four channel system f'rcrI: ( a) Bien Hoa to LZ CINDY (b) Bien Hoa to L2 LIZ (c) Bien Hoa to LZ LOIS (d) Bien HOa to L2 LI1 (0) Bien Hoa to LZ KNrE ( f) 12 LIZ to LZ enroy 12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 - [PDF Document] (9)

I U d. Met'T:,NA SC CUT:

(1) 1st arid 2nd Brigades cqn",enced operations in the IJfnntana Scout AD on ':S March 1969", C(w:nmications installed for Sfr1RIT);J-T SJ.BRE were augmented as follows:

,j- , - ( ) _. : • "'_ <l. " Cbe 12 channel system was installed fron Camp Gorvad to Lai Khe in suppor t of the 2nd Brigade ..

(b) FM retransmission sites were established on YUI BA D»-J and L2 DeLIX to enable the. 2nd Bd.,gade to con;nunicate with its battalions west of the R3-zorbacks.

(c) A MRC-112/GRC-163 four charmeI system was inst~lled from Tay !Tinh to the following locations in support o"f the 1st Brigade:


(2) The 3rd Brigade displaced to Quan Loi on 19 April 1969 and 3.ssUmed responsibility for t·he northern portion of the Montcma Scout AD. C<lnlli'unicat ions installed in support of 3rd Brigade tact ical operat ions were:

/ (a) 1'in FH retransmissicn station was established at Camp )(orvad to link the 3rd Brigade Forward at Quan Loi to rear elements at Bien Hoa. The 3rigade nan';'sGcure cqnmnnd net Was relayed untIT all elerlents clisr:laced to Quan Loi.

. (b) AN/MRC-112 four channel systems were instC'~led fron Quan Loi to:


e. HGJTANA RAmER I, II, In: This OperC'-tion Was initiated on 13 April 1969 with tt1e 11th !tCR conducting RIF operations in the expanded Montana SCGt.."t AO", Phases I and II W8!"e conducted with the 11th ACR CP !l.t 1)au Tieng; the CP relocated to Quan Loi for the conduct of Phase III.. Can1Tlunicr.cticrns sup­port Was furnished as follows:

(1) Two l.:NftmC-112 syst=s were installed frqn Camp Gorvad to D<:;.u Tieng during phases I and II",

(2) Circuits were obtained' frcm the corps area svstem between Coop Gorvad and Quan Loi during l'hase ITI.

(4) 8th TIhgincer Battalicn: Operaticns: Significant l,ctivities: a. During the renorting perio1, the m"dority of the 8th Engineer

Batt2J.ion's effort was directed tawar:'s support of the 1st Cav",lry Division in Operations TCIlJ THJ'.NG II, CHEYEE!]f; StJ3'lE, S~ID:N S/ERE, N~.VI.JO l"T'lJ.l1:ffiSE II, TO/J,y TH!:NG TII, end Hcl*t::Nf, SCCUT. Ehgineer efforts in III Corps continued' to be directed at :improving or renov'lting base camps in Tay Ninh, rhuoc Vinh, Lai Khe, 2nd QUaIl Loi to acccmmoo.ate the Division l s avir-tion res'Jl1rces. 1J. ­though most of the adwT construction work was done by non-divisianal resour­ces, all coordination was effected through the" 8th Engineer Battalion. Nei1X­ly all rlivisional engineer effort expended during this period can'best be claS­sified ilS riirect ccmbat support. In and it ion to normal rlmesweep, demoliticn, and other engineer support proviied to unit.s :in the field, the battalion cons­tructed or :improved 18 fire bases for t'-le Divisicn, including 5 fire bases :in a 4-day perim in late April.. All elements devoted maxirnrn effort t award [;reparation for the maintenance inspections.

b 9 Headquqrters and Headquarters Ccmpany remained at Fhuoc Vinh during the rep'rting pericc.. In all operations, HHC supr,orted the line ccmpan­ies by pL>cing constructicn equipment and water points orCCN to them.. The three line platoons of HHC were also involved in various c<:nstruction tasks in the development and maintenance of the Division base camp at rhuoc Vinh..

1 - -" .~ 12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 - [PDF Document] (10)

SUBJECT: Operatianal Report for PUC'rterly Peria! Errlin~ 30 l.pril 1969

Significant projects canpleted incluies aircraft -Plaintenance- arep.s for the 227th J'JIB and 228th J.!3HB, fields of fire in the Orange, 11ed, White, and Brown Sec- ­tors, and an aircraft control tower f'JI' THE TEfN vrr pt:rl. Metif..ion811y, consiC',c:rable effort lolas experrled on i"'provingthe ctrRinage in Camp Gorvad. Ch 12 February, work was c-anpletect at the Mont.a~ard Refugee Camp in Song fle; over 3.5 kilcmeters of access roads and streets were constructed and fJJ acres of land were cleared for gariens nnd houses. Ch 11 April, work wes initiated to upgrade the abnndoned Prek Klock airstrip (xr267700) to 0-130 capability. The first G-130 landed on 28 f.prU.

c,. Canpany A supported the 1st Brigade during t"is reporting per­ia1. The base camp was loca.ted at Tay Ninh during the majority of the report­ing perio1. The majority of base camp development and maintenance work was dJIle by non-divisional engineer resources. (he squad W?s can1"litted to proVirl.e technical assistance in SEA Hut construction to the 229th !JIB in Dau Tieng. Direct canbat support incllrled daily derJ.')lition and minesweep teams in SUpT'ort of infantry units. New fire b"ses TRl'.CY, TE:':'..RI, DCLLY, IKE; Cl'JHLYN, -end JE3S 'ltiOre opened bv l'. surported by- airmobile dozers, hackhoes, and w2.ter poms crcar frem HHC. In Tay Ninh, limited c'>nstructiQl1 pro.iects "to :iJ:lprove 1st Brigade unit areas were c'1'lpleted en a missian reauest basis. en 25 March, ene platoon of A Ccmpany iisplfl-ced to Bien Hoa to aid in construct­ins the Divisian Trc-.ining Cemer. '1'his plato'"ln remained in Bien Hoa at the clooe of the reporting peria!.

d. Company "1 remained in iI.:irect suppott of the 2nrl "riqane with its cr in Quon Loi until 12 Harch. en thAt date, the"CC!"lpeJ1Y C'.isplaced to Lai Khe to c~locate with a fo,,,nrd cr of the 2nd '<rir:.'lrle n 'rJork in hoth lOcations was directed at constructing-new campeny areas and aidin~ 2nil. nrigarle lr'its in area i''Provement projects. Work continues on limited c0nstructiQl1 projects at the close of the reprorting pericd. en 1 April, one pl::toon of TJ CompeJ1Y " iisplaced to Sien Boa to aid in constl'uction of the Divisioo 'T'raininlS Center. This work WgS cO!1pleted on 22 .April. Ch 17 i~pril, one plRt00n of n CCl'lppny ::lisplaced to Camp Gorvad to becane the general SUPT'ort platoon for the Div­ision.. This platoan remains at Camp Gorvad at the close of the renorting perioj and is currently engaged in C'.rain£l6e and crmstructi'1I1 of the ~ club. Direct ccmbat support inclucted naily l'linesweep ann r\.emolitinn support to in­fentry lomits on the ground, to include elements of the 11th tieR rluring the pcricd 11-22 J~pril.. Fire bases JOE, VJ'c-lTIE, Md JlD'JE were renpened and re­hahilitated during this periai. Qr 24 April, 13 Cc:mpRl1Y constructerl a new fire base» LZ Jh\fIE.

e. Company C remainerl in direct support of"the Jrrl l1rigane with its CF in Bien Hoa during most of the reporting pericrl.~ 16 !.pril, the cr USf'l:'\ced to Quan Loi in conjunction with a Jrd Brigarle Mave. Limiterl general S\lr~,ort was provided to 3i'd I3ri~atie units during the rer'Jrting perio1 as C Cor'l;'iJl1Y ccntinuerl to provic1.e-massive canbat support, to inclu-1.e rlaily mine­s,,,eep and il.enolition support, to Jrd Brigade manewer"battalions. The m;' cil:J.~any effort was directed at opening new fire bases, and on two occasirns, two new fire bases were 'constructed on consecutive days. Fire b"ses J,'XE,' KELLY, and K1l1'E were reopened or rehabiJJ·:'ated during the reportinq- pericrl. New fire bases CTh1])Y, LIZ, "LOIS" am'nrtL1I"l were ree,Jenen hv C Cr.mP!JrIy sup­ported b~r airmObile dozers, backhoes, and water points <:rca! from WIG. (he

platoon of C Ccmpany was cC'llUnitteri as the T'Jivisioil gener"11. suPrDrt plRtoorr :In CrullP Gorvad, rluring the pericd 5 l;Tarch - 17 ;\pril. en 25 ~farch, one pl~tcon

of C CCl'lP!1Ily waS canmitteti to aid in canstructicn of the 1)ivisi0l1 Tr!'_inin'" Cen­ter in :3ien '.-!bag and that platoonr~~iris:in'3ienHoa ,qt the close of the rep­ort ing perioi .. 12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 - [PDF Document] (11)

·····\·· . ;~u

SUBJZCT ~ cperational ReplJ.I't for Cluarterly Feriod Ending .30 1,pril 1969

f. The engineer effort expended durin~ the reporting pericxi by non-divisional engineer units has been sie;inificant.. Both the 588th Engin­eer Battalion in Tay Ninh am'" the 31 st Engineer Battalion in Fhuoc Vinh and OU811 1.oi resronded quickly with massive constructic:n efforts in orrier to up­grade nelo1 base camps in III Corps.. Consid erable earth work was rermired to expand hardstands for revetl!lent, maintenpnce and flyway are".s. CongEruction support by these two battalions continues on a rnissic:n reauest basis. rn 17 April, the 31 at Engineer Datt;:>lion completod matting the Camp 'l-orve.d G-130 parking ~prcrr and airstrip with 1<ISf,1 steel mp.,tting.. llfork Was continued on construction' of twelve fixed-wiilg revetments, a 21 bay ASf, a perimeter road for Camp l1orvad, and a new aircraft" maintenace/revetment area for the 15th ~1:edicp~ Battalion. This unified effort and "Can Do" attituie exhihited-bv non-divisional engineer troops added immeasurably to the overall effort. It freed elements of the 8th Engineer Battalion frem general support missic:nS'.. thereby greatly increasing the quantity am quality of r1irect cembat support ren"',ered to each of the three brigades. 12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 - [PDF Document] (12)

S UBJECT ~ Operational Report for Cluarterly Period Ending 30 April 1969

2. (C) S i,g;nific<?nt Act i vitie s a. General: See p"'rag,!'aph lao '~ b. Signific~nt activities occuring in OperationSIGRID;'J,T S'J3RE, r.U.vMOT,rR­

HORSE, Ci1EYEN"E S:'"'R::!:, HCNT!J''Tl. SCOUT, VCl'T.',Nf, l'LlIDBR, and LTLiiS T"rr'/T~ during the reporting pericxi;

(1) 7 Feb: Ccmpanv !~, 2:i Bn, 12th Cav wc>s conduct:ing operations vic XT' 3B872 and dis covered a hr;;e rice and ammunit ion cache. 'T'he cache included 54,000 pOlIDds of rice, 50 B-41 rockets, 20 B-40 rockets, ann 15 57inm rounds.

(2) 9, 10, and 11 Feb: The 3d ARVN )far:ines, under (FCrn of the second Erisade.• was operating :in vic xr 544719 when they discovered a large c,'!che. The l~orines consequcmtly captu:,ed 105,[00 AK-l+7 rounds; ~ 122 rocket warheadi':;, 10 oversize 122 rock8t warrteads. 1,300chicQIl grenades, 198 $2:mm mortar roums, 216 :&-4D rockets, 348 6Qnm mort~' rounds, 37 8Jmm mortars, cQIlplete, 22 107mm' rocket launchers, 66 ilO(rnm rour:ds, 22 RPD machineguns, 7'RPG rocket launchers, 25 75JTI1Jl recoilless rifle rounds; 74 7.62mm sniper rifles, 137 !K-47 weapons, 15 anti'-aircrp,ft guns, and 10 tons of assorted. arnno and equipment.

(J) 10 and 11 Feb: Ccnpany DJ 2d Bn, 8th Cav, was opere.:ting near :lIT 317} ,md fOlIDd a total of 126,000 pOlIDds of rice storeri in 200 pound ba1"s.

(4) 12 Feb: fj..I'craft from CompanY B, 1st Sqdn, 9th Cav, were r()c"mdn? i)nd r3ceiired :intense grClund to fire from several locatiClns in the 'lrea of YU 045145~ The firing continued and one La-I W2.S shat dawn resulting in 3 us missing in action. Three at"ler aircraft fl"Ting in the Same orea, at vi'rious during the day, were also enlSr>.'1ed with small arms and autcmatic W8?pons fire. In an attempt to locate the three miss:ing personnel, Ce:ralrv Infantry­mon 1'101'8 inserted in the ;:.:rea. Their seerch W[-lS unsuccessfulJ but before the :inf2,<"ltrvrnen were extracted., t hey encountered an enemy tmit r,;sulting in B ~1V!.

being ~dllc,d in action. After'the troops' were extr".ct.'Jd, t'1e 2,re"1. WC\S eng?"erl with orgsnic nirnobile we8,pons, artillery, and air strikes which resulted in 0.:1 (10ditional 66 wn beinlS killed in e,ction. L?terJ the broies of·the three :1.issing personnel were recovered by elements of the 35th R;;lll/Ser Bn. ­

(5) 15 Feb: In: an nI'ea 1 kilcmeter east of Nu Be. Die-'1 ~KollntainJ /, Tra0p, 1st Sqd.n, 9th Cav, encnuntered heavy enemy contact ai'ter nil 1C~.:r,:··w",s;.shot

down. The [,era Rifle Platooll waS inserted to extract the cre1" cmrl. secure "t.h.e aircraft. Dur:ing the extraction of the rifle plato.em, the lift helicopters rGceived heavy SI!klll arms 8IldB-4D fire. Two lift ships were I-Jit and subseQuent­ly ere.shed and burncc~.• A tr'::Jop suffered 5 KI1,'sJ and 18 'VJI;"s during the brief encounter, which was followed by an L".'L"ilediate B-5? strike. !~ e;romd raid follov.1CQ the air strike which resulte<1. in a nef,ativo assessment of enemy caS­n:!lties.

(6) 19 Feb: C TrOGp, 1st SqdnJ 9th Cav, lOcated an onem'T base carrp at: YT 23B36g. Eight enemy were killed by helicopter gem fire and or~anic ....reapons. Seven more enemy troops were killed by artillery. Following the ba.t'Ti)ge of artillGl'Y, the C 'l'roop J..ero Rifle P1e.toon WD,S inserted anel destrenTed the enemy b2.sC c'~mp. Their efforts led to an additional 6 NVA KIf. and tbe seizure of n Uiilcr ous smcl.l iter.1S of e quip"ent •

(7) 22 Feb: , !-. Scout Helicopter fr:m G Troop 1st '3qdn, 9th Cav, spattCl. a suspccted enemy cache site at YT 122568. The "era v,;eapans Platoon i 12!!'..Gdiately cngaged the ')l'Ca "rid; or2;2nic we'1pans. Results ShOM~d 12 'tTVA KIA, 12 bicycles destroved., end over a ton of rice destroved. 12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 - [PDF Document] (13)

SUBJECT: q,erati?J1al R kpril 19if)

(8) 2.3 Feb: The enemy b6gan an offensive charaeterizerl by standoff attacks l lari'!e scale ground att acks, and by fire. The following 1st Cavalrr installations an::hmits were attacked b~ fire: T1\.V-rmTH , LPJ; ~Rcn(xr 3.398461 L2 DIDY (Xl' 8291), L2 RTIA (XI' 499003), CNW ftCRVtJ), LZ nar, and Company A, 1st Bn, 12th Cav. The results of these attacks wore 5 US killed and 76 wounded in action. 17.... GRtJlJT (XT 3S7623), repelled a groun1 attack which was initiaten at 0330H, killing 16 of the enemy and capturing 2 others. hiendlv losses consistGd 0f one killed in action and 7 others wounded.

(9) 25 Feb: l..t 1155H, Ccmpany C 2/2 Hech, which was CPCCJ.T to the 2d B:le, and Ccmpany C, 1st Bn, 5th Cav encountered and attacker! a bunker cQTlplex vic XT 553482. Their action resulted in 25 NVA killed, while LTS forces had 11 men wounded in action.

(10). 25 Feb: !.t 1545H, C Troop, 1st Sqdn, 9th Cav spotted 30 indiv­iduals we,oring black and green clothing at YT 100271. The Troop COImnP; called for artillery and an air strike while his men fixed the enemy with organ5,: weapons. The c0U10ined firepower killed 23 NVI. and set off numerous secaIlllry expl asians. ­

(n) 26 Feb: At 0120H, COJ:IP3IlY C, 1st fu, 5th Cav ma'le- contaet with a leI'!-:::'; enemv force in bunkers vic XT 556475. Ccmpany I" 1st BIl, 5th CaY anti. Company C, 21 Bn (Mech), 2d Infantry crCCN, reinforced the em~C'.o:ed unit and . th0 combined effort resuJtro in 150 bunkers being destroyerl and 46 NVA killed. There were 15 US troops wounded' in the encounter•.

(12) 26 Feb: !it l?05H, Scouts of C Troop, 1st Sqdn, 9th Ce.v bepan a series of. engaq,ements Nith enem,y troops located in a bunker complex at YT llO?85. Air strikes weN reauested and these engagements caused 10 seccnd­art explosions. Results of the encounter revealert 23 NVA killer! and there 1<1~re no casualties.

(13) 27 Feb: Canpany A, 2d Bn, 7th CaY experienced .~ series of con­tacts with an enemy- force well fortified in bunkers at YT 092267. The battle raged for 4 hmrs with Canpan7 1" '2d En, 7th CaY sustaini1'J.p, li;:rht casualties whilG the enemy had 34 men killed in act-ion.

(14) 8 Mar: The 2dBn of the 12th CaY, locatefl at L~ Grant (XI' 387623), rGceivert a large scale gr'JUnd. attack supported. bv a heA.VY volume of suppOrting weapons. The attack began at 0030H an::'! the enemy broke contact at 0615H. Durin'S the encounter, 157 NV!. ",;ero killod, 2 prisoners W'-'re taken, 23 individual NGapons, and 10 crew served weapons l-iCre captured. Frierrllv forces had 13 men killed anrl 39 others womde1.

(15) 9 }{ar: Ccmpany B, 2d Bn, 5th Cav was occupvinl" a night ambush position in AD N:.VLJO ~flR4CRSE vic Xl' 349154, when they made contact with an enemy battalion size element. The insuing '0attle cost t '1e eneM'! 36 lives while US forces l1ad 14 men killed an:l 31 others wounded.

(16) 9 Mar: Compeny B, 2d En, 7th CaY, mlJrle contact with an ene!!rV C01:1pany size force located at bunkers at YT 255210. Ccmpany B sustained light ca6uiJJ.ties and killed 15 enemy troops.

(17) 10 ~Iar: tit Xl' 54513134, B Troop; 1st Sqdn, 9th C<,.v spotted approx:ime.tely 30 NVA dressed in new uniforms, with ~b gear and /$.-47 rifles. The men appeared to be located in a resting area. B Troop emplo,red tRt. and air strikes to inflict maximum casualties. The e.ction resulted in 7 1T\Tl\ • being killed by helicopters, 7 NVA killed by air strikes, 4 killed by lItA, and there were severai bloed trails leaving the area. 12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 - [PDF Document] (14)

SUBJ~C':': ({Jcrational Report fo:,:, Ouart2rly Period End:ing 30 Lryril 1969

(18) 11 ¥ar: During the night, 2d Bn, 12th CaY, who were locpted on L~ Grant (XI' 3S7623), was att~ckerl by an estim",ted enemy b"ttalion. The enemy tmit employed 3. ground unit supported by mortar and rocket fire resulting :in 15 friendly troops being killed and 27 others receiving w01ID.ds. The battle lasted fran 0145H to 0330f" with 6~ enenw being killed and 2 prisoners lJeing capturl;d.

(19) 17 l~ar: 1\.t 0143H, CODpany E, 1st Rn, 7th Cay was OCCUp'Ting g

defensive position vic Xl' 058206. !n estimRted 2 platoon ene!!'V she farce ov;;rrC'.n the CP and penetrated the permeter. In their attack, the NIT!; had 20 men killed, while fr icndly for ces h2rI 10 killed and 14 W''Ullr1ed.

(20) 17 l'far: 1\.t 0325Q, Ccrnpany E, 1st En, 7th Cp,v, located at L'Z Lois (IT 129229), was attacked by an enemy farce estim<1ted to have been 2 reinforced ccmptlllies. The enemy struck during the hours of darkness, using heC'vy mortar fire, B-40 rockets, and sapper attacks. II. fierce battle ensued reSUlting in heaVY US casu",~ties and 12 enemy troops killed.

(21) 21 :M"r: Canpanv- A, 1st Rn, 5th CaY was ryperatint'; in the north",rn pertion of the 2d :&Ie J~O when they found an anns C2che. The cache included 24 :K.-47's, 4 ilK-50' s, and 20 SKS's. In the SaJ!le 1lre[)., the unit also discoverea 60 bunkers and the bodies of 70 NV.'.. who had previouslY' been kill_ed..

(22) 22 Mar: Aircraft fran C 'T'roop, 1st Sqdn, 9th CaY made scattered CGI1bct,s in the 2:1. B1e 1.0 resulting :in 21 NV!. be:ing killed in action.

(23) 24 :Hllr: Canpany f., 1st Bn, 5th CaY ambushed C1n tmlmown onem.y siz8 force at JiT 572658. The results of the encounter wcro ') rTv:~ kille' r'nr'". l~ 1''1T-. taken ·prhoner.'

l24J 2 i;pr: A Tr,op, 1st Sqdl1, 9th CaY was inserten. to locatG a hGlicopter that had been recently shot riown vic XI' 233774. T'lJ1.ile working :in the area, the hero Rifle Platoon faunrt and destroyen. a 25 foot long bridge that crossei n streem at YT 238794. At 1120H, the illlit entcre'1. an enoJ"'Y base calTlp which har1. a number r')f well c0nce,'ll.od btmkers with overhead cwer md cook st aves. ;;.t 1130I-I, while working in the same rlrea, the unit f"und C1nd rlestr0yerl 2 15:x20 foot structures and located several new graves. '['he unit also destroved eight tons of rice. Later, at 1400H vic Y'l' 223792, the pletoon was pinned down by hemr]! enem,y fire. l'iTit 11 the assist 9Jlce of an idr strike anrl,".'R.', contact was broken resulting in 4 NITj, KIf.. The platom continued on and fntmrl another bunker complex at XI' 221791. The 1.Ulit fQUlyl in this <\rea, foo1, clothing, hand grenades, and. several d0CUl'lerrts. The docUf11ent,s were confiscaterl anrl t'le ph.taon "Ias later extracted at 1625H.

(25) 5 .~pr: The C Troop, 1st, Sqdn, 9th CaY Scouts at XI' 438642 spof,ted 15 NVfl ani en'!;:I'~ed them with rockots ana air strikes resultjn~ in II ~TVP, KIl,.

(26) 13 j".pr: The lith ACR :'.ero rtiflc :;:l:,toQn \IInS serd;: to· con:"uct bmD danan:e assessment vic Xl' 4755. The unit., while in Ulis area enro:8,ged an enemy force. C<l!lpeny 1\., 1st Bn, 11th CaY W'lS depln'Terl to reinforce the pla.toOI1 and quickly J:k'de sharp contact. The enp;ll£Ye'1"lent :increased :in :intensity end C~pe.ny C, <tl Bn, 12th Cay and Ccmrany C, 1st Bn, Sth CC'v ,,!Ore sent int 0 the ,rC.'l to reinforce the two already en<>;aged units. The action rosulterl. j.n 15 TT.S sol(~iers being killed, .17 others wouncled; ana 7 NVA were killec1.•

(27) 18 Apr: J'..t 1000H, 1. 'I'"'oop, 1st Sqdn, 9th Cav-, cpllGd for an A;ir strike at XI' 407700. The air strike caused one large socorrlarv explosion,

. uncovered two undergrol.uU TIess hctlls that were 20x30 feet with 12 wooden tables 12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 - [PDF Document] (15)

SUBJECT: Operational Report for Quarterly Period Ending 30 [~pril 1969

in each. <:he office buildin:>;, containing desks, ~nd filing cabinets, 9 billets with bunk beris, and numerous bunkers ,vere elso uncovered. Mter tha air strike at 1500H, the Ii Troop Aerr? Rifle Platoon was inserted to seerch the complex, but the unit found the ".rece too intensive to fully exp1tit it and requested assistance. By 1535H, the friendly forces realized they hat! discovered 8- large l~VA hospital ccmp1ex. After fL"" 31 tons of rice anr1 numerous medical supplies, the decisir;n was made to remain in the ",rea overnight. By the follow­ing afternoon, the Lero Rifle Platoon anti the reaction force, CQll'IpaI1;)' B, 2d Bn, 5th Cav, had collected two laundry bags· of doclID.1.ents, several chican grenade!?, C18J1TI1ore mines, books, nropa('Sanda documents, C'nd additional mediC131 supplies. The remC'.inder of the afternoon was spent maldlng an L~ so Rll the equinment conld be evacuated. The ;,ero Rifle Platoon was extracted at 171lH on 19 April.

(2S) lS At 0840H an L01 fron the 11th ACR, spotten and enga!!'3d an individual vic :IT 433600. The a.ircraft, in the process, devel·:Jped mechanical problems and had to make a forced landing. Tm E lin moved to secure the C'.ir­craft and established contact with an enemy force in bmkers. TIn f. lin l<le.S then committed to reinforce the alrGs,d.y en":c,ged tmit. The eYl/!C'ReI1ent resulted jn ro eneny soldiers KIA while friend1v forces hart suffered 6 KI!, -and 2e T'lIf••

(29) 21 !>pr: Company C, 5th 1:Jn, 7th Cav atXI' 566694 made contact with an unJrnown size enetrly force. The fonowinJ2; dav, du.ring a sweep of the clJUtact a:rea, the ccmpany f'"!\)nrl 7 sraVGs snel the remains of cmat"Jer 1\'VA Baking a tatal of 8 NV}, being killed.

(30) 27 Apr: At XI' 468724, Tm B lin, found a "reapons cache which contained 179 bolt action Chinese carbines, 1 tf-tD machinegun, 2nrl 1 50 cal machinegun.

(.31-) 29 Apr: J\.t Xl.' 41679':>., 'I'm C 1/11 enGAged aD eneJ:JY force in bunkers and Ccmpany A, 2d Bn, 7th Cav, and M 3/ll were called to reinforce the erJga.'?,Cd unit. This contact resulted in 57 NVL being killed Md 25 us troops being wounded.

(32) 30 Apr: CQllpan;\T D, 5th Bn, 7th CaV at XI' 565733, received lJ.ort,ar, B-40, and SI:la11 arms fire during the early morning hours. Later:in. the day, the unit swept the ",rea and reestablished. contact with p..!l estimated enemy c<mlpany size force. Scouts fran C Troop, 1st SQdn, 9th C",.v, Bde Scouts, :R:~, and air strikes were called in support of D. '1'his action resulted in 6 l\TVA being killed in action.

(33) 30 Apr: Tm M 2/7 received B-hO fire fron an enemv force at ­XT 419790. The resulting battle killen. 19 NVA while 5 us troops ,...ere NIA. 12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 - [PDF Document] (16)

;"til'~ SUBJECT: Opera,tional Report for 0uartp.rly Perioi Ending 30 April 1969

SECTlm II~ L1'!S~OWl LE'RI\11'i',D

1. Fersormel: None

2. Operations: a. ,:erial Louispeaker AEVl-A.."gS-4:

(1) Cbservation: ThelOOQ-watt aerial loudspeakers without portable' frames are hard to handle, slOW to load into helicopters, and easily daT.!laged.

(2) Evaluation: The Division PSYQ> Section tested '!lounting the f~Ti)v-t:P,'3-4 lolrlspeaker on both wooden and alumL"'1UI1 frames. The aluninurn frame WA,S herder to make, but proved to be lighter and more durable than the wooden' one. The Division adopter} the alumimnn framG and made three. In el'lrly April 19tR, a UlfiH qelicopter .ras shot. dOl~n and crashed. The 1~~ABS-4 survived the cras!'.

(3) ReCQIlmendation: The lOOO-watt ADKe-lBS-4 loudspeaker s'1oulrl be equinped with an aluninun frame to facilitate ground and aerial hlmdling 21l"l to protect the equipment.

b. Use of ,',rtillery Smoke: (1) Observ:>,tion: !~ delicate situation is oft'3n cncountE'rBd in the field

'lhcn an element, gets pinned down by enerav in bunkers and can't attacK or with­-ira:l'1 NithouL accepting heavy casualties. This situation becanes "wen more iifficult when scme Or many of those pinned do;.m Rr8 already c8.sualties. To move in either direction, thev need fire support. The range at whic, these contacts take place (often 15-30 meters) eliminates tube flrtillerv for close support. iRA can be used no closer then 30 metcrs without running tJ,e risk of additional friendly casualties. In addition, :.R!. is ineffective against bunkel"s, althougl1 ti.e psychOlo',:ical effect of a serealning anbarne fne spitter can bo of serne va~ue far a short time.

(2) Evaluation: In a tested case it WaS found that the c>lmost forgotten smoke screen can be very effective in f",cilitating either a continuation of tl-Je attack or .IiVlI"lrawal. The l05mm bowe ejection smoke r01md has bc",n used success­fully in this role to hreak contact "ll1en all at.her normal me;ms h,we been used unsuccessfully. The unit is allOW0rl to witl-Jdraw in gond arder, retrieving its dead c:.nd W011l1ctoo wit hout receivin~ furtl-]or c,;sualties. In me cAse, 30 romds wore found to be sufficient but this crn be varier \ dependinfS upon prevailing winds ,:md terrain.

(3) Recommenriation: 11!henever the nature 'Jf contact preclur1 es the use of close-in tube artillery or :Rf; fire supDort, tJ,e usc of a smoke screen can- per­form the val-uable function of llllowin"S an enga'2;od friendlv unit to recsroup, deploy, and/or maneuver. /. certain risk is involved bacause to obtain tl-Je 'lesned effect, the r0lIDds must be adjusted so the peds fall tolithin the friendly element. If a pod hits a J'lan, it Ci'n cause a CA,SUalty but it is extrcmel~r unlikely that 3X1yone ''1ould be killed if he hn.d his helmet on. ~Ioif.Jever, tJ,e cannister can kill rC";Jrdless of the hemet statuS. T1,e chances of a cannister 0r nais l-JiUinR; frivndlios is smal-ler still, but it is a risk wJ,ich must be considerect. Ccmpared to brinf',ing fBI. closer than 30 meters, the rigk is ne!iligible. 'lase plate fragments are negligible and not warth considera:ti0I1. T1is rr.etl1od has been proved effective and tJ1e decision rests 1~it" the CcmJ' with respect to specific employment. 12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 - [PDF Document] (17)

SUBJZGI': Operational Report for l'1ullX'terly Period Enct:1ng]O ''-pril 1969

c. Preliminary Defenses of Landing Zones: (1) Observation: Often, it is not possible to construct complete per­

imeter defenses on a new LZ in on'3 work day due to time limitations or shortages of protective devices.

(2) Evaluation: Recent experiences on division L2' s indicate that im­provised materials, alreadY available on t he new L2, maY' well prevent or at least give earlier warning to an' impending enerp, ground attack.

(3) Recaruncnclation: Ban'Scl.ore torpedoes can, in the initial sta"'e of an LZ, be used to clear fields of fire ;mrl. supr,lement ni.ght defenses. Placing bangBlores in areas to be cleared and firing them at during the night Will serve to keep the enemy off balance ann. clear fielrl.s of fire at t he same time. Makeshift bang810res can be made by packing C-4 int 0 eip;ht-foot nickets ani! wrap­ping them with be.roed wire. These can then be ernplo'Tec'! in addition to or in lieu of bangalores. Trip flares should be placed in bands outside the perimeter wire with safe lanes rather than solely wihin the perimeter wire. The lanes should bc construct,ad to allow infantry units leaving the L7; f'reorlcm of movement without setting off er::tp10ved warning deviccs. Hakeshift foure:asse/flares can be constructed by placing diesel or fou,";~.sse in l05mn o':'ass Emr1 ignitinJ; them with trip fl2X'es. These devices will provide illumination for pericds up to 30 Min­utes.

d. Carrying of CS grenades by the individual soldier for breaking contact or naneuvcring aR;ainst btmker ccmplexes:

(I} Cbservation: Most bunker complex cmtacts pre be~n by- a. unit un­suspoctingly walking into a well-camoufla.ged anrt denselY" foli;;>ged bunker ccmplex.

(2) Evaluation: US1.1.?~ly the first three men of the point saulld of a platoon or platoons are autcmatically hit and pinned r1.own if not inmediatelV KIt.. Letion such as this occurs anywhere fran 10' to 20' fran the initial bunker, thereby making manelNer quite difficult without risk of further cesualties.

, (3) Recanr::tcndation :'3y having eech soldier carry one OS' zrell!, as soon 2.S contact is este.blished at closc ran-se ann in bunker c<l".plexes, CS can be hand thrown without waste of time, t hereby enabling the unit to gain momentary man­eu~r superiority to assault. The fC)int must bc made !"'l-TR1'C t1'wt :iJnmedidely upon c()J1tact, the a,gent shodd be utilized to overwhclm the enemy before ho can react wi't.h his own counter-measures.

3. Trcining: None

4. Intelligence: None

5. Logistics: a. TL-nely Resp! to a F'ast H(J\ling To>cticAl Situation:

(1) The Method of operation within the }.irmobile Division reauires a rapid deployment of men ann. me.terials to estAblish a stron"" battAlinn fire sup­port base fr'.l'r1. whlch the rifle cC!!lplmios will operA'te. There pre often times when c;, decision to ':'pen a fire support base will b r , made cmr1 execute"'. with less th'?n 24 hours lend time. "

(2) In order fer the logistical system to react t.o these requireT'lents, there must be 8. preposi<tioning of the 3mount of materiC1l needei to provide'the infe;ntry establishing the base anri thc supportin"" artiller'r ClV<::rhecd cover, a tactical operi'1.tions center, and sufficient wire to encircle the base with one triple concertina fence on D-rlay. There must 2~SO be c>.D "lMOunt of Class IV 12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 - [PDF Document] (18)

;·UBtRCT: Cperatirx:al Report for Quo.rterly Perioi BnrUn.'Z 30 ,pril lG69 ":. ~'\.d , 1... ....' :.- ­

material rei'ldilv available to sustain the strelllztlJening of the base defense on 0+1 and D+2. E;Perience has shown th"t the folil1W:in!s list of naterials is neoded e.s a l'linunum:

UI n'I'Y ITW ill ('TV

Concertina CL /.V.O Lumber Barb H'ire RL 18 2XL2XL6' BF 2560 Picket 8' Eli lllO 3Xl2Xl6' BF 9&:10 Picket 6' Ef, 666 6X6X20' BF 4000" Ficket 3' E/. 666 6X8X20' BF 1600 HD 500 SX8X20' BF 61;20 Culvert 72" E".. 320 Culvert to" I'ails

16 D LB 100 ChGin Link ~D LB 200 Fence RL 20 60D LB 200

8" Spike LB 100 BD 10 7 11 Spike LB

Tho above BGf will provide the following:

Bn T ex:: : 20 'X20 ' :,rtv FDC: 10'X14' .t.ict sti'.t ion: 12 'Xl'2'

30 Peri'lleter 131mkers: S'XS'

OITerheod cover for: 2 Inf Cos, iirty Btry anrl Cmrl & C0l1trol Elem.

l'Jith these stanrlard materials, the unit is provirlerl a fa:ir iWl')unt of fiexibilit'T as t~ lIlh?t can be built to meet var,ring reouirements i'TIel. situ:ctions.

(3) ReCQ!Il)lendation: Using the pbove fioures !l.S ;> ,'!Uide, each brigarle should requisition thrOUg'1 the OPCCN battalions "n a'n"U1lt of Jl1ateriR~ sufficient far the Gst.:Jblishment of two (2) fire SUpDOrl b:'-,scs. These T.1.ntericls should be ':Jrokon dam :into 7,000 pJund lO!l.ds end positicJned for immerlinte use in estab­lishing f:ire support bases dieteted 't)y the ti'cticll situiltion.

6. Organization: None

7. Other: a. US Econ?nic Relationship to Local CQ-'lmunity:

(1) Cbserv3tion: '..Ilhen the Divisi'7fl C',rrived '1.t its new !.O, mainte.:ining raP.PQrt with the local pq>uli'ce WC'.S rt1:fficult.. The hamlet ,-,.".,ie.cent t() the bilse CP~lP hed been on limits t::> U.s personnel for prGvirms units. 'T'hese lmits em­pl'Jyed local civilic'.ns to perform persGnal anrl lmit services PS M""iris gnr1 KPt s. 1st C.V policy placed the town "off linits" Bnrl restricted civHi.8n empllJV!'lent to~aily hire. Local Vietna."lese resented the new p:)licy.

(2) ?valuation: The rO!,.S0l1S fer the 1st GAV p01iclT 1\€re cxplC'.ined to the pe:Jp10. Citizens lei'rned thi't the tONn hi.'r1 to 15e cle1'.norl. up :mrl. th:'lt tl'i.e

t,j<lO months,Division ".id not w,"t t i,~~tt'i1fIElJh ~t

lI,~ ·te,'· m . ;,.;iJJWIi " ..'l,.,... . "

"16 12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 - [PDF Document] (19)

• •. ll-


UCLAS&lflE.D -' 2)}~I': Operr>tbn3l Report far ~{Jrterly Pcrioi Ending 30 ,".pril 1969

tho Division adopted a p'Jlicy w'1ich lessenect the econanic recession of the tOlm. Laundries, gift sh0ps, and eventually restaurants "Jere placed on limits to US personnel fran 1:200 t'J 1830 hours. Businesses ~aterinf; to the needs of the Vietnemese were encoure,ged. The econcny appeeTed to st.abilize ar'1und the needs of the ccmm1IDity with a li11litert depen'lence on US personnel.

(3) Reccnnendation: T'Jh,en moving to a new aroB., the US unit sho1Jlc", sentl a Civil Ufa:irs representative :in arJ.vimce to' evaluate the local eC(lnrmV and provide advance liaison with locn.l officials. This will help T11in:imize adverse effects caused by policies vtJich effect the local econemy.

b. Reinforced Mchoring of tactictJ~ wire at Forward },2 Log Pads: (1) CbservAtion: en many L~'s, keeping'tactical ..nre in place arourrl

log p.~.ds is extreraely difficult due to excessive ""r~und winds caused by rclorwash from helicanters.

(2) r;v~lur\tion: 1',:-::'30 1,.nrC; presents 3~r:i.~\lS "I-z"r:~s t"h ~irc:r<,,:f't aB' weli ".8 pc !Jle on,th;c 'J,r'un'~ wl1:. ,-r,) cr,u·,:11t in blr'"lin«; wire.

(3) ;]ec'~''''''Oil~~:t.Lm:' The nUIllber of engine3r stakes use:1, iT), normal spans of triple standard concertina s"'0\1ld be <1ouhled. This will stabilize the fence and significantl" reduce the ha'l..."1I"rl to personnel and aircraft.

c. Firebase Construction: (1) OJservation: On several 0ccasions, the s'Jil at firebc>ses has been

8xtremely hard, and in sane cases, too harrl to 'Work with either the C,'~E 450 or D6B dozers used on f:irebases.

(2) Evnluation: It is necessary to c0I1struet sumps, ASP I s, ctefensiva positi'Jns, and personnel shelt.ers on Division firebases 'With ecuipment orr;.'mic to the Engineer Battalion.

(3) Reccmmendati,:m: Fifteen and forty pound eratel"ing chB,rges shoulcl. be used tlJ significantlcr loosen the hard, dry, clay soil fOU!lr\ in t"'eDivision ?,rea of ':perntions. This waS successfully n,cccmplis!->cd C'.t L?: ~ita. ~ployment

of oxplosives must 1)e'made in too earl'" phases of construct.ion, however, .'lS once artillery is emplaced, demolitim activfties must be curtailed to preclud.e £.cci:lcrrts settjng ')ff the artillery shells.


Escape, :-wnsion and Survival: EONE 12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 - [PDF Document] (20)

32 llICL T;D f;.: Q-ganizati:JIl T;':J B: weather ani Terrain TieD C: Enemy :.ctivities T i.e:, D: ,".erW Surveillance T:::' E: Intelli~ence i.ctivities '1':.3 F: Trainin,jCcmbat Developments

, T;}] G: [ersonne! 1105ter T ;.:-1 H: G-l i.ctivities TLJ I: !.>ivisirm Strength. T.G J: C~sualty Statistics T.J! ··K:· Replacement Rerorts T::; L: Unit Listir(;s T;,13 H: Reenlistments and F..xtens1,cns T1.B V: Erilisterl Fr -:mat i'Jl1 St1'Jtist ics T ol'lJ C: fA,wpr"is 81l="'1 Decorations T:2~: Srecial Services T:Jl Q: R&.1. rrog:'aJn Tl..u R: footal i.ctivitio8 r 13 '3: lXrrlY E.l1ergency Relief T:JJ T: VIr Visit s T!..0 U: Inform.q.tian .t\etivities T:.::3 V: Judr::e i/lvoc"l.te !.ctivities TDJ TrJ: Ir')vost }"rrtbl !~ctivities

Ti.; X: Fin<ll1ce ;;ctivitics T;I; Y: Chn Inin I s J~ctivities

T.•T1 z: SurGeon's .t;ctivities TiJJ :.;'.: Inspect0r Generc.l .lctivitics' T:I) :''3: L'J:o;ist ics ~ ::~ :.C: Civil .....ffn.irs ~~~J .j']): T"sYch:>lo::;icQ.1 ~er~tions

T:::; :.B: Ch8nical :,ctivities T.....", . Fuc '1ase C~struct~rm

~~~ crT, ,r:C i~Ssr fi.G

TAB G - Y and TAB AF wd Hq, DA


B - CG, n FFCRCW, !,TTN: G3 :-,&"S, iIO 9ti266 2 - CnTC1~3.j{i ..C, 1.TTI'1: G-;: cr'-TlT, D'':; 96558 2 - Dj·., .•CSFCTI, 'J.:1HTI"f-:TC1:, 1).C. 20310 2 - cr;, TTS.~V, i.TTN: •.Ir-DC-DST, Iro 96375 2- 8[-\ B:10 (6) 1 - C'ffice 0f the C:mm'Jn'l Hist0ri;>l1, HO, US'TtV, I1'O 96375 1 - [ffice 0f the Chief of 1'ilit,'l.r,r Hist"ry, Df., ~,I2-shiYJ;::;tf)Jl, 'J.C. 20315 1 - C', Geen Staff Soction (6) 1 - 14th m~ Hist Det' 12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 - [PDF Document] (21)

AVF.BC-RE-H (15 April 69) 1st Ind SUBJECT. Operational Report for Quarterly Period Ending 30 April 1969


DA, HQ II FFORCEV, APO San Francisco 96266 13 JUN 1969

THRU, Commanding General, US Army Vietnam, ATTN~ AVHGC(DST), AP0 96375

COlll1'1allder-In-Chief, US Army Pacific, ATTN: GPOf-JJl1, APO 96558

TO, Assistant Chief of Starf for Force Develo}ment, Department of the ~, Washington, D.C. 20310

This headquarters has reviewed and concurs with the Operational Report ­Lessons Learned of the 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile) for the period ending ;0 April 1969, with the following comment: Reference para 5a(;). The concept of prepositioning construction and barrier materiel is considered sound. Fbwever, the bill of materials recommended is esti ­mated to weigh 2;8 short tons for each brigade. Therefore, it would be considered advantageous to centrally position fire support base kits at the Division Support Command to avoid the extraordinary transportation requirements needed to move them in the event of re­location of the brigade trains.


B. G. MAGDO D :ILl. AGe Assl AG

It:'j 12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 - [PDF Document] (22)

AVHGC-DST (15 Hay 69) 2d Ind SUBJECT: Operational Report for Quarterly Period Jmding 30 April 1969

Res CSFOR-65 (Rl)


TO: Commander in Chief, United States Army, Pacific, ATTN: GPOP-DT, APO 96558

1. This headquarters has reviewed the Operational Report-Lessons Learned for the quarterly period ending 30 April 1969 from Headquarters, 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile).

2. Comments follow:

a. Reference item concerning Aerial Loudspeaker A~i-ARS-4, section II, page 15, paragraph 2(a); concur. The aluminum frames fabricated for the AEH-ARS-4 Aerial Loudspeaker equipment add stability for the protection of this equipment. Unit involved will be advised by this headquarters to submit an EIR.

b. Reference item concerning Timely Response to a Fast Moving Tactical Si~uation, section II, page 15, paragraph 5(a); concur. Materials required may be obtained through normal requisitioning. l'1aterials will be provided based on the established priorities and the availability of material. no further action required.


C. D. WILSON 1lT, AGe Assistant Adjutant Genera'Cy furn:

1st Cav Div (Ambl) II F'FV

.Jt.O <>I' ... ".f;. ,...~, ~,dr, 'i 12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 - [PDF Document] (23)

GPOP-DT (15 Apr 69) 3d Ind (U) SUBJECT: Operational Report of HQ 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile)

for Period Ending 30 Apr 69, RCS CSFOR-65 (Rl) (U)

HQ, US Army, Pacific, APO San Francisco 96558 19 JUL 69

TO: Assistant Chief of Staff for Force Development, Department of the Army, Washington, D. C. 20310

This headquarters has evaluated subject report and forwarding indorse­ment and concurs in the report as indorsed.



&SIfIfJ"."" A";;i'.; '.'".f ...•.•.•'.". 1 .. . . ,

. . . .- ,"- ..

" 12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 - [PDF Document] (24)

Ttlsk OrgMization a. 1st Air Cav.<>lry Division

HHC J 1l.CD 1/9 Cay

6'2d In:f Flat (Ccmbat Trackers) 3th Engr En 13th Sig Bn 1st Fersonnel SVC (PRCV) En Co E, 52ncl Inf (l,.RF) 545th MF Co 26th Chem net

184th Chem Ilat 371 st Radio Resellrch Unit 191 st Military Intelligence Det

583rd Nilitary IntelIi[jence Det 14th}filitury History Det 42nrJ. Fublic Infonnation Det Special Security Det Det 31, 5th T'leather Sqdn (fJ')

b. 1st Ne 2-5 Cay 2-8 Cay 2-12 Cay

c. 2nd BQe 1-5 CeW 5-7 Cay

d • 3rd D::le 1-7 Cay 1-12 Cr>Y 'rF 1)UK~

1)/1-8 lJ1-7 c/2-2 Mech 36th Rn;;r Bn:

e. Div /rty 1-3 Cay (-) HHB, Div l.rty 2/19th firly (105) 2/20th Arty (lJ1A) 1/21st Arty (105) 1130th l;rty (155) 1/mh !.rty (105) E Dtry, 82nd Arty (r.VN')

f. 11th l..CR TF 1/1 1th t.CR TF 2/11th f ..CR TF 2':'7 CayKI1...s

g. 11th Gp BHC, 11th Avn Gp .. 227th !.sU Hel Bn

273rd Hvy Hel Co (-)

478th Hvyf{~l,~S~~{l')~' IAl~~·~j?;·l"".i~r: ,;

i ~.~ J',~il. lI: I n",' I·:~r',,~";;·· :'.:' ' '",:', ~'~J; k ,'! :t~~:~ J' > ~~ .~'. 12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 - [PDF Document] (25) ~rc!'.tlC!'1al Report for Querterl§ terim Ehd:ing 30 !pril 1969 TAD !.: Task Organizatic:n (Cent)· .

229th Aslt Hel Brr nth GS Co

h. Division Support CQll!!land HHC & Band, Div Spt Cmd 15th S&S Dn 15th M9d Bn 15th Trans Acft Maint '.3n 27th Maint &I 12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 - [PDF Document] (26)

~, . <.·,··h"·····" :'" ..

~, ~,. .'! SUBJ':;CT: CperatiohS:L Report TAB B = Weather and Terrain

1. <:perat ions THOA,"J TRANG: II & III a. The terrain in the Division 1'.0 is q;enerallv flat. Scme nortions of Tay

Hinh are rice ani marshlands while t11e north and are forest,ed. Binh Long Province is flat with dense forests in the north and forests mixed with rub1)er plentations in the south. Phuoc Long Province consists cf a risbg plain to the west and a mountain range in the northeast. The province is generally heavily vGr-!,eta,ted,' pr:imaril~T with. m1Jlticanopied forest. Four rivers, the Vam Co Dong, the Saigon, the Be, and the Dong Nlli, flow through the 1ACD AO. These rivers present an obstacle to ground movement due to their depth and' steep banks. There are three prcminant leJ';d masses in the area; r-rui Ba Den, The Ra.zcr Rack, and Nui Ba Ra.

b. it'leather:

(1) During the month of Februar'T the weather continued +0 be under the influence of the Northeast I~onsoon, becl'lning a more stac;nant air mass which caused a reduction of visibility. Haze, fog and smoke became pY'8velant durwl'l; the e2rly morning hours. Ferch l'1'aS also daninated b'T the northeast :'onsoon, although overall flow \'las -weaker and less orga.nized than tha.t of February. Haze and smoke were again a dcminant. feature, witl~ the usual afternoon scattered cU"lulus clOlrlS develouing into thunderstorms on 3 daYs d.ur:illg the month. Dur­ing the month of April it 'became most evident that Pte Northeast r·'ionsoon was gilriJ:1g way to the Southwest }fonsoon. Afternoon t~per2tUrGS -were high and therefore high Density /ltitudes resulted. There W2.S a noticeable doct'ease in early l'1ornjng fog. On several roornin"s strat o-cUTT1ul us clouds Nere evident bv 0800 hours and by 13nO hours had lifted and developed into cumulus. During the last week of this wann drV month, thunder storms and ra:ill s~owers dQninated t1l.e entire AO.

00 (2) r.1axbum Temperatures: February - 990 , March - 103 , April - 107 •

(3) HinhlUm Temperatures: February _ 64°, r-farch _ 700, April _ 710.

(4) Relative HlUIlidity: February - 70.0%, March - 69.5%, April - 71.0%'.

(5) Hainfall: February - 0.09 inches, March - 1.35 inches, April - 1.1-14 inches of precipitation.

(6) }faJdmum Density Altitudes: February - 3310 feet, }t'lrch - 3616 feet, April - 3692 feet.

(7) I~inmnim Density ."J.titudes: February - 620 feet, Varch - 1050 feet, April - 1205 feet. 12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 - [PDF Document] (27)

SUBJECT: Cperational Report for 'luarter~y Pericrl 1J:nding 30 April 1969 TAB C : EnGJm,7 Activities

1. The first 17 days of FebruarY sa.w the conclusion of Thoan II.' During the three months of this operatiOn, the 1st Cav killed 2'2;96 NlJA, 207 VC, captured 596 individual weapons, 187 cre,,,",,,served wea.pons, 751,400 rounds of small ",rms ammunition, 9581 large caliber rounds, 383.8 tons of rice, and 10,477 pounds of salt.

2. !:parations remained rather light in the firgt two weeks of February. <b 3 February.THE FEST TEAM initiated operations :in AD Cheyenne Sabre with light contacts. The number of contacts :increased as the month wore on. Ch 2, 4, and 7 February approximately 138,000 pounds of rice were found in bunker ccmp1exes and under brush camouflage. The 2/8 Cav ani 2/12 Cav were rGsponsible for these finds, operating in. an arCa northwest of BOtSe Area 355.

3. en 9 February, the Jrd VN l1arines at IT 544719 discovered one of the 1argegt ,.eapons caches of the Vietnam War'. Included in the find were 216 8:anm mortar rounds, 161 122mm rocket warheads, 10 oversized 123nm rocket warheads,-66 ~"cr­sized 107mm rockets, :3 B2mm mortars canp1ete, 37 60mm mortars canp1ete, 13'2 AK-47 rilles, and 106,600 M-47 rounds.

4. en 11 February, C 2/7 Cav at YT 1028 CCJlD.8 :in contaCt with qn enemy bett!'l1ion, receiving small arms, autrmatic weapons, and B-40 fire. The enemy was eni';Af;ed with artU1ery and air strikos resulting in 39 tTfJA killed.

5,. Otl 12 February, at YU 0451 B 1/9 Cav aviation elements came under he"vy 50 caliber machine gilll fke resulting in 2 (Y6A aircraft o.owned and destroyed, with 3 US killed and 1 US WOll.c'1ded. Artillerv and TilG air enr:(.'lged the enemy resulting in 66 enemy kUled.

6. ;~t OOOlB: on 17 February, t::peration Thoan Than!?: III officially beq:an.

7. Q1?3 February, coordinated attacks bv fire and 1:imited r:rronm pro!:Jes 1aunc::hed the enemyl s 4th Offensive. These attacks were sprun~ eS"ainst most of TilE FIRST TE;'JflS Fire Support 3"",8S resulting :in light friendly cp-.sualties and damage. Contac:t with main force units in the l~iche1in Ruhber Plantation incre2.sed.

S. J.t XI' 5548, 1/5 Gav elements tor;ether C 2/?2 Fech Inf made contact with an unknown-sized en8rlY force on 26 February. FrieT'dlY elements received wall arms, autQna.tic weapons and B-40 fire during the 5 hour contact which resulted in 52 enemy KIA and 16 US WH.•

9. During the 4th Offensive, ground-to-ak firings also :inere aseC. throughout the Division's AGo' During the first seven days of l-'EJ"ch, Operations throw;:hout the 1st AGD's AD were charc>.cterized b.y light, scattered contacts with enemy forces. On 8 }!arch, t2 GHAJ'.TT (XT 385626) cams under indir-sct fire and ~ound attack by t.he 1st Battalion, 95th VG Regiment with contacG continuing throul1;hout the early morning hours. As daylight hours approRch3d, the enemy withdrew leavin,'s behirrl 157 deE,d and 2 PONG There were moderate US cC1sU1:l1ties. Four days later, L2 GRANT rec:eived another -grOU~d attack from < a l'cjnforced enemy

1 F··.·I.E··"D.·'}: , ',.__ .. , ~ '.- - ".'" 12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 - [PDF Document] (28)

StfEJ3CT: Operat :i.on Rep TAB C • F..nemy /.ctivities

bp.ttalion. A,~ain the enemy witl-JdrevJ, this th18 leavli1[~ behind 100 INA hcrlie5 Dnd 2·FOJv' s. US casualties were light.

10. Bet,''Jeen these two 2ttacks, ele"lents of the ls~ !~CD fouC'ht ? savp,l?:e battle with a :-ei.11forced enemy battalion in the vicinit,r of the ~:r!"d! s 'Jho: (Xl' 3492S f ),

Friondly p12.t oon-~5ized i1.T'lbusl-J eleme,lt s init ipte1 the conGact and t'r)e enemy &ssault became disor~anized. The enemy withnrew into Ce.r:::1')o:iia le8vin>:>; behind 34 tN;; killed and nunerOUs blool trails. There were heu.vy friendly cpsu?lties in t he ambush element s.

11. During the remainder of j'f:§ ch, elements of the 1st Acn viorkin!!; nort J.., of c...'1'.1 in the Michelin Plantation had several sharp battles with plotoon Dnd c'JEij:'e'w 3iz'3d enemy forces in billlker complexes. 'l'here was an increase in aircr,,{'t firings th·,t was particul~lv noted in the BAU DAI liOmS .'.c'i.~;' locoted north",rc,sG of lJill BA DEN a.'1d north of the Hic'1elin RubboI' Plantation along the Saigon River. en several ocoG.sions, elements of the Division anJ1 the 1st '1att2J.ior: (;,DN), 505th Infa!ltry (OPCQ.J) found 8r.ll!lO caches in the vicinit'T of LZ Th',C':" (XI' 437073). The caches were fc:und along the bc\l1ks of c"nals bur"!:'ieri in "la'.:,er­tight metal containers just unrler tho "12..ter 2 M rmnition WPS 1I, good C011dition and evacuated.

12. :)uring the las'\; three days of Harch, an extende"! bDttle oec-urred 1:Jetween SKYTRJCF:::RS al1d 'In ene"" battAlion as a new fire support Q3Se \-I2.S opened nort~1­"iCst of NlE B \ DE'T (XT 186718). Cont",et rena.ined liR;ht tu 1-}o'JVY '!vrinf th0 three-day periCYl with the enemy c1:;fenrling a heavily useet bunker i"ni tr8:U nee-­work. Seventy-nine eneI!\y were killEJ1 with light US casupJ.ties.

13. Dud..'1g trye month of April, opere-tions thr")1.''r1101.k the 1st i;'JD AD were ch'l.racterized bv moder'lte to heav'r vlith p12toon an'] compc'llY-sizerl enelllY elenents L>1 he:wily fortified bunker cOI:lplexes. These cant~ cts s ;;',r heavy encJ~ V

resistance, necessitating l2I'p8 quantities of artillery anrl 'i'/,C Air to route the enemy. Frienlly casu81ties ran frcm light to lC'.cxlerate ani tl,e ene1'ly'bcrl7 count was low due to the enGJ1lY havirlJi the opportunit'" to re"'love lois near'!..

11+. 01 18 April, elements of V1e First Cay (AF) to,~ether vlith ele"'lents of t;'e 11th :~CR (OPGON), marle c,'mnet with a lar~e enemy force in a bunker ccnpl·~x at XT 1.33600 with contact lc'.3tin:s throughout W)st of tJ.;c r!ay. 'US casu,:>UiC3 ;,ere Ii~ht a..'1rl a s,,/€ep of the contact ",ren revealed 80 eneJT'T bor1ies.

15. en 29 April, the ls t !~CJ) anri the llt h ACR mede r enC'NG0 c '>nt act \-Ilt h f1.

l1:trge enemy force in a. booker cO"1plex at XT 416792 ar,el t'le eneoy cVPr!'3d leavi.c'1g behind 57 INA bolies, US casualties Here 1i'iht.

16. During April several lccrc;o enem'" rice caches were found thrCUg"t01.rt the TIC/X 'I"-!JJJG III P.O. M0l"8 thr';:l 206,000 pounds of rice were uncovererl'.,ith S'Yfl.e

of the liir,Zer caches loce.ted ~ the foll.cywing a:t'ens: XI' '3'-3'737 -' 24. ?fJO r0un0.5; xr 31757 - 81.00 pounds; X'1 2178'2'3 ~ l,!\3"O'®Oi!pouni:lS'; XT 10.07~'3 - 31,000 pOlli1ds; XT 428748 -lh,4OO poun::ls; XI' 374'705";.. 22 .• 800 pounds; 2nd XI' 516685- 6000 pOUl1ets. All tJ,e rice Wil.S either (list:r>ibuten to refugees, ,.,vo cuater1, or ,i.estr c-~e:t.l

':, \~1~(~1J" C ~ \j~,,'~. 12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 - [PDF Document] (29)

ED~- .

SL'T\JECT: Operational Report, for Quarterly Pericrl Endin~ 30 April 1969 TAB D :. Aerial Surveillance

1. }fission Statistics for the pericrl 1 February - 30 April 1969:


TIt 543/508 25,000 (appr ox) 3LAR 180/176 3,673 PHarO 182/164 PHarO (Hand Held) 2/2

2. General CQIlments: There were no significant efFects on operations due to weather. Maintenance was not, a significant problem except for infrared Missions in February when 20 missions were cancelled due to sensor malfunct 1.on.

3. IR: During the quarter 93.7% of the missions were completed. 3.5 missions ­were cancelled, 22 due to sensor malfunction, 6 due to aircraft nonavailability, 5 due to over-exposed film, and 2 due to weather.

4. SLAJ/.: During the pericxi 97.f!I> of the SLAR missions were canp1eted. There were 2 missions aborted due to sensor nalfunction, and 1 due to aircraft non­availability. <he mission was diverted to support the 25th Division who 1-JaS in a major contact.

5. P!-rOl'O: 90.1% of the p 'loto missions were ccmp1eted during the 0Uarter. There were 6 missions ca.'1ce11ed by the originators, 4 missicns were cancelled by G-2 Air as no longer reQuired and 6 missions are outstanding. 12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 - [PDF Document] (30)

SUBJ;C"': t:peration Ending 30 April 1969 TJB E : Intelligence

(1) COlIDterintelligcmce (01) t:perations

(a) Background InvGstigrtions

(1) Cases on h3nd at l-Jeo.;inning of reporting pedal.: 2

(2) Cases received during reporting period: 18

(3) Cases closed during reportjng period: 17

(4) Cases on hand at .end of reporting period: 3

(5) 0a,8es processed past suspense dates: 0

(6) Leads completed: 65

(b) Securit'T Services

(1) Announced security inspections: 15

(2) Court~sy inspections and checks: 34

(3) Unannounced security checks: 1

(4) UnanmlIDced sanitary fill checks: 12

(5) Fingerprinting: 92

(6) Tech services (locks, combination chane;es, etc.): 30

(c) Liaison contacts

(1) Local GVJlT Officials: 1025

(2) Vilit arT Officials: 3522

(3) Other Intelligence units: 1968

(d) Blacklist Personalities screenai: 0

(e) Interrogations: 2]

(1) NVA: 4

(2) VC: 19 .;, '#

( f) Br ightlight Rep Orts :"7

(g) Collections 12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 - [PDF Document] (31)

, "" .. ' •...... .C\;C"iJl"v, j ... I.·.·.. .&".IICli .' 1:1 '"~'"ST.iB,,"BCT: ({JerGtional R<3PO~ or Quarterly Periai Ending )0 April 1969

TAB E: Intelligence Activities (Cont)

(1) Overt

(a) Spot Reports: 512

I (b) Translations: 0 A.J

i !

(2)CO'lert (casual): 0

I (h) Personnel Security Actions

(1) Number of Valiqations: 1VO

(a) TCP S':CRET: 71

(b) S":CRET: 1049

(2) Interim Clearances gr.gnted: 14-3

(a) IntedJJl TCP SEC~:IT: 121

(b) Interim S"\CREJ': 22

(3) Crypt ogr aphic acces s R;r anted: 0

(L,) Requests for USAlFR checks submitted: 186

(5) Local Files ccmpleted: 6180

(6) Request for BI submitted: II

(7) Request for NAC submitted: 54


(1) Detainees: 271

(1) NVA: 55

(~) vc: 8

(b) Returnees: 11

(1) NVA: 9

(2) VC: 2

(c) CD: 18

(d) IC: 179

(2) Documents: 12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 - [PDF Document] (32)

3U'J<~cr: Operational Repr-"rt for! ''''u;rterly feri0i Enrlin:c 30 fpril 1969 'r J.B F: 'I'r aining/C crnbat nevel0P'lent s

1, ;:11visi0I1 Tr'.'.inbg:

a. The 1st Cavalry Division 'l'raininiS Center <:'.t :lien Boa con'lucte-1 -L.,yliv­idual trr-.ining for all Divisi0I1 repI r-. cement s. Dud]l'" the ou"rt er , 6/+2'1fficers and 5233 enlisted I:l3n received a three-r1.ay crmrS(; of instructi0n.

b. The C;,cmbQt Leaners Course ,?;r,~r'UAterl 179 pers'1nnel in ~r2rle B.·] t)1::''JL:gh ~5 durin!7 tl-J.e pericd (\-:Jsrite the re10cl1t10n ''Jf the tr.~il1in, center fr'l'l /8 Khe to C:ien Hoa. The 1O..clay ror tr1'ininr f(JI"c:>:'1bc-,t experiencecl .iun­l'Jr EJliI whn have :iem"1lstrated p'Jtentic.I to bec':l'1e sonrr'<, sectirn ;omrI fire"~e:;r:,

lG",',ers. Subjects stressed :o.:Lr CD,V tactics, m2.p reeding, crr.1."1unic~tirJlls"

vW2,::"ns tr,'lining, mectic'll tr'Cining, and learlersl-J.ip. c. The Kit Carson ·Scout Course graduilted 18 PPI sonnel rlurinf" t. he perj~o:i.

The object of the traininG is to provir.1.e a well tr:dned sc-:Jut to every riQ.e s0u:;d 2-nd reconnaissrnce plato''Jn in the "1ivision.' The tr ..dniI1i! inclu'~es ,'H"i-' ision tactics, carG iln'i opere:t-i.0n of US eauipment, English, :m l tloe ':\issinn ':J1' 2. Kit Carson Scout.

2" Tra.ining frQII Non-Divisional Un;~viation SchCY)ls - E1'1 102 Schools - OFF 5

its: 'rhe followinp; scho',l outJl:,as \'Iere rHle';

Jungle Survival SchO':lls 6 Recond.o School S Signal School 28

3~ CbDbat Developnents: The folloHa. rortablc Haintenencc Lcmps:

ing projects were The IIlJ11.p is a

ccmrleterl. in the (1u,;Tter~

smell llu'TGscerrt li::,ht which is used to increase the efficiency of niGht aircraft ~2inten,::U1CE.. Test results indicated that the lamp is only partblly effective.

b. B3llistic iJlcmkots: 'rhe blankets Rre usc1 in c""ses where- revetTnents are not available or as a te!'!lr.'ora-y protectiClll riurin;:; rnaintennnce, rermninr; and/ar refueling~ The blenkets se","-'lJl8d to 'be useful, ho,!,jever, t"cy rli-i not re~ coive any fragmenti'tion hits, therefore' an eva~l1,tion of the hlrmkets b:Jl~

listic chc>racteristics Wi'\S not possible. c. Variahle Type 'la:1Y Lrmor: The armor Was rlesignecl t'J give ext-rot prr.~

tGctirm t,] personnel on rluties where the extrrr wei"ht will not interfere with p.t!er"t±onal reOU:Lrements" Test results indic2terl th.~t the incre!'sGr1. protect""

5.'Jn offset the r1.isarlv:mtage of the extra weight~ 12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 - [PDF Document] (33)

J ) ': '1f~:~~~" '.. . k'

SUBJECT: ~rational Report for Ouerterly Perioo mrid:iilg 30 !:prU 1969 T!.B Z : . Surgeon's Activities

1. Submitted are the complete ani final statistics for the stded pElricxi.

2. J.1edical

a. Disease and injury statistical data:

(1) Ncn-ba:ttle injuries 197

( 2) Disease 639

(a) Malaria 149

1 Vivax 59

Z Falciparum ~

.2 Unlmown 3

(b) FUO 189

(c) Psychiatric caseS' 92

(d) Ot.her 433

(:3) Remaining in hospital ( In-c auntry) 245

·b. Discussion of Disease.

(1) Malaria cases: A total of 149 cases of malaria occurred in person­nel of this Division frQIl 1 Feb to 30 69, inclusive. Of them 59 (39.5%) cases were due to Plasmo:liun vivax ann were ca.used .in most u.s. Forces by fail ­ure to take the weekly chloroquine-primaquine pill.

(a) The malaria incidence Was as follows:

UNIT TillAr.EID2 ~ lfli HHC 1st B:le 0 0 0' 0 1/S 3 I 1 5 2/8 1 2 J 6 1/12 15 g 5 28

HHC 2nd Fde 0' 0 0 0 1/5 5 7 3 15 2/5 5' ~

., '1 9

2/12 10 4 2 16

HHC 3rd Bde 2 0' 1/7 13 3 2/7 ,.3' 5 5/7 12 6

~ l\!.'If.,:~

~t'. 12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 - [PDF Document] (34)

SUBJECI' : Op;rational Report for Quarterly Period fud:ing 30 /.pril 1969 VB Z Surge on's f,ct ivit ie s ( Cent)

UNIT FEB Mfili .'\PR 'i'Ol'liL

Div Arty 2 0 0 2 1/9 0 0 0 a Llin Gp 0 0 a 0 Spt end 0 0 1 1 Sig Bn 0 0 1 1 d'lSl' En 0 0 0 0 RHC Div a 1 a 1 LRRP 2 1 0' 3 15th Mm:in 1 0 0 1 545 MP 0 0 0- 0 TGr/L 84 41 24 149

(b) The malaric>, rate has decr()~sGd since the b,st rODortim; perirxi, 1 Ncv 68 thr'Jugh 31 Jan 69. This decre:\S8 is rl.ue to tho dr;y 80','"\S:Y1 .Jhich no" preVQ:U.2 :in the III CTZ o

(2) other selected diseases of b.p0rtance are as follows:

Jinmersion Foot 0

Heat Exhaustion 13

Poisening 0

1\n:imal Bites 2

Hepatitis 14

Dengue Fever 0

Infectious Heningitis 0

Scrub Typhus 0

c. ::RHL: Frcm 1 Feb 69:· ru'uelgh 30 ,'''.pr 69, the 15th }fedical'Batta.lion tl'CClt·· od a to' of 1156 U.S. !0.'my pfr::,sonnel ",ho WeI'8 IRHA. Of these, 593 A.r:hYlitt"" and 563 were eRO. 12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 - [PDF Document] (35)

SUBJECI': OperatbnaJ. Report for Quc.rterly'Pericd bling 30 f.prU 1969 TAB Ali.: . Inspector General Activities

Requests for Assistance 208

Canplaints 6

To':,aJ. Cases 214

fJmuul Gene!"al Inspecti~s: 19

Invost igat ions 5

Nan-appropriated Fum Inspections 20 12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 - [PDF Document] (36)

Su;:;or;;;CI' : cp(~ntional Rer:0rt for C"uPrlerly Ferirvl "F:nr1 in:z 30 t'l'ril 1969 T.J f£j: LO'!istics

1. During the rerortinr; perir:d, the 15th S&S T3n (/.,M) ermtinued. to support the 1st Cav Div (Il,f) thr'1U;::;h0ut r:perAtions TO:T 'T""l'JG- II i'l1~ 'T'O.'P Tel';T" III. c.'porations were conGuete,i frQl. its base are" 2,t Diem !faa t:h"y 1'",so with ,~l'­w,~,rd sur'port platexms at [hune Vinh, Tay IIHnh aw' ("iupn Loi. 'rh.] 1':th Sg·.S :'D provid8d THE FID'3'I' TEf'}f .,ith class I, II, III, IV, V and CI VII sl1PTlios ....>lith the exception of repair pprts> merl.icel suprlies, and crypt r'R:raphie'nnteri?ls. ,,33 Company assisted units of the 1st C3,V Div (i.E) in preperin, 211,636 tfJr.s for sline out operations, for a totill. of '7210 sorties. nurinc: thn rOf·ortine: peri:')j there was n0 chancse in t.he org1nization of the 15th "',p.,s 'In ",hich N­

mains: Hearlauarters, He3.rJ.qU'l"Vn's MC: Service Conp::ny, i3upl'ly C':lN]""'''ny, ;m" ::...T:S Co:"!p MY..

2. SUPrJ¥ anri Services: a. Class I - (Note 1 appli(3)

(1) Issue by tY2~ rat12!} TYee 'I,dirJD nu,-,nti+,y

"Erl R2.tions 17(10 'f'OLS

I11JII Eaticms . 1215 'Pons "ClI l.ati-ons 1,.719.,'551 meds

illRP T1at i"ns '72,380 )ne"~s

(2) Issue of R2.tion SUpr:'lenent§ Item r'uantitv f'lr Rernrt:inQ: 0,,+,C Ice . 5i!52 Tons

Sunlry racks , 373 'rons Ice Cream 41,017 Gpls

b. Class n & IV Cfl::Jte 1 apr,lies) neceived 371 h 'rnns

Issuerl }796 '!' ·')TIS

c. Class III Issues - :F'i~Ut'es represent issues at ('u~n I/:i, ~ien H(\~

ani LZ 1s providerl. .-lith fixed-wing resupply, ,[ecor-is of 1st Cpv issues fTe

not n,,,,int,,,ined at CCJlm10i1 user such as 'ray tTinh anr'l Lai Khe 0) Item Ou"ntitv f0.r nep·'rt:itu-' reriry~

JP-4 2,670;5JO ,'ols !,VG-:.S 53. yv, 0:c'ls M(TIJ'B 607?170 ~"ls

T 1F·_2 ,337, 000 ,'7~ls

cL Class V (Fic:ures reprc:oent cnly mnmo procure-1 throun;h T'1!,O l~Yjits nr,t service:l riirectly by local 1st ~nc; f.Sf"s'.)

Fel'J-Nc1r-!,pr 11 ~ 794 Tms

Inspectj')Jls!visi'Js 42 e. Focx.l service activities include 124 forrwl imi infnrr'1"J. j.nspeetiiJps

:lliring the report:in.,; perioi as c 1J:1p,gred with 94 r'.urL'17' th3 ;revi"us peri rY1; Continuw'!. :improvomcmt in mess operv.tions thr()u~h()ut the 'iivisjnn "IRS n''tp'l.

note 1: Yh,urec represent', all '~'A,"'1 issues to 1st Cavc::lry 'Jivision. 12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 - [PDF Document] (37)

SUBJ:'\CT: Cper atinnal Report for euartcrl:" Ferirrl 'mrt:i.n-? 30 :,I'LL 1 0 69 Tf"B i.C: Civil i.ffairs

1. Fopulation and resources control: a. Refugees: The Division assistcd the nvr:; in the relief nf 2b"ut B:)OO

refugees during the reportin.z period. (1) The ~h Engineers completed c0nstruction of the ]'fontafiJlard relocation

hw)Qet of Nu Bu Ehc. in early March. The families were 1'100len fran te:nporlU'Y quarters at the Song Be refugee c",rnp to their new villa!?€. .

(2) Approxilnately 5000 persons were made temporarilY h'::J'1eless in Phuoc Long rrovince by the February Offensive. 'l'he Division assisted province officicls by transporting rice anA nuoc !l1?m fran ather l'.rees for distribution to ti1e wnr victims.

(3) The Division ols 0 c')nt:L.'1ued suppor+ of 4l. refu!,:ee fe..'Tlilies livinC!; in the Fhu Giao District headqu1Jrters compound. FurY=ls were furnished to buy ffi2:tericls for the construction of hanes, which ,,1Cre hl1ilt bv the rfJfu<;ces th€!":­selves. Resettlement was conplete by" the enct of l'.pril.

(4) In conjunction with Tay ~Tinh Province offici2~s ann ot~or pr'",Y.F, the Divisi0n save support in the form of clothing ann CC!'1"1!Jditv" trl'nsportption to e,ppr0x:im;;tely 100 fenilies made hneless by 811 aT'JlllO dumr explosi::m at TI\Y t~:L.'1h •

b. Rice distribution: The 1st Clowalry Division (lJ1) ce.pture.-1. i1 total of 445 tons .of rice during the auarter. TI/henever the t.?cticel s~tu.~ti:n·pel""ittc"',

unJts turned over rice to the G\TII! far rtistribution. In. ana 0pGrrt~cn, ?? tens of rice were transported by UH-l to 'ray !'Yinh; fran there bv fixed win~ to Cuen Loi, and then by CH-47 to Song Be far emer~ncy relief 8f the f')o'1 Sh'JI'tFic:e there •

2. Civic action: a. The Division continuer1 surport of !WN projects throug'lOl.J.t the f.e. The

L1C'.jor 8bstacles to civic action were t'1e of pe"'J)le in tlJo ".rOle.s of opora­tion ::md the frequent moves' of all units. Dllrmg the period, seven schf')ols, one orphanaf';€, ·'llle hospital, nne FF cO!"lpound, end one Market place were sup­ported. Total expennitures frcn the C:/FS'!Wn fmd aJ":'unteil to 1,061,295$WT•

b. Frojects of pe.rticular lllportence were: (1) ma (Hiracle Rice) rleMonstration plots were :,lante0 in the 2.rea

near the Division base caPp. This is the first step in a project which l'lhen COr:tpleted could uake the area self-sufficient in rice proo.uction ~nd af.l.rl. approx:imately 17 million piasters to the local econcny.

(2) The 191st MI Detll.chmant conducted 90 hours of English classes for approximately 100 students at schools in rhuoc Vinh and 0uan Loi.

(3) The i.n Tuc Dispense!!)T rroj~ct at In Khe, which was st!3I'tert in 1965 and haS continued to receive support frem division units, 1'1"..'3 cr:r'lplcted in early l\pril. The 86-bed hospit"'.l with 8. staff I')f 12 Vietnf11'1Gse servGS a PfJP­uation of 78,000 people in the t.n Khe area.

(4) The renOVation of the Tay Ninh Orphanage, a project conrJ.ucl.ed jOLTltly by the 1st Cavalry Division (lJ.1), 25th Infantry Division 2nd FHUCLG wes ccnplot·ocl in Harch. The li-vin'S conditions of S6 orph·,ns 1,ere in !1'rovGd by adding 2. new kitchen 'fond latrine facilities 8nd refurnis!,)in'" the rest of the orphan"vsG complex.· ., .. . . ,

(5) The Division furnished ~mather ccmbinec. effort ~·,rrject in Ta;'" Nlnh, 12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 - [PDF Document] (38)

SUBBCT: Cper.1tion2J. Report for r:uAJ'ter1y Feri:xi "inding 30 fJ-dl 1969 T '~n ,';C: Civil Affairs (C0rlt)

tho construction of a 25 cle.3sr'J(y.l girls high school. Tho pr'Jject is now 50:1. ca~plete.

c. During the period, the; ;jivisJon held 55 }~T)C 'f'l tre~ting 5542 pEltieI1ts. ct. Canfficdities ciistrib1Jte rl i'D:1lwted to 15,91.2 n01md,,' of c0nstrl1.c+,ion

ffircteri,]_, 17,185 p0Lmrls of [oCyl (excluding c,,-pture'1 rice), 5'tl 1'1 -:<1 1n'1S of clf'th­in:~, ?net 860 pounds of health ,:md saniteti0n items. 12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 - [PDF Document] (39)

· t.·..·...· ... 1\....~'~~Itl··".·U UJtIWlIL ,;. ,,~ .~. • ;t.'

SU3J~T: Operational Report for (jIuarte.,r1Yl"Fehoo. Enning 30 j,pril 1969 Ti.E ADi FsychQ10gical cpere:t.ions;

1. General: r,t the beginning of the ouart"r, .'1.s TlB FIR')'" T::<;m m'JVed to ccn'."-;'; major elements of f!)ur enem~T divisi'Jns, the Division oxp<>.n1tY.1 it IS rSycp activities. l.s pert of the expanded PSYCF program, under the guinance of Divisicn GS, the Bri~2de' s :lSI s s:imultr"neausly epereted ae:e.inst the 5th VC Division in ~lJ'ar Zone D, 7th r:.-rv'. DivisLJn along the Saigon River C'>rriclor, 1st NVi~ Division in TAlar ZOlle C, md the 9th VC Division :liong the :;nge1' s Hing. In conj1.IDction with these operati-ms, FSY(J' w.'is used in three' :i.r:".portE'n.t rJ'Ga denid operB,tions, designated BO'{[li; wn't~ I, BC'·,rm l"lINV"R II, enrJ. '['(J~l~'"P.1j{.

In cl1, FSYCf was agl!l'essivel"' emp107ed in six provinces cmn..",-cross a 4500 square T1ile W. The enemy' s T'ihterjSpring Offensive re;>ched a pe",..k when 5:'1-] VC Division elements attacke1 a.TYl. failer'l. to seize 1=lien l-Ioa Citv. C8pitRlizin~

on this ener:J;'T militar"T defeat, the l·I.CD T'!"'1mted a four ;s'7ch'JloP'ical Cowteroffensiv0 Campaign. In f,pril, with the 11th :,CR crcm' t,:, 'T'l{'; :'D."rr T;;~j':lvT,

Division G5 executed ~'1 intensive aerial C'ln~1. grourrl pS'Tcholi)gica~ oper"t ions campaign, first elements of the 1st ]lTV!, Division pnr1. l:o':,er 3o;sinst the 7th NVA Division. Supporting the gro1Jnd elements of ~<CJ\'T;J'T.' l1LID:r.:R were three HB ground loudspeaker teams and one aerid loudspoaker teaM..

2. Support: a. The 5th Special Cperations Squadron (USlY) supporto~ the 1 f,CD 'PS"(F

effort ,lith leaflet drops and aerial loudspeaker broa.d.c.a.sts. Using both U-IO ano. C-47 aircraft, 34.,086,000 leaflets were drlJPperi in pre-planned tarl!et preBS specified by T!·'!E FIRST T'EAM. LOl1ispeaker appeals tota1:!.ng 90 hours were br0~r'.­cast to seleeterl target audiences.

b. The 6th FSYCF 13attalion lOcated at Bien Hoa providerl goneral support. with personnel, equip-mont, advice, anel media. The batti'l.lirm. furnish-3d one liaison officer and three 'HB 10l.:tdspeaker teams, one I-rF.: a.uU'1 visual te8J'l, a mobile c1.dvisoI"'J te1?Ji[ for a perioi of four weeks, and a.r'l.r-J.iti"lnal j')f)rsonnel durirn HalT ;J;:. R~·.ID:ER ground opel'a.t ions.

c. 1 LCD Brigarie HB FSY(J' teams operating fran Division UB-1B helicapte;,'s broadcast 517 hours ani ~.ropped 54,499,825 lee.flets. Brig:rle ....par"ti0ns inc1ur1.Q< weekly pre-planned C'...nd daily nlanned t1?reet areDS anrl Quick rea.cU.'Jn eJ-::nlo:.t­~i~. .'

d. To improve the divisionIs PSYCF cl:tpabilitv, G5 o1:lt",.1ned the fon')l,lint~

ndrlitif) equipment: 2 pCll!ll"oid c.1<'Coras, 2 tape recorders, 50 seven-watt lllegr..phones, one HSQ 85 vehicle M·ounted movie system, ;?TId three 3lunjmn:n fra"1o.'3 to support ",irb OI:'ne 1oudspcal-;;el' systems.

'3. The Division PSYCF sect,ion hlprovecl itls kno"llcrl,.~e of Ol1eJ!1,TT units.r;'i0 intelligence specialists were arJ.ded to the P'3'!'IT' section. C')L'jJ1c r l with closer coordination with G2, these spec.ialists !'.ssisted in cr:npilin~ :intclli.eonce dossiers :md targeting specific enemv. Rnel'lV vulnerl'bilities V-ICre list€:(~. for exploitation. j\ Fropagania, Development C<'lIlmittees waS f0!'1"1er1. wit;,:in t'1e G5 ,section. This cmmittee developed psychologicf11 T".ateriCll t'J rlemorali-z;e the enem,jT 8Ilrl prcm.ote the GVN image. The res idual effect of the Division 's ?SYC'j' effort was 'rGneetod nost directly b:,T the 5th VC Divisi'xl e,S it r'.avC(l, dong infiltration routes frCJll'. CGl"Ibodia to it's 'l.ttl'1ck rlepe.rture poi'1t near Bien Poa City. The Division leap frog.~ed briq;ade' elenents to FSYCf cont!?et and to rer1.uce the enenWEJ desire to fight. On the thirri daY of t he fight in 12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 - [PDF Document] (40)

SillJ3CT: Cperational Report for 0uerterly Period :Sndin'2; 30 I'..rril 1969 T1J3 ;,n: Psychological cperetions (Cont)

TM Hiep village, outside of :Sien qOl", 46 5th VC Divisirm s"ldbrs 'tiGre jnrluce-1 to surrender by lOlldspepxer appeal.

f. Chieu Hoi Campa:ign: 1 ACD FscrcholoqicaJ. Cper"t ions succosses l'lore roflected by a growing incro'1sG of Yoi Chanhs (returnees) throughollt III' CTZ. :,s the Division moved into, c'!ifferent and challenging orees of O)'ler::1tions, tho t.1J'r;et .a.udiences were intrOduced to '"Jay mel ni'i~ht pS"Tch,::,lJgic<.l '"1Jor<J,tions. For the quarter, 110 Hoi Chenhs returne1 to GV1'1 authoritv wit'lin T~"S FIl'(qT T:SW i,O~ 11 Hoi Ch8nhs returned to Divisi"n elements -end 55 Pvl's surren'icrerl...

3. Kit Carson .sC0utS: G5 aSSU!'1fJd prir'.2X'Y staff responsibility f:;r the KG,S prOeraJ11 ten dayS before this reP0rting pcrio1 b0,,"C'n. Ls e, result of the Division move frcm I to III CTZ, iCCS strencrth hac': been rc"ucerl t') 47 personnel. }bny of th8se 47 were dissatisfied ,,!ith t11eir nOvJ onvironnent <md 8DPCCiI'sd to haY;:; low morale. 1',. signific,"mt pbrcent!1ee of scnu*ts ,,/0re rlischpr;;er1 fran tl-)e prOr;raJil for 2.dministrativ() or disciplinary re~sons. Concurrc11tly, an intemJi­fioel recruiting an,l training pr(){~raT' WI'S conduete-i. Vietnames3 ~·jrY' MontA.l1;t1l'rd scouts were selected frcm HVA/VC returnees at Chien Roi centers in ,Song 1"''', .'.n I,oc, fhu C')lIDg ;mc1 the t:ati0nal G0l1t8r in ,Sp.i~on. Initiall'T V,'111cher,:xl far 100 SC'Juts, the Division requcstGd ~nd roceivecl rcpprov!11 t,} lJring Kes ur to 200 during IT f:f1. During the Quarter, the Div:ision '1'rpininR: Center m0ve1 Jrr:m ,'n Khe to Bien BOa without halting the trrrining; effort. The 1 ",cr; 11'l'>:intained a four week KC") training course, the lou<>:est course ;;;iven by "'.nv '':1 iv:isi "Yl ::in Vietnam. :,5 of 30 :,pril the Division h?t1 94 sC011tO in tr?inin'" 01' i'1,ssi"1le r ] to units jn the rielti. 'Two scouts "Jere killer! and three v1"vnlcd rluring the Quarter. 12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 - [PDF Document] (41)

i ~,\ ~~ .. .. '.,,"-,

SUBJEGl' : <1Jerational Report fO!".Qu~t(Jd'Z.Fem,od ~ninfl 30 ,~t:'r-:il 1969 TUl liE: Chemical ~ctivities

1. Section 1. !Jperations: _.'3j.g:nific,.,nt Activities

a. (}~1ER:r.: During the rG,)ortin~ period 1 Februar'r 1941 - 30 Ipr-il 1969, Division Chemic?.1 alDnP:with the 184thChem.icol Flatoon ,'nrt the 26th Chenical Detachment conducterl. chemical suppm <'!ctivities far the 1st C~wf1lry Division (JiM). !i. sharp increase in chemical SUP'PlJI't i:l,?",ivity took place.

(1) en 1 Februarv~ the 26th Ch€l'licRl Detll.chment's first bunker contam.­inatian team contnrninateo. .30 bunkers with persistent CS. Ldditional te<llTlS were placed on [In on-call basis to contaminate bunkers~ tunnels 3nn tr'l.ils for units of THE FIRST TE~.M.

(2) tiith the finding of lArge enemy rice caches, fl, metJ,.<Y'l of effectivelv burning rice waS estebl:Lshed by choJ~ical personnel. en 11 Febrnry, 30 tons of capturec'. rice was burner\. by 1st Bric;.'lde chemical personnel usin~ the kiln methoi, with Napalm P..5 the name medium. The rice cc:mp1ete1y l'>urncd in approx:irn~te1y 24 hours.

(3) en II April, the IB4th Chemic"l rlatoon mat:',e an m(peri1'1cnbl r,r0p of 3 each 55 gRllon drums of Napalm on a 'lJllI1ker ccmplex. Tho results wero excellent with each drum covering an <3l'G!'L of 40 meters 'in riia"1eter. Two suc­cessive drops were mane of 15 drums e~ch on 13 ",no 15 !;.pril, fj.,\"jn with excellent results. The drlJp on 13';pril !"roduced one seccrJri"I"V explosion in -the vicinity of Xl' 25S3.

b. cpm:.'1'ICI'UJ., 'par ALS: '!'otills fIJI' the reporUng perieY! W\3t~

but not all of the wide variet'" of cher:d.cRl SU1'lport iSiven Ttf'ii; FI".~ 'T'5W.

CS 'T1.l"N D~CF.s

39 1';issions fDr 00,400 prmnris af C3

.sNI~ ~'ISSIa.T.c;


F CUGJ5S"S TI'ST /.1.L,];]) 339 55 gallon c\rums

Ji'-15B FISSICNS 169 }'unitions Dropped

NlPf.J.11 DRa'f1i:J) 33 55 Gallon Drtms


350 RICE B!1RI-T11) 73 Tctls, 12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 - [PDF Document] (42)

SUBJ::Gr: C{Jerational Repar't for Quarterly feriod " 3n ADril1969 TAB I.E: Chemical l-ictivities (Cont)

INSBCnCID"'i: }.!!3SICt-1S 21 YLs-~ions 2,310 Gallons of HeJ:e.thirm.

FLllr1i; 0 T:;R/."'ICI~'3 aT ;:"JrU"'.:T"":1 :~'!' ':;'~T r:mv/:f) 42,000 Square l'eters "

G:iS CH;,)I!fClBR r.;XC·~;WTS7,S


NASK IlITSnC"'I G>TS 26 12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 - [PDF Document] (43)


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.... REPORT SECURITY CLAhlFICA TlON,.~, ~ ~. " CONFIDENTIALDA, Washington, D. d~2~J.~\f .ii' ~1- It . '21>, GROUP

f , 4

- Lessons Learned, Hq, 1st Cavalry Division

eml:a2ed in counterinsur2encv operations 1 Feb 69 to 30 Apr 69. ..... IIIlefdl. In'l'.', I ••t na",e)




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. '"

. ,


Security CI••sUication

•. O",'GINA TING ACTIVITV (Corpo,.te author)



Operational Report

~. DESCA'''TIYE NOTE. (2'rpe of reporf _II 'nclu."'••f.e)

Experiences of unit s· AU THOAeS) (Flr.t _

CG, 1st Cavalry Division


30 April 1969 8... CONTRACT OR GRA.NT NO.







UNCLASSIFIED Security Classification' 12 novo"l.ber 196$, the nissj on of the Opor.".tacn in its basic fr'nhai'- I'las to eli'ninntc "1.1'11 - [PDF Document] (2024)
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