How To Woo An Avrizti: A Step-By-Step Guide - Chapter 2 - AlternianPersona, IDK_Virgo - おそ松さん (2024)

Chapter Text

By the time they got to their room, the two of them were making out, though Choromatsu's tongue was definitely testing Osomatsu's gag reflex due to its length. He didn't seem to care though: he was too horny at this point.

He moaned drunkenly into the other's mouth, spit dripping down his chin as he was struggling to contain Choromatsu's 12 inch tongue within his own mouth. 'Damn, this guy's tongue is trying to get all the way in, huh?' Osomatsu thought to himself, though his mind was starting to turn to mush as Choromatsu pushed him onto the bed, running his hands along his sides and back, his nails lightly scratching the skin and leaving little red trails to show where he had been.

The Avrizti eventually broke the kiss, leaving Osomatsu gasping a bit as he was finally able to suck down some desperately needed air, causing Choromatsu to chuckle lightly. "Sorry about that. I forgot that most humans can't take my length." He joked, finding Osomatsu's breathless reaction charming.

"Y-You're good, just- wooo, I wasn't expecting you to take my breath away within the first few minutes." Osomatsu stated teasingly, using another cheesy line that Choromatsu seemed to find funny given the little snort that left him. God, he was too perfect.

"Well, if that took your breath away, you're gonna be speechless by the time we get to the real fun part~♡" Choromatsu chimed in a rather suggestive tone, his hands snaking their way down to Osomatsu's pants and caressing his bulge, giving it a little tentative squeeze that made Osomatsu tense up before letting out a shaky sigh.

This was a whole new experience for Osomatsu. Not only was he about to f*ck an Avrizti for the first time, but he was also going to f*ck for the first time. What a way to lose your virginity.

He made little pants and groans as Choromatsu palmed his rapidly growing erection through his clothes, though they wouldn't be staying on for much longer as Choromatsu unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down with his boxers, freeing Osomatsu's throbbing co*ck and taking in the sight of it.

Choromatsu hadn't seen many human genitalia before, and certainly not in person, but he had seen enough images and diagrams to make some assumptions about the general quality of the genitals he was dealing with. He was pretty average in width and girth, a slight upwards curve and a pronounced tip; the thing that got his attention though was his length. It wasn't the longest, but it was definitely above average for a Japanese male; and it was a length that Choromatsu was ready to get intimately familiar with.

Choromatsu, faintly drunk and increasingly horny, smirked a bit as he turned his gaze to Osomatsu's reddened face and confused eyes. "I promised I'd show you what I can do with my tongue; so let me finally fulfill that promise~♡" He cooed, his sultry tone tickling Osomatsu's ears and causing his dick to twitch in anticipation.

Thankfully, he didn't have to wait long as Choromatsu unfurled his long, slime-like tongue and dragged it up the middle of his balls, along the underside of his shaft, then coiled around the head as he effortlessly brought his mouth all the way down to the hilt.

"Ho-Holy sh*t-! Haaah- Fuuuck Choromatsu~" Osomatsu stammered out in a moan as he was hit with a wave of pleasure that he had never experienced in his life. The most he'd ever done was masturbat* with his hands or an onahole, but this was far and away better than either. The way Choromatsu's tongue had coiled around his entire length, stroking it without moving his head and having enough tongue left over to squeeze and caress his balls. Just how long is this guy's tongue!?

Choromatsu was pleased by the sounds he was getting from Osomatsu, continuing to work his tendril-like tongue around his co*ck and balls, practically milking him as a steady stream of precum weeped from the tip and coated the back of Choromatsu's tongue; a hum rising in his throat as he became familiar with the other's taste, growing intoxicated from the smell of his musk.

As he gave Osomatsu one hell of a blow j*b, one of his hands slithered down to where his hips met his torso, and began to rub against a nearly inperceivable slit in his serpentine tail, a bit of translucent green slick dripping onto the bedsheets beneath him as soft, muffled moans left his co*ck stuffed mouth.

On Osomatsu's end, he was in heaven. His brain had never been filled with this much pleasure all at once, and he could feel his org*sm rapidly approaching. "sh*t- Choromatsu- ngh~ I-I don't think I'll last much longer." He moaned as one of his hands came to rest in Choromatsu's hair, lightly tangled within his locks.

Hearing this, Choromatsu seemed to get more engrossed in his task, stroking him faster with his coiled tongue and squeezing around his nuts in tandum as if to say 'Do it'. And those last few strokes were enough to push him over the edge.

"f*ck, Choromatsu- I-I'm gonna- AAaAAHHhHHH~!!!" Osomatsu cried out in pleasure as his balls tightened along with his grip on the Avrizti's hair, shooting a healthy dose of cum straight down Choromatsu's throat and coated his mouth with whatever he didn't manage to swallow.

He didn't release Osomatsu's co*ck from his tongue's hold though, deciding to give it a few teasing sucks so he would be up and ready for the main event, even if it was overstimulating the poor man. "sh*t-! Choromatsu, stooop~!" He whined, lightly pulling at his hair to get him to stop; even though it was obvious to Choromatsu that the other never wanted him to stop.

But he relinquished the poor man's co*ck from his tendril's hold, leaving it coated in a thin layer of his faintly green saliva as well as the remnants of his org*sm. "F-Fine, but only for you take a breather. We haven't even gotten to the best part yet~♡" He teased, earning a deeper blush from the already drunk and flustered man.

Osomatsu sighed in relief once Choromatsu's mouth released his member, giving him a small break to catch his breath until he noticed that Choromatsu had slithered up onto the bed more. As he did, Osomatsu couldn't help but notice the slick on Choromatsu's tail.

"Damn, you were turned on that much from giving me head? I'm curious to see how hard you go when we get to the actual f*cking." Osomatsu teased back, making Choromatsu grow more green in the face. This got worse with his follow up question. "Say, don't Avrizti have tentacle dicks?"

"W-Well, yes. We do, but I-. . . I don't have it out in the open." Choromatsu muttered under his breath, far too flustered to look the other in the eyes. He then glanced at Osomatsu before he quickly turned his gaze away, eyes landing on some complimentary booze in the room. "H-How about another drink? I-I think they have saké over here." He stammered, practically tripping over his own tail as he scrambled to the alcohol. The alcohol was starting to wear off, and he'd need some in his system to remain somewhat confident in his ability to make this enjoying.

Osomatsu, being someone who was always down to drink, watched him and smiled wide. "Hell yeah, more booze!" He cheered, gleefully taking the saké Choromatsu offered to him and drinking a whole saucer's worth before asking for more; downing most of the bottle within minutes.

Choromatsu on the other hand got about three saucer fulls before he was drunk off his ass, giggling and laying splayed across the bed as he watched Osomatsu chug the bottle, a haze of alcohol and lust clouding his eyes. "Heeey~ Osomatsuuu, pay attention to meee~!" He whined, reaching his hands out to him as he made grabby motions with his hands. He really was drunk off his ass.

Osomatsu glanced at him and smirked drunkenly, setting the bottle down and crawling over to Choromatsu. "Alright, alrigh- *hic* I got yooou~" He cooed, wrapping his arms around him as they began making out once more. As they sloppily entangled their tongues together, Osomatsu's dick started to grow more lively and, within a minute or so, was fully up and running again.

Choromatsu moaned needily into the other's mouth, letting him get a taste of his own cum and making it a very enjoyable experience. Similar to Osomatsu, his own arousal was causing his genitals to make themselves known as a tentacle like phallus grew from the gelatinous goo of his tail, and the slit within that tail became clearly visible.

Being in such close proximity to one another, it didn't take Osomatsu long to notice these new additions to his partner; especially when he felt something wrapping around his co*ck. "MmMMmhhHhHH-!?" He squeaked in surprise, breaking the kiss and looking down between them to see Choromatsu's erection curled around his own.

"O-Ohhhh, I wasn't expecting that." He muttered, face even redder than before as Choromatsu blushed slightly at his reaction, glancing away after as thoughts raced through his head. Did he not like it? Was this too weird for him? He should've stopped himself before he-

"Guess your tail is more forward than you are, huh~?" Choromatsu's thoughts were cut short as he heard Osomatsu's cheesy question, bringing his gaze back towards the human's own only to see him smirking as he suddenly rolled his hips forward, grinding his co*ck against Choromatsu's coiled shaft and his slit.

That was the moment Osomatsu realized the slit he noticed before was in fact not a sheath for Choromatsu's dick. "Wait. . . Holy sh*t- you got a cloaca?" He asked in drunken astonishment, baffled by his own discovery.

Choromatsu's mind was getting a little hazy from the alcohol, trying to remember what a cloaca is, but remembered that it was a term to describe an orifice that was used for procreation and excrement disposal.

"Ummm. . . I guess?" He replied, a little flustered and confused by the question as Osomatsu stared under himself for a second before his smirk returned to his face, carefully pulling Choromatsu's dick off of his own and proceeding to rut up against the now moist slit, causing Choromatsu to gasp and whimper softly, his uncoiled co*ck tangling itself in Osomatsu's hand.

"Then that means it'll feel good if I put it in~?" Osomatsu asked, his voice dripping with such lust and seduction that it sent a shiver down the Avrizti's spine. Choromatsu let out a shaky pant at the question, brain growing foggy as the arousal took over him. He was too horny to refuse such a question.

"Y-Yeah, it'd feel good." He muttered, breath hitching in his throat as Osomatsu continued grinding against his slit, a bit of slick leaking from it as he grew hotter. His body was practically begging for it.

Osomatsu smirked more, grabbing Choromatsu's hip in one hand, the other giving his tentacle a light squeeze as he shifted his weight and angled the head of his dick right at Choromatsu's quivering entrance. "Let's see how good it feels then~♡" He chimed huskily before he flicked his hips forward and popped the tip in with little issue.

Choromatsu let out a squeak of surprise before he melted into the pleasure as Osomatsu began easing his way in, little moans escaping the Avrizti beneath him. "Daaamn~ you weren't lying about it feeling good. If anything, you were under-selling it; this feels f*cking heavenly~♡" Osomatsu groaned in satisfaction, continuing forward until he bottomed out inside Choromatsu's cavernous hole. Then, he began to move.

The sounds that came from Choromatsu's mouth were like music to Osomatsu's ears. His moans were soft and breathless, as if each thrust had taken his breath away. "Ah! O-Osomatsu- ngh! I-I didn't know what I was- hah- expecting, but I didn't think it- oh! I-I didn't think it would be this good~!" He panted, gripping the sheets beneath him as his tail writhed and twitched as jolts of pleasure shot through his body.

Hearing Choromatsu's praise filled moans seemed to please Osomatsu, his thrusts slowly picking up in pace as he grinned down at the writhing Avrizti beneath him. "Heh, glad I could make this enjoyable for ya." He chimed huskily, bringing his hand up to caress the other's body while he continued to stroke the tentacle wrapped around it, swiftly entangling their tongues once more as he pounded into Choromatsu's virgin hole.

Choromatsu gasped as Osomatsu kissed him, shocked that he was suddenly being so forward before he melted into the passionate frenching he was receiving; little moans and purrs slipping out with each flick of his hips. He never wanted this to end~!

As things began to ramp up, and the two drew closer to another climax, they grew more daring; Osomatsu pressed hard and deep with every hammering thrust while Choromatsu coiled his tail around Osomatsu to keep him from getting away.

"f*ck- AH! I-I'm so close, Osomatsu!" Choromatsu croaked out, his body and mind growing overwhelmed from the pleasure, ready to snap and send him over the edge any second.

Osomatsu wasn't far behind, his mind racing as he pumped his hips like his life depended on it. "M-Me too- ngh- let's cum together, okay?" He panted, slamming his sloppy co*ck in and out with what little vigor he had left.

"Y-Yeah, together- AH~! f*ck, I'M CUMMING~!!!" Choromatsu screamed out as his whole body writhed and squeezed Osomatsu, slick squirting out around Osomatsu's co*ck, his own co*ck soon following as a surprising amount of cum shot out across their chests.

Once Choromatsu tightened up around Osomatsu and his dick, it didn't take long for him to reach his breaking point. "Ghk- f*ck, I'm gonna- NGH!!!" He grunted loudly, burying his throbbing co*ck deep inside Choromatsu's c*nt and pouring his load into him without a second thought, feeling satisfied with himself and Choromatsu.

Unfortunately for them, they had forgotten a rather important fact regarding Avrizti while in their drunk and horny state: the Avrizti are hermaphroditic, and they're compatible with humans.

How To Woo An Avrizti: A Step-By-Step Guide - Chapter 2 - AlternianPersona, IDK_Virgo - おそ松さん (2024)
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Author: Van Hayes

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Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.