Assessment of Barotrauma Injury and Cumulative Sound Exposure Level in Salmon After Exposure to Impulsive Sound (2024)

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Noise and Marine Life: Progress From Nyborg to Cork in Science and Technology to Inform Decision Making

Southall, B.L. et al. | 2012

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Listening Backward: Early Days of Marine Bioacoustics

Tavolga, W.N. et al. | 2012

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Effects of Underwater Noise on Marine Mammals

Erbe, C. et al. | 2012

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Psychophysical Studies of Auditory Masking in Marine Mammals: Key Concepts and New Directions

Reichmuth, C. et al. | 2012

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On the Relationship Between Environmental Noise, Critical Ratios, and Comodulation Masking Release in the Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)

Branstetter, B.K. / Trickey, J.S. / Finneran, J.J. et al. | 2012

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Direct Measurements of Subjective Loudness in a Bottlenose Dolphin

Schlundt, C.E. / Finneran, J.J. et al. | 2012

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High Auditory Time Resolution in Bottlenose Dolphins Is Effective Protection Against Reverberation

Zaslavski, G. et al. | 2012

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Frequency Selectivity in the Bottlenose Dolphin Auditory System

Zaslavski, G. et al. | 2012

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Auditory Brain Stem Responses Associated with Echolocation in an Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)

Li, S. / Nachtigall, P.E. / Breese, M. et al. | 2012

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Hearing, Noise, and Echolocating Odontocetes

Nachtigall, P.E. / Supin, A.Y. / Breese, M. et al. | 2012

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Evoked Potential Audiometry in Aquatic Mammals

Supin, A.Y. et al. | 2012

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Prediction of a Mysticete Audiogram via Finite Element Analysis of the Middle Ear

Tubelli, A. / Zosuls, A. / Ketten, D. / Mountain, D.C. et al. | 2012

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Reverse Engineering the Cetacean Ear to Extract Audiograms

Zosuls, A. / Newburg, S.O. / Ketten, D.R. / Mountain, D.C. et al. | 2012

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Validation of a Vibroacoustic Finite Element Model Using Bottlenose Dolphin Experiments

Krysl, P. / Trijoulet, V. / Cranford, T.W. et al. | 2012

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Acoustic Function in the Peripheral Auditory System of Cuvier's Beaked Whale (Ziphius cavirostris)

Cranford, T.W. / Krysl, P. et al. | 2012

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Auditory Evoked Potential Measurement of Hearing Sensitivity in Pinnipeds

Mulsow, J. / Reichmuth, C. / Houser, D. / Finneran, J.J. et al. | 2012

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Hearing in Birds: What Changes From Air to Water

Dooling, R.J. / Therrien, S.C. et al. | 2012

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Amphibious Hearing in Sea Turtles

Piniak, W.E.D. / Mann, D.A. / Eckert, S.A. / Harms, C.A. et al. | 2012

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Hearing Capabilities of Loggerhead Sea Turtles (Caretta caretta) Throughout Ontogeny

Lavender, A.L. / Bartol, S.M. / Bartol, I.K. et al. | 2012

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Are Sharks Even Bothered by a Noisy Environment?

Casper, B.M. / Halvorsen, M.B. / Popper, A.N. et al. | 2012

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Optimal Auditory Sensitivity Under Variable Background Noise Conditions: A Theoretical Model

Lugli, M. et al. | 2012

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A Critical Reevaluation of the Role of Acoustic Pressure in Source Localization by Fish

Rogers, P.H. / Martin, J.S. / Bogle, J.R. et al. | 2012

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Vibration of the Otoliths in a Teleost

Schilt, C.R. / Cranford, T.W. / Krysl, P. / Shadwick, R.E. / Hawkins, A.D. et al. | 2012

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Hearing Sensitivity of the Painted Goby, Pomatoschistus pictus

Bolgan, M. / Pedroso, S.S. / Vasconcelos, R.O. / Jordao, J.M. / Amorim, M.C.P. / Fonseca, P.J. et al. | 2012

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Acoustic Communication in Pomatoschistus spp.: A Comparison Between Closely Related Species

Pedroso, S.S. / Bolgan, M. / Jordao, J.M. / Fonseca, P.J. / Amorim, M.C.P. et al. | 2012

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Importance of Hearing for Survival of Danio rerio (Zebrafish) in an Experimental Predator/Prey Environment

Jorgensen, R.A. / Brandt, C. / Wahlberg, M. / Christensen-Dalsgaard, J. et al. | 2012

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Lateral Line Canal Morphology and Noise Reduction

Klein, A.T. / Bleckmann, H. et al. | 2012

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Potential for Sound Sensitivity in Cephalopods

Mooney, T.A. / Hanlon, R. / Madsen, P.T. / Christensen-Dalsgaard, J. / Ketten, D.R. / Nachtigall, P.E. et al. | 2012

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Listening in Noise

Fay, R.R. et al. | 2012

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Discovery of Sound in the Sea: An Online Resource

Vigness-Raposa, K.J. / Scowcroft, G. / Miller, J.H. / Ketten, D. et al. | 2012

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Whistles of Bottlenose Dolphins: Group Repertoires and Geographic Variations in Brazilian Waters

Hoffmann, L.S. / Ferlin, E. / Fruet, P.F. / Genoves, R.C. / Valdez, F.P. / Di Tullio, J. / Caon, G. / Freitas, T.R. et al. | 2012

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Detection and Classification of Vocalizations for the Study of Marine Mammal Distributions in the Chukchi Sea

Hannay, D. et al. | 2012

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Acoustic Ecology and Behavior of Minke Whales in the Hawaiian and Marianas Islands: Localization, Abundance Estimation, and Characterization of Minke Whale ``Boings''

Norris, T. / Martin, S. / Thomas, L. / Yack, T. / Oswald, J.N. / Nosal, E.-M. / Janik, V. et al. | 2012

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What You See Is Not What You Hear: The Relationship Between Odontocete Echolocation Click Production and Hearing

Kloepper, L.N. / Nachtigall, P.E. / Breese, M. et al. | 2012

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Sound Production and Reception in Southern Sea Otters (Enhydra lutris nereis)

Ghoul, A. / Reichmuth, C. et al. | 2012

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Nocturnal Acoustic Activity in the Shallow Waters of the WWF-Miramare Natural Marine Reserve (Trieste, Italy)

Codarin, A. / Picciulin, M. / Sebastianutto, L. / Calcagno, G. / Spoto, M. / Ferrero, E.A. et al. | 2012

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Acoustic Ecology of the California Mantis Shrimp (Hemisquilla californiensis)

Staaterman, E.R. / Clark, C.W. / Gallagher, A.J. / Claverie, T. / deVries, M.S. / Patek, S.N. et al. | 2012

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Influence of Turbidity on the Incidence of Sound Production in Atlantic Croaker (Micropogonias undulatus) in Pamlico Sound, North Carolina

Krahforst, C.S. / Walsh, J.P. / Sprague, M.W. / Eulie, D.O. / Corbett, D.R. / Luczkovich, J.J. et al. | 2012

Propagation of Lusitanian Toadfish Sounds in Estuarine Shallow Waters

Ramos, A. / Amorim, M.C.P. / Fonseca, P.J. et al. | 2012

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Sound Production in Some Physostomous Fish Species and Effects of Biological Sounds on Fish

Kuznetsov, M.Y. / Kuznetsov, Y.A. et al. | 2012

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Is Biological Sound Production Important in the Deep Sea?

Rountree, R.A. / Juanes, F. / Goudey, C.A. / Ekstrom, K.E. et al. | 2012

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Unusual and Unexpected Biological Noisemakers in the Irish Sea and St. George's Channel

Coates, R. / Coates, G.A. / Porter, R. / Davies, A. / Evans, D. et al. | 2012

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Noise-Induced Hearing Loss: From Animal Models to Human Trials

Le Prell, C.G. et al. | 2012

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Auditory Effects of Underwater Noise in Odontocetes

Finneran, J.J. et al. | 2012

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Implementation of Acoustic Dosimeters With Recoverable Month-Long GPS/TDR Tags to Interpret Controlled-Exposure Experiments for Large Whales

Mate, B.R. et al. | 2012

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Marine Mammal Auditory System Noise Impacts: Evidence and Incidence

Ketten, D.R. et al. | 2012

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Effect of Broadband Sounds on the Auditory Evoked Potential Thresholds in the Beluga Whale

Popov, V.V. / Supin, A.Y. et al. | 2012

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The ESME Workbench: Simulating the Impact of Anthropogenic Sound on Marine Mammals

Mountain, D.C. / Anderson, D. / Brughera, A. / Cross, M. / Houser, D.S. / Musleh, N. / Porter, M. / Siderius, M. et al. | 2012

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Using EarLab to Study Masking Due to Anthropogenic Sound

Mountain, D.C. / Anderson, D. / Brughera, A. et al. | 2012

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Portable Auditory Evoked Potential System to Assess Odontocete Hearing

Pacini, A.F. / Nachtigall, P.E. / Kloepper, L.N. et al. | 2012

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Barotrauma in Fish and Barotrauma Metrics

Carlson, T.J. et al. | 2012

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Assessment of Barotrauma Injury and Cumulative Sound Exposure Level in Salmon After Exposure to Impulsive Sound

Halvorsen, M.B. / Casper, B.M. / Carlson, T.J. / Woodley, C.M. / Popper, A.N. et al. | 2012

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Shipboard Assessment of Hearing Sensitivity of Tropical Fishes Immediately After Exposure to Seismic Air Gun Emissions at Scott Reef

Hastings, M.C. / Miksis-Olds, J. et al. | 2012

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A Lack of Correlation Between Air Gun Signal Pressure Waveforms and Fish Hearing Damage

McCauley, R.D. / Kent, C.S. et al. | 2012

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Effects of Short-and Long-Term Exposure to Boat Noise on Cortisol Levels in Juvenile Fish

Spiga, I. / Fox, J. / Benson, R. et al. | 2012

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Potential Effects of Long-Term Exposure to Boat Noise on the Growth, Survival, and Nutrient Retention in Juvenile Fish

Spiga, I. / Fox, J. / Benson, R. et al. | 2012

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Predicting Hearing Loss in Fishes

Smith, M.E. et al. | 2012

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Effects of Pile-Driving Noise on Oncorhynchus mykiss (Steelhead Trout)

Oestman, R. / Earle, C.J. et al. | 2012

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Controlled Exposure Study of Dolphins and Sea Lions to Midfrequency Sonarlike Signals

Houser, D. / Yeates, L. / Crocker, D. / Martin, S.W. / Finneran, J.J. et al. | 2012

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A Direct Comparison of Bottlenose Dolphin and Common Dolphin Behavior During Seismic Surveys When Air Guns Are and Are Not Being Utilized

Barry, S.B. / Cucknell, A.C. / Clark, N. et al. | 2012

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Behavioral Reactions of Harbor Porpoise to Pile-Driving Noise

Tougaard, J. / Kyhn, L.A. / Amundin, M. / Wennerberg, D. / Bordin, C. et al. | 2012

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Effects of Offshore Pile Driving on Harbor Porpoises (Phocoena phocoena)

Brandt, M.J. / Diederichs, A. / Betke, K. / Nehls, G. et al. | 2012

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Evaluating the Effects of Offshore Pile Driving on Phocoena phocoena (Harbor Porpoises) by Using Passive Acoustic Monitoring

Lucke, K. / Dahne, M. / Adler, S. / Brandecker, A. / Krugel, K. / Sundermeyer, J.K. / Siebert, U. et al. | 2012

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Effects of Underwater Explosions on Presence and Habitat Use of Harbor Porpoises in the German Baltic Sea

Sundermeyer, J.K. / Lucke, K. / Dahne, M. / Gallus, A. / Krugel, K. / Siebert, U. et al. | 2012

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Behavioral-Response Studies: Problems With Statistical Power

Dunlop, R.A. / Noad, M.J. / Cato, D.H. et al. | 2012

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Detection and Tracking of Whales Using a Shipborne, 360^o Thermal-Imaging System

Burkhardt, E. / Kindermann, L. / Zitterbart, D. / Boebel, O. et al. | 2012

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Distribution of Bowhead Whale Calls Near an Oil Production Island With Fluctuating Underwater Sound

Richardson, W.J. / McDonald, T.L. / Greene, C.R. / Blackwell, S.B. / Streever, B. et al. | 2012

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Assessment of the Effect of Natural and Anthropogenic Aquatic Noise on Vaquita (Phocoena sinus) Through a Numerical Simulation

Castellazzi, G. / Krysl, P. / Rojas, L. / Cranford, T.W. et al. | 2012

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Impacts of Anthropogenic Sounds on Phocoena phocoena (Harbor Porpoise)

Kastelein, R. / Jennings, N. et al. | 2012

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Changes in Vocal Behavior of North Atlantic Right Whales in Increased Noise

Parks, S.E. / Johnson, M.P. / Nowacek, D.P. / Tyack, P.L. et al. | 2012

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Acoustic Compensation to Shipping and Air Gun Noise by Mediterranean Fin Whales (Balaenoptera physalus)

Castellote, M. / Clark, C.W. / Lammers, M.O. et al. | 2012

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Long-Term Monitoring of Anthropogenic Noise and Its Relationship to Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) Distribution in the Cres-Losinj Archipelago, Northern Adriatic, Croatia

Rako, N. / Picciulin, M. / Mackelworth, P. / Holcer, D. / Fortuna, C.M. et al. | 2012

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Does Vessel Noise Affect the Use of Sound by Foraging Orcinus orca (Killer Whales)?

Holt, M.M. / Noren, D.P. / Emmons, C.K. et al. | 2012

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Do Silent Ships See More Fish? Comparison of a Noise-Reduced and a Conventional Research Vessel in Alaska

De Robertis, A. / Wilson, C.D. / Williamson, N.J. et al. | 2012

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Behavioral Observations of Baleen Whales in Proximity of a Modern Fishing Vessel

Bernasconi, M. / Patel, R. / Nottestad, L. et al. | 2012

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Assessing Effects of an Acoustic Marine Geophysical Survey on the Locomotive Behavior of Bottlenose Dolphins, Tursiops truncatus

van der Woude, S.E. et al. | 2012

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Acoustic Monitoring of Beluga Whales (Delphinapterus leucas) in Cook Inlet, Alaska

Lammers, M.O. / Small, R. / Atkinson, S. / Castellote, M. / Jenniges, J. / Rosinski, A. / Moore, S. / Garner, C. / Au, W.W.L. et al. | 2012

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Soundscape of a Nearshore Coral Reef Near an Urban Center

Au, W.W.L. / Richlen, M. / Lammers, M.O. et al. | 2012

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Gap Duratinos in Ambient Noise Impact the Communication Range of Harp Seals: A Pilot Study

Terhune, J.M. et al. | 2012

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Importance of Underwater Sounds for Migration of Fish and Aquatic Mammals

van Opzeeland, I. / Slabbekoorn, H. et al. | 2012

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Behavioral Responses of Diamondback Terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin terrapin) to Recreational Boat Sounds

Lester, L.A. / Standora, E.A. / Bien, W.F. / Avery, H.W. et al. | 2012

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Assessing Disturbance From Under-Ice Noise on Fishes in Boreal Lakes

Cott, P.A. / Mann, D.A. / Higgs, D.M. / Johnston, T.A. / Gunn, J.M. et al. | 2012

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Impacts of River-Based Air Gun Seismic Activity on Northern Fishes

Cott, P.A. / Popper, A.N. / Mann, D.A. / Jorgenson, J.K. / Hanna, B.W. et al. | 2012

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Effects of Underwater Noise on Larval settlement

Stanley, J.A. / Radford, C.A. / Jeffs, A.G. et al. | 2012

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Does Vessel Noise Change the Calling Rate and Intensity of Soniferous Fishes?

Luczkovich, J.J. / Krahforst, C.S. / Sprague, M.W. et al. | 2012

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Behavioral Responses of Captive Herring to Sonar Signals (1-1.6 kHz) of a Naval Frigate Throughout a Yearly Cycle

Doksaeter, L. / Kvadsheim, P.H. / Handegard, N.O. / Nordlund, N. / Godo, O.R. et al. | 2012

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Acoustic Tagging: A Suitable Method for the Study of Natural Herring Behavior Around Spawning?

Langard, L. / Johannessen, A. / Ferno, A. / Nottestad, L. / Skaret, G. / Slotte, A. / Rottingen, J. / Ovredal, J.T. et al. | 2012

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Effects of Pile Driving on the Behavior of Cod and Sole

Thomsen, F. / Mueller-Blenkle, C. / Gill, A. / Metcalfe, J. / McGregor, P.K. / Bendall, V. / Andersson, M.H. / Sigray, P. / Wood, D. et al. | 2012

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A Novel Field Study Setup to Investigate the Behavior of Fish Related to Sound

Mueller-Blenkle, C. / Gill, A.B. / McGregor, P.K. / Andersson, M.H. / Sigray, P. / Bendall, V. / Metcalfe, J. / Thomsen, F. et al. | 2012

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Do Ocean-Based Wind Farms Alter the Migration Pattern in the Endangered European Silver Eel (Anguilla anguilla) Due to Noise Disturbance?

Andersson, M.H. / Lagenfelt, I. / Sigray, P. et al. | 2012

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Effects of Vessel Engine Noise on the Acoustic Signaling Behavior of Dascyllus albisella (Hawaiian Damselfish)

Fisher-Pool, P.I. / Lammers, M.O. / Munger, L.M. et al. | 2012

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Distribution and Potential Impact of Boat Noise on Fish Sound Production From an Autonomous Acoustic Array in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico

Wall, C.C. / Simard, P. / Mann, D.A. et al. | 2012

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Cichlid Courtship Acoustics: Signals and Noise Influence Reproductive Behavior

Slabbekoorn, H. / Verzijden, M. / May, C. et al. | 2012

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Using Catch Statistics to Investigate Effects of Seismic Activity on Fish Catch Rates

Vold, A. / Lokkeborg, S. / Tenningen, M.M. et al. | 2012

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Effects of Sounds From Seismic Air Guns on Fish Behavior and Catch Rates

Lokkeborg, S. / Ona, E. / Vold, A. / Salthaug, A. et al. | 2012

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A Bioenergetics Approach to Developing a Population Consequences of Acoustic Disturbance Model

Costa, D.P. et al. | 2012

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Energetic Cost of Behaviors Performed in Response to Vessel Disturbance: One Link in the Population Consequences of Acoustic Disturbance Model

Noren, D.P. / Dunkin, R.C. / Williams, T.M. / Holt, M.M. et al. | 2012

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A Common Sense Approach to Source Metrics

Ellison, W.T. / Frankel, A.S. et al. | 2012

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Underwater Sounds From Unattenuated and Attenuated Marine Pile Driving

Reyff, J. et al. | 2012

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What is the Source Level of Pile-Driving Noise in Water?

Ainslie, M.A. / de Jong, C.A.F. / Robinson, S.P. / Lepper, P.A. et al. | 2012

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Ground Roll Waves as a Potential Influence on Fish: Measurement and Analysis Techniques

Hazelwood, R.A. et al. | 2012

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Assessment of Cumulative Sound Exposure Levels for Marine Piling Events

Lepper, P.A. / Robinson, S.P. / Ainslie, M.A. / Theobald, P.D. / de Jong, C.A.F. et al. | 2012

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Modeling the Propagation of Transient Sounds in Very Shallow Water Using Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) Calculations

Sprague, M.W. / Luczkovich, J.J. et al. | 2012

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Proximate Measurements of Acoustic Emissions Associated with the Installation and Operation of an Exploration Jackup Drilling Rig in the North Sea

Todd, V.L.G. / White, P.R. et al. | 2012

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Measurement of Underwater Noise Arising From Marine Aggregate Operations

Robinson, S.P. / Theobald, P.D. / Lepper, P.A. / Hayman, G. / Humphrey, V.F. / Wang, L.-S. / Mumford, S. et al. | 2012

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Svein Vaage Broadband Air Gun Study

Mattsson, A. / Parkes, G. / Hedgeland, D. et al. | 2012

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Cetacean Hearing-Damage Zones Around a Seismic Source

Laws, R. et al. | 2012

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Modeling Cumulative Sound Exposure Over Large Areas, Multiple Sources, and Long Durations

Erbe, C. et al. | 2012

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Sound-Recording Systems for Measuring Sound Levels During Seismic Surveys

Ovredal, J.T. / Totland, B. et al. | 2012

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First Description of the Sound Pressure and Particle Velocity Components of the Ambient Noise and Boat Noise Recorded at the WWF-Miramare Natural Marine Reserve, Trieste, Italy

Farina, A. / Armelloni, E. / Sebastianutto, L. / Franzosini, C. / Picciulin, M. et al. | 2012

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Underwater Particle Accleration Induced by a Wind Turbine in the Baltic Sea

Sigray, P. / Andersson, M.H. et al. | 2012

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Is the Ocean Really Getting Louder?

Stocker, M. / Reuterdahl, T. et al. | 2012

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The Complexity of Noise Impact Assessments: From Birdsong to Fish Behavior

Slabbekoorn, H. et al. | 2012

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Extrapolating Beyond Chinchillas: Behavioral Response Ambiguity Through the Lens of Variable Human Responses to Moderate Wind Farm Noise

Cummings, J. et al. | 2012

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Underwater Noise Effects From Wave Energy Devices on Marine Mammals: A Possible Approach

Patricio, S. et al. | 2012

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Physical Biologists and Biological Physicists: Combining Biology and Physics in Research on the Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life

Cato, D.H. et al. | 2012

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``So, Am I Correct in My Understanding That a Decibel Is the Same as a Hertz?'': The Quest for Informed, Objective Environmental Impact Analysis of Marine Anthropogenic Noise

Polglaze, J.F. et al. | 2012

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Environmental Assessment of Offshore Wind Power Generation: Effect on a Noise Budget

Miller, J.H. / Potty, G.R. / Vigness-Raposa, K.J. / Casagrande, D. / Miller, L.A. / Nystuen, J.A. / Scheifele, P.M. / Clark, J.G. et al. | 2012

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Development and Implementation of Criteria for Exposure of Western Gray Whales to Oil and Gas Industry Noise

Nowacek, D.P. / Vedenev, A. / Southall, B.L. / Racca, R. et al. | 2012

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Strategic Assessment of the Risk Posed to Marine Mammals by the Use of Air Guns in the Antarctic: Concepts, Methods, Results, and Controversies

Boebel, O. / Breitzke, M. / Burkhardt, E. / Bornemann, H. et al. | 2012

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Establishing a Safety Zone for Marine Mammals Due to Underwater Blasting

Broner, N. / Huber, M. et al. | 2012

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The Marine Mammal Protection Act: A Regulatory Approach to Identifying and Minimizing Acoustic-Related Impacts on Marine Mammals

Daly, J.N. / Harrison, J. et al. | 2012

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Noise-Related Stress and Cumulative Impact Assessment

Wright, A.J. et al. | 2012

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Interim Criteria for Injury to Fish From Pile-Driving Activities: Recent Experiences

Rodkin, R. / Pommerenck, K. / Reyff, J. et al. | 2012

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Marine Mammal Acoustics Exposure Analysis Models Used in US Navy Environmental Impact Statements

Wartzok, D. / Erbe, C. / Getz, W.M. / Thomas, J. et al. | 2012

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Status of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Guidelines for Assessing Impacts of Anthropogenic Sound on Marine Mammals

Scholik-Schlomer, A.R. et al. | 2012

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Regulatory Assessments of the Effects of Noise: Moving From Threshold Shift and Injury to Behavior

Johnson, C.E. et al. | 2012

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United States Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement: Filling Data Gaps to Better Understand the Effects of Anthropogenic Noise on Marine Life

Lewandowski, J. / Burkhard, E. / Skrupky, K. / Epperson, D. et al. | 2012

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Regulation of Sound in the Ocean: Recent and Future Possible Changes

Tasker, M.L. et al. | 2012

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Marine Bioacoustics and the Regulation of Fisheries

Kuznetsov, Y.A. / Bocharov, L.N. / Akulin, V.N. / Kuznetsov, M.Y. et al. | 2012

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Update From the OEER Association on Research Findings Associated With the Assessment of the Impacts of Seismic Exploration on Marine Invertebrates

Matthews, J.M. et al. | 2012

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Managing Underwater Noise in European Waters: Implementing the Marine Strategy Framework Directive

Tasker, M. / Amundin, M. / Andre, M. / Hawkins, A.D. / Lang, W. / Merck, T. / Scholik-Schlomer, A. / Teilmann, J. / Thomsen, F. / Werner, S. et al. | 2012

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Acoustic-Based Cetacean Detection in Irish Waters

McKeown, E. et al. | 2012

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Real-Time Monitoring of Noise in Cetacean Acoustic Niches

Andre, M. / van der Schaar, M. / Zaugg, S. / Houegnigan, L. / Sanchez, A. / Mas, A. / Castell, J.V. et al. | 2012

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What Does Ecosystem Acoustics Reveal About Marine Mammals in the Bering Sea?

Miksis-Olds, J.L. / Nystuen, J.A. / Parks, S.E. et al. | 2012

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Ship Traffic Noise Distribution in the Strait of Gibraltar: An Exemplary Case for Monitoring Global Ocean Noise Using Real-Time Technology Now Available for Understanding the Effects of Noise on Marine Life

Folegot, T. et al. | 2012

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Are There Technological Alternatives to Air Guns for Oil and Gas Exploration to Reduce Potential Noise Impacts on Cetaceans?

Weilgart, L. et al. | 2012

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Modeling Cumulative Sound Exposure Along a Seismic Line to Assess the Risk of Seismic Research Surveys on Marine Mammals in the Antarctic Treaty Area

Breitzke, M. / Bohlen, T. et al. | 2012

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North Atlantic Treaty Organization Marine Mammal Risk Mitigation Principles and Guidelines

Ryan, K.L. / Jespers, S. et al. | 2012

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Mitigating Impacts of Underwater Noise From Dredging on Beluga Whales in Cook Inlet, Alaska

Hoffman, C.A. et al. | 2012

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Exploration and Production Sound and Marine Life Joint Industry Programme: Research Progress and Applications

Michael, J.L. / Campbell, J. / Hedgeland, D. / Jenkerson, M. / Melton, H.R. / Notor, L. / Tait, R.D. / Tsoflias, S.L. / Wolinsky, G. et al. | 2012

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Managing Anthropogenic Underwater Noise in the Northwest Territories, Canada

Hanna, B.W. / Cott, P.A. / Joynt, A.A. / Harwood, L. et al. | 2012

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SIRENA '10: Beyond the Mediterranean

Haun, J. / Ryan, K. / B-Nagy, A. et al. | 2012

print version


Planning Is Critical to Ensure Effective Mitigation of Naval Activities

Dolman, S.J. et al. | 2012

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Standardizing Protected Species Observer Requirements in the United States

Baker, K. / Epperson, D. / Goldstein, H. / Skrupky, K. / Smith, B. / Gitschlag, G. / Lewandowski, J. / Turk, T. et al. | 2012

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Using Passive Acoustics to Monitor the Presence of Marine Mammals During Naval Exercises

Kumar, A. / Nissen, J. / Bell, J. / Shoemaker, M. et al. | 2012

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Development of a National Database and Standards for Protected Species Observer Data in the United States

Goldstein, H. / Epperson, D. / Baker, K. / Skrupky, K. / Smith, B. / Gitschlag, G. / Lewandowski, J. / Turk, T. et al. | 2012

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Coordinated Management of Anthropogenic Noise From Offshore Construction Off Sakhalin Island for Protection of the Western Gray Whale

Racca, R. et al. | 2012

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Workshop One: Risk Analysis

Carlson, T.J. / de Jong, C. / Dekeling, R.P.A. et al. | 2012

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Workshop Two: Long-Term and Cumulative Effects of Acoustic Exposure Along With Other Stressors

Gisiner, R. / Frisk, G. et al. | 2012

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Workshop Three: Approaches to Behavioral Analysis of Responses to High-Energy Acoustic Sources

Lokkeborg, S. / Thomsen, F. et al. | 2012

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Workshop Four: International Regulatory Issues

Scholik-Schlomer, A.R. / Mageau, C. et al. | 2012

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Assessment of Barotrauma Injury and Cumulative Sound Exposure Level in Salmon After Exposure to Impulsive Sound (2024)
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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.