R Big 4 (2024)

1. r/Big4 - Subreddit Stats & Analysis - GummySearch

  • r/Big4 is a subreddit with 82k members. Its distinguishing qualities are that the community is large in size, and has high activity.

  • r/Big4 is a subreddit with 85k members. Its distinguishing qualities are that the community is large in size, and has high activity.

2. The Big 4 Accounting Firms: An Overview - Investopedia

  • The "Big 4" refers to the four largest accounting firms and includes Deloitte, PwC, KPMG, and EY. All four companies provide audit, assurance, consulting, ...

  • The Big 4 accounting firms are the four largest accounting firms as measured by revenue.

3. What are the Big 4 ? – TechTarget Definition

4. How Do You Know When It's Time to GTFO of Big 4? One Manager's ...

  • Aug 8, 2022 · To sum up OP's four major signs that it's time to move on from your Big 4 job: 1) boredom and indifference, 2) a deep-seated feeling of hatred, ...

  • Four signs it's time to think about leaving your Big 4 job according to this manager.

5. Big 4 Transparency

6. First year at big 4 and did not meet performance expectations

  • Feb 22, 2016 · I started at one of the big 4 last of October so it's been 4 months so far. ... R=81 I LOVE taxes. F=80 I don't wanna get banned for an expletive ...

  • hi, | CPA Exam Forum

7. Even in This Market, It's Still Uncool to Quit Your Big 4 Job Without Notice

  • Oct 26, 2022 · I was a bit surprised by the responses to this question on r/Big4 about quitting without notice. It seems even in this market we are in ...

  • As much as we don't give a crap about accounting firms' retention problems, quitting without notice is still a no-no.

8. Everything to Know About Big 4 Accounting Firms | Scranton Online

  • These Big 4 are the four largest public accounting firms in the world: Deloitte; PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC); Ernst & Young; KPMG. These firms offer an amazing ...

  • The Big 4 Accounting firms offer employment and professional development opportunities to accounting professionals. Learn about the Big 4.

R Big 4 (2024)


Which Big 4 is most prestigious? ›

In general, PwC and Deloitte are considered the most prestigious of the Big 4. If you ask most people about prestige, they'll probably rank PwC/Deloitte > EY > KPMG. This is reflected in pricing, for example.

Why is it so hard to get into the Big 4? ›

Because of their reputation and reach across several industries, the Big Four are known to employ thousands of graduates every year. Despite this, competition for places in any of the firms is fierce and gruelling. Consequently, landing a job with one of the Big Four firms is sometimes viewed as a difficult task.

How valuable is Big 4 Experience on Reddit? ›

Big 4 experience can get your foot in the door some places more easily than a good resume that doesn't include it. I don't think it's worth it, especially if you found a place you think is right for you. Yes, it really does matter and help. Mid size firms don't have nearly the amount of public clients.

How hard is it to get into Big 4 consulting? ›

Very hard indeed. A recent article in The Time exploring the Big Four (and KPMG, especially) revealed that PwC had an acceptance rate in 2022 of approximately 2.5%, based on the 304,000 applications it received to its 7,500 roles (including 2,000 entry level ones).

Which Big 4 has the highest salary? ›

Big 4's Corporate Hierarchy and Required Experience
Assistant ManagerDeputy ManagerINR 13-18 Lakh
ManagerManagerINR 20-30 Lakh
Associate DirectorSenior DirectorINR 30+Lakh
DirectorDirectorINR 40-70 Lakh
6 more rows
Feb 22, 2024

Is McKinsey better than Big 4? ›

The most prestigious firms are McKinsey, Bain, and BCG. Next most prestigious are "Tier 2" firms such as Kearney, Accenture, and LEK. This tier also includes the strategy consulting arms of the Big 4 firms, including Deloitte Monitor, EY Parthenon, and PwC's Strategy&.

Do you get fired from Big 4? ›

I've seen staff fired several reasons - working for another firm while still employed by PwC, using corporate card to pay for $30k of personal expenses, never doing the work that was assigned to them.

Is it stressful to work in the Big 4? ›

It is not about working long hours per day. It is about the work culture that can drive people insane and affect mental health. Managers get pressure from their managers and they simply pass on that pressure to their reportees.

Can you get into Big 4 with low GPA? ›

We would, however, say that the minimum GPA required is 3.0. But if you find that yours is a bit lower than that, just work on your GPA for grad school, gain work experience, or take on leadership roles during your academic career. These are called compensating factors.

How valuable is the Big 4 on resume? ›

To the employers, candidates having Big 4 experience on their CV means: They are the crème de la crème – It is an impression that only the best of the graduates would be able to get through the three-stage interviews and land on a job in the Big 4.

Is working at KPMG prestigious? ›

KPMG has long been recognized as a premier learning organization, winning multiple awards for innovative programs, including being a proud member of the Training magazine Top 10 Hall of Fame. Our commitment to your career development helps to set us apart as an employer.

Which Big 4 has the best culture? ›

KPMG Work Culture

Though the smallest of the Big 4 firms, KPMG is known to have the best work-life balance amongst its employees. The company places an emphasis on employee engagement and has the lowest churn rate of the Big 4. KPMG is somewhere between the more agile Deloitte and the old-school style of PwC.

Is Big Four prestigious? ›

Part of the prestigious Big 4, KPMG offers the ability to drive your own career. Development opportunities include strong training, the ability to move locations and change roles, and the ability to switch practice areas.

Is Big 4 interview difficult? ›

The interview process at the Big Four accounting firms (Deloitte, PwC, EY, and KPMG) can be challenging and rigorous. These firms have high standards for hiring and seek candidates with strong academic backgrounds, relevant work experience, and excellent interpersonal and problem-solving skills.

Who is the strongest in the Big 4? ›

The Big 4 Details
  • Deloitte is the tax/audit/accounting market leader and is the largest professional services firm in the world, both in terms of revenue and number of employees. ...
  • PwC enjoys a strong second place in market share amongst the Big 4 accounting firms.
Mar 11, 2024

What is the most prestigious audit firm? ›

Based on the results of the survey, here are Vault's 50 most prestigious accounting firms for 2025:
  • PwC.
  • Deloitte.
  • EY.
  • KPMG.
  • Grant Thornton.
  • BDO USA.
  • RSM US.
  • Baker Tilly.
Apr 16, 2024

Who is the biggest among the Big 4? ›

Deloitte. The largest of the Big 4, Deloitte, earned $59.3 billion in revenue in 2022.

Which Big 4 has the best work-life balance? ›

Work-Life Balance Improvement Strategies

For example, PwC offers its employees flexibility in structuring their schedules, taking time off when needed, and working reduced hours or remotely at times. The firm also focuses on initiatives around physical and mental wellbeing.

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.